Quote from Zahnradfee
Wow, this gives me gooseflesh.
I've always been creeped out by the abyss of time. I'm not afraid of spiders or tight places or heights or flying or darkness, but to think about aeons of time makes me feel uncomfortable.
Same here, gives me the creeps, messes with my mind O.O
Hm I'm worried.. with the website going down, how are we gonna get updates for the mod?
Back for another vote!
I didn't know that the coding was so different
I wonder why they would do that though?
If it's harder to make mods.. who even thought up of that? o-o
Huh really? Kinda risky considering there will always be people there to complain about it but whatever, I can't wait for a 1.9!
Actually to say the truth, I was kinda hoping for 1.8 but idc. xP It's his decision and One Piece is too awesome for complaining
Sadly, I think it might take a long time before Mine Mine no Mi gets 1.9...
Has it even had a version in 1.8? I don't think so?
Ohh eh.. I like anime with a good storyline so idek what to think about it now. One Piece has an amazing storyline
People think I am crazy for recommending a 730+ episode anime but they're just scared T3T
Ah alrighty thanks
It's sad to see this mod lagging around but I know it'll get a lot better in the future
I'm always gonna support it
Though yeah, I don't see whats so good about One Punch Man. It looks like an average shounen animoo to me lol
Good old 1.4.3 xP Or somewhere around there idk
Hey it's been a long time! Sorry I keep disappearing and reappearing a lot. I've been busy for a while.
I have a few questions of course, and I'm also going back to the last time I posted so I can catch up on news. (But of course it's super boring :D)
First, what did I miss? Like, is Wynd-kun alright? Is Eira-chan alright? c:
What kind of things did you.. oh, you went hiatus. Well that doesn't matter, I do it all the time with books, projects, etc. xD
Also, the most annoying thing I could ask; can I have a link to the current Mine Mine no Mi? Also, may I have the link to the current forge as well? I'd do this all myself but I will make it worse, knowing me. xP
Meyling fell and couldn't get up!
Meyling thought cave spiders were adorable.
I've changed my forum name before as well..
Try using this to help you.
From there, you should be able to change your forum name.
Nah, though if picturing it in my head and building it counts..
The first game was amazing, a new experience in horror games.
I never played any games in the series myself to be honest..
I watched people play it and laugh at them when they got jumpscared (Mostly Markiplier. Sorry Markimoo.)
Then there came even more games and the fanbase is just cancer.
Spreads, annoying, probably causes death.. (no offense to anyone who has/had cancer of course.)
Another game that I liked and now dislike is Sonic the Hedgehog.
Having multiple people that never shut up about it can really give you a negative view about it.
Of course, Sonic Unleashed will forever be my favorite game from the franchise. ;p
A student in social studies said this;
"England is Europe right?"
*holds pencil to his head*
Say that again.....