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    posted a message on Is using Minutor in survival a cheat?

    I've just downloaded Minutor on 1 October 2016. I've used it and it seems that it is not a cheat tool. But I really want to confirm if using this in survival mode a cheat or just a supporter? Thank you very much :)

    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on Is it safe using Minutor this way?

    I open up my Minecraft world and Minutor at the same time. Is this safe, in MCEdit, this will crash but I wanna know if this will crash as well or not. Thank you very much :)

    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Mastered the Area Effect Cloud tag, what about /stats
    Quote from Minh2908»

    Wiki link: http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Commands#stats

    /stats is essentially a way to store data gained from commands and then put them in scoreboards. A simple example would be using this to get nearby diamond ores by continuously replacing them with another block and revert them back, then use /stats to check the amount of blocks affected, posting to a scoreboard.

    I heard that using /stats you can create new gamerules. I don't understand the part where you said,"Nearby diamond ores by continuously replacing them with another block and revert them back" and the statement,"check the amount of blocks affected, posting to a scoreboard" The parts whereby is bold and underlined are words that I am mainly confused about.
    Posted in: Commands, Command Blocks and Functions
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    posted a message on Testfor for location
    Quote from Minh2908»

    The testfor command doesn't have block coordinates, if I'm not mistaken (You should probably check on the wiki). Assuming the armor stand doesn't move, /execute @e[type=ArmorStand,(any other specific targeter)] ~ ~ ~ /testfor @p[x=X,y=Y,z=Z] where X,Y,Z are the coordinates for the player. Alternatively, use r=2 if you want to test for a radius

    Oh, I understand what are you to say. So, the correct command with your the mistake pointed out should be

    /execute @e[type=ArmorStand,c=1] ~ ~ ~ /testfor @p [x,y,z,r]
    Posted in: Commands, Command Blocks and Functions
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    posted a message on 2 Emerald Ore blocks together
    Quote from TheMasterCaver»

    I've seen this several times (I've only mined over 1,800 emerald ore in one world...) and while very rare it is entirely possible that the game will even try to generate emerald ore on top of another emerald ore since the x,y,z locations are randomized within each chunk with 3-8 attempts:

    int var5 = 3 + par2Random.nextInt(6);
    for (var6 = 0; var6 < var5; ++var6)
        var7 = par3 + par2Random.nextInt(16);
        var8 = par2Random.nextInt(28) + 4;
        int var9 = par4 + par2Random.nextInt(16);
        int var10 = par1World.getBlockId(var7, var8, var9);
        if (var10 == Block.stone.blockID)
            par1World.setBlock(var7, var8, var9, Block.oreEmerald.blockID, 0, 2);

    You can even calculate the chance of this happening; any given block within a chunk has a 1 / (16 * 16 * 28) = 0.01395% chance of being an emerald ore, which is also the chance that the game will try to place another emerald ore at the same block (the overall chance of this is the square of the probability or one in 513.8 million attempts). Since a given block has 6 blocks immediately adjacent to it there is a 0.0837% chance of any of those blocks being an emerald ore per attempt, and not counting the first attempt (i.e. the initial block) there are an average of 4.5 attempts per chunk (5.5 total), so one in 265.5 emerald ore blocks will have another block adjacent to it (this does not consider blocks at y=4 or 31, which can't have emerald ore below/above them, or blocks that try to generate in something other than stone).

    Including diagonally adjacent blocks the chances are higher since there are 26 surrounding blocks, for a 1.632% chance or one in 61.26 emerald ore blocks (subject to the aforementioned caveats).

    With a bit of searching with Minutor I found a double emerald ore in my own world (seed "-123775873255737467" in 1.6.4; the terrain itself was generated in 1.5.1 which is usually the same but there can be small differences due to changes to chest loot affecting the RNG):

    Interestingly enough, it is in a taiga biome - that is because the game populates chunks according to the biome in the northwestern corner of the chunk to the southeast and normally adds 8 to the chunk coordinates when placing features so the actual populated area is centered around the point used to determine the biome but not in the case of emerald ore, causing it to be offset to the northwest of that point (this can often be seen from the surface; trees at the edge of forests will tend to follow biome borders in steps of 16 blocks).

    How did you take the screenshots? :)

    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Base Idea Needed!
    Quote from cdrocks234»

    I think you should have a big enderman farm in the center of your base. Then it should branch out in all 4 directions t big rooms that have biomes that represent the overworld all with mini houses in each. I know it will be hard to do this so I don't really recommend it but make it all out of obsidian.

    I don't think it is possible to have a Enderman farm in vanilla survival. As you know that Enderman teleports, it wouldn't be possible, right?
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Can't Dismount from horse/boat/minecart.
    Quote from mmartin_185»

    Hey all, have any of you run into this before? L-shift is not allowing me to dismount from any rideable entity. L-shift is still set to sneak, but rather than dismounting, it makes me crouch on top of whatever I am riding. It was working just fine, then one day it just stopped working. It's been like this for a week now. I cannot find any way to dismount a boat or minecart, and the only way off the horse is to run it into water. I'm running the latest version, and L-shift works just fine for dismounting on my offline maps. It will not work on the applecraft server. Any help would be much appreciated!

    I have ran into this situation before. I was in a boat and I dismounted using the shift key and found myself standing on the boat. Actually you are already dismounted, just that you dismounted in such a way that you are standing on top of the ridable entiy. All you have to is to move and eventually you would be dismounted. Or maybe it was between dismounting and riding back the entity. If that was the case(which I had to) then you may require to kill the entity. It is an annoying glitch. Hopefully they will fix it in 1.11 full release.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on find a library in my strong hold

    Actually, a ravine has an advantage as well. It can help you find ores much easier(that means you don't have to do branch mining so often) :)

    Posted in: MCPS4: Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Enderman spawn / farm - update 1.10.2

    Try the hit and run tactic. Basic material to bring is



    Walk backwards. In 1.9+, Enderman walks very fast(faster than you sprint). That's why bring a shield. When it gets very close to you, hold up your shield and it bounce backwards 1-2 blocks and then start hitting again(and walk at the same time) and then when it gets close to you again, the same applies :)

    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on A bug or a mechanic I don't know?

    What I have is a machine that generates structures across the world that all have an ArmorStand inside of them with a looping cooldown timer. Everything works fine... Until I get to far away and the chunks become unloaded. What I would expect to happen is that the timer stops ticking down and then resumes when I move back within range of it. But instead, it just deletes the score and runs none of the commands that occur when the Timer score hits zero, which is a major setback. Any light anybody can shed on this... bug(?) would be greatly appreciated.

    I am not really sure of what you're saying but I'm guessing what you mean was when the chunks are unloaded, the commands stop running. Assuming this was your problem, then the only to fix without getting the chucks unloaded is to prepare all your command machines at the spawn chunk(the place where your default spawnpoint is) then it will never get unloaded :)
    Posted in: Commands, Command Blocks and Functions
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    posted a message on Need help making villagers go somewhere

    No commands, yet. I'm wondering if I can manipulate the villager's AI to make them go where I want. For instance, let's say I want to lead a villager across a room, how would I do that?

    Assuming you are standing next to the villager that you want to move, then it would be

    /tp @e[type=Villager,c=1] x y z

    x y z stands for the location of the room(coordinates)

    Posted in: Commands, Command Blocks and Functions
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    posted a message on Attribute tutorial - 1.9.1
    Quote from jelaw22»

    I know this is kind of an old thread, but I have been using MineTweaker (well craft tweaker) in 1.10.2 and I have created items with the Tags as above, however, it show +30 armor, but I get no additional shields? I equip it and fall and I take normal un-armored damage. Any idea why it is showing the bonus, but not actually applying it?

    You need to actually apply the Feather Falling or Protection enchantments into the boots in order to prevent fall damage :)
    Posted in: Commands, Command Blocks and Functions
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    posted a message on Attribute tutorial - 1.9.1
    Quote from Minh2908»

    Fall damage DOESN'T get reduced by armor, you know.

    But it does get reduced when you have Feather Fallling or Protection enchantments(just to let you know) :)
    Posted in: Commands, Command Blocks and Functions
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    posted a message on Need help making villagers go somewhere

    Hello, there.

    So, I want to remake the game Sheltered in minecraft (but simpler) and I've built my 2D bunker, but now I want to figure out a way to lead the villagers around the bunker. I don't mean editing their "Motion" or just teleporting them there, what I mean is a way to lead villagers around. I've heard that villagers will go for fully-grown wheat, but when I place it behind the 2D bunker, not one villager even bats an eye.

    I'm wondering if I'm doing this wrong, or if there's another way to lead them places. Please help!

    Please provide this commands you're using :)
    Posted in: Commands, Command Blocks and Functions
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    posted a message on Easy access to specific place

    I think it should be

    /tp @p[50,0,50,3] @r

    This will teleport the nearest player at 50 0 50 in the radius of 3 to a random player. You can change @r to @r[type=<Mob>] it's all up to you

    Posted in: Commands, Command Blocks and Functions
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