Well I've found a number of bugs so I figured I should just list them:
1) Game (still) crashes when attempting to breed.
2) Game crashes after making an argyle body.
3) Tamed wolves randomly lose health and start whimpering, even when they aren't being hurt.
Wolf variations seems to be working fine with no problems, and everything unmentioned is working fine as well.
I believe all of the mobs except pigs and creepers will just be set on fire for a short while. Notch already confirmed that pigs will turn into zombie pigmen, and if anyone remembers that picture that Mojang posted that said "ered Creepers", this is likely what they are. Probably referred to as Powered Creepers.
To be honest, the first shelter I ever made is the same way I make houses now. It's been the same routine for the past 8 months. Basically a 5x6x4 little hut with some wool as a carpet:
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That's really all I need for a shelter. I'm exploring most of the time anyways.
I suggest making a world strictly for one or a few goals. Right now I installed the beekeeping and butterfly mods. I have two goals: Catch two of each kind of butterfly, and put them in a garden with glass walls. I also need to get to the Nether to get at least one lightstone dust to create an incubator for my bees.
So, pretty much, just download mods that give some kind of a challenge. Or else think of some challenge you could do in vanilla Minecraft, like getting both kinds of records and making a jukebox.
I can keep a world for like 3 days. I'll eventually get bored of seeing the same things over and over again, so I delete it and restart. But my first world lasted for like 2 months until it got some kind of corruption and I had to delete it.
learn to pack ur stuff correctly because the way u did this sux ass
1/2 the **** isnt even catigorized at ALL so u have to copy/paste it everywhere and hope u get the **** right
calm down. stop being an ignorant ***** just because you can't install things correctly. maybe if you politely asked "can you help me please? (insert problem here) is not working correctly.", someone would politely help you.
aside from that, i personally think the beehives on trees and the bee swarms are kind of rare. i've only found two hives and one swarm after travelling for two minecraft days. maybe we could have a properties file to change the spawn rate of these? oh, and the bee swarms look kind of ridiculous. when i first saw one i thought it was some kind of tornado.
Sly and Pbat, because they're entertaining and always have at least two new videos up when I get on Youtube. And when they get together to do a dual commentary, it's great, they act like little school children.
This is happening to me too, and since it makes my hard-won dogs useless, I am desperately in need of a fix.
Well, at least I found someone else feeling the same pain. I don't think there's any fix for it, though, I've already tried so many experiments, killing 3 of my 7 dogs in the process.
Confining them in the pen may be part of it. Do they teleport to you if you move far away from them? Also, they may not have loaded properly. Did you try relogging?
They're not teleporting when I walk far away from them. The pen was working fine earlier, and I have tried relogging.
Quote from Darerd »
Why does this happen? Minecraft has two compilers, the graphics and the system. The graphics is how you render the game and the system is everything else. The bug is that when you save and quit to title, sometimes the graphics say the wolves are sitting and the system saya it is not, so there's an error when you right click them and they are stuck in their sitting position.
To fix the bug, right click on each one a few times then leave/enter the world again.
So I have 7 wolves in a little pen I made, along with a den and a water trough. I've been playing with them for about two real life days, having a good time fighting with them and what not.
However, about 10 minutes ago, I logged onto Minecraft to find my dogs, sitting as usual, in their little pen. For some reason, when I right click any of my dogs, they just sit there, doing nothing. I tried giving them some bones, nothing happens. I give them some raw porkchops, they eat it, they regain health, but nothing happens. I pushed like 3 of them into their water trough, they swim around in it, then hop out, shake the water off, but then sit down again without my consent! Now one of them is just constantly hopping up and down while sitting, and I don't know how to fix it.
After all this happened, I just started hitting them with my bare hands. But then they betrayed me and started attacking me until I died. One of them actually got stuck in a fence block, and the only way to get him out was to kill him .
If anyone else is experiencing this glitch and knows how to fix it, please tell me! I haven't seen any other threads summarizing this glitch, though. I'm desperately looking for help, I've wasted so many bones on these guys, I don't want to have to kill them all and get new wolves!
Got a video up, maybe it will make things easier to understand.
ignoring the previous comments, this is a very good idea, i was thinking about something similar to this the other day. i think pet headwear and/or armor is a very good way of telling your dogs apart, and we can make them look stylish at the same time. but your post could've had a better description.
honestly i would have to say the most annoying would be ghasts... all they do is scream like little crying children and shoot fireballs that blow everything up. then when you try to get away from them they shoot your portal, and if you don't have a flint and steel your totally screwed.
1) Game (still) crashes when attempting to breed.
2) Game crashes after making an argyle body.
3) Tamed wolves randomly lose health and start whimpering, even when they aren't being hurt.
Wolf variations seems to be working fine with no problems, and everything unmentioned is working fine as well.
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That's really all I need for a shelter. I'm exploring most of the time anyways.
So, pretty much, just download mods that give some kind of a challenge. Or else think of some challenge you could do in vanilla Minecraft, like getting both kinds of records and making a jukebox.
calm down. stop being an ignorant ***** just because you can't install things correctly. maybe if you politely asked "can you help me please? (insert problem here) is not working correctly.", someone would politely help you.
aside from that, i personally think the beehives on trees and the bee swarms are kind of rare. i've only found two hives and one swarm after travelling for two minecraft days. maybe we could have a properties file to change the spawn rate of these? oh, and the bee swarms look kind of ridiculous. when i first saw one i thought it was some kind of tornado.
Well, at least I found someone else feeling the same pain. I don't think there's any fix for it, though, I've already tried so many experiments, killing 3 of my 7 dogs in the process.
They're not teleporting when I walk far away from them. The pen was working fine earlier, and I have tried relogging.
It didn't work.
However, about 10 minutes ago, I logged onto Minecraft to find my dogs, sitting as usual, in their little pen. For some reason, when I right click any of my dogs, they just sit there, doing nothing. I tried giving them some bones, nothing happens. I give them some raw porkchops, they eat it, they regain health, but nothing happens. I pushed like 3 of them into their water trough, they swim around in it, then hop out, shake the water off, but then sit down again without my consent! Now one of them is just constantly hopping up and down while sitting, and I don't know how to fix it.
After all this happened, I just started hitting them with my bare hands. But then they betrayed me and started attacking me until I died. One of them actually got stuck in a fence block, and the only way to get him out was to kill him .
If anyone else is experiencing this glitch and knows how to fix it, please tell me! I haven't seen any other threads summarizing this glitch, though. I'm desperately looking for help, I've wasted so many bones on these guys, I don't want to have to kill them all and get new wolves!
Got a video up, maybe it will make things easier to understand.