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    posted a message on Purchasing problem:
    Try loading it on a different browser or even a different computer.
    Posted in: Legacy Support
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    posted a message on Changing Key for "Enter/Return"
    Hey guys, I'm on a macbook and my enter key is broken for whatever reason. I use an alternate keyboard layout that allows me to use enter by pressing my equal/plus key, but it doesn't seem to work in Minecraft/java-based applications. This is a serious problem for multiplayer. I can't use chat or the important server-side functions. I really enjoy this game and I may pool some funds with my friends for a server if I can at least take part in multiplayer! Any suggestions? I think I can figure out how to run an alternative keyboard input in java if someone can explain to me how to create the necessary .jar file. I already tried simply changing the .keyboardlayout to .jar to no avail. Thanks for any input. (Yes, I know I should just get my keyboard replaced but I feel like Apple would charge me $100 or more and I'm a broke college student)
    Posted in: Legacy Support
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