A WIP multiplayer hack n' slash mod for Minecraft
Status Update (4/20/2018)
Java 7-10 should now be working for Hack/Mine! (Java 8 is recommended, however.) Check the downloads for version There should be fewer crashes and other performance improvements as well. Also, I stuck some massively improved installation instructions in the download, including steps for how to install using MultiMC, how to fix broken sounds, etc. Enjoy!
I'm currently working on updating Hack/Mine for the Technic launcher as well, so stay tuned for that... (UPDATE: Technic build is live! Woohoo!)
As far as life updates go, you can check the thread for that, but basically, my dad actually passed away in June of last year. I'm fine on the cancer front, though, and should basically be in the clear now. Thanks for sticking around and playing the mod, y'all, it means a lot to me.
Status Update (4/21/2017)
Alright... I present to you an ultra-pre-alpha demo of the NebRax Engine! Download it here. Also, hop in my Discord server to chat and report bugs and crashes! I'll be there 24/7 in the near future.
If y'all wanna help me test by running it on your machines, I'd greatly appreciate it! You'll need 64-bit Windows, 64-bit Java 8, and a decent CPU and GPU. It's only a 10 MB download or so.
Currently, gameplay is limited to flying around ultra-fast and adding/removing terrain. Kinda curious what y'all make of the movement, what your thoughts and ideas are, etc. I have no idea how it's going to fare on everyone's systems, and that's probably the main reason I want y'all to test it - I got some issues on AMD earlier, but hopefully those are hammered out.
A hossly GIF: http://imgur.com/mLpwtsT
A nice, wide shot of procedural terrain with edits:
A cratery landscape...
- Open up the main menu with ESC and check out "Key Bindings" for the (almost) comprehensive controls.
- WASD to move around, SHIFT to sprint, SPACE to jump.
- Double-tap SPACE to toggle Free Fly Mode.
- Left-Click to place terrain, Right-Click to remove terrain.
- Mouse-Wheel to zoom the camera and resize the placement cursor, L_CTRL + Mouse-Wheel to swap materials.
- L to pick up and place the world's directional light.
- F to fire little physics objects!
Issues I'm currently aware of:
- Terrain is sometimes missing: for now, just open up the menu with ESC and mash the "Fix Missing Terrain" button.
- Sometimes you can fall through the terrain. Just double-tap space to go into "free-fly mode."
- Non-100% DPI is jacked for fullscreen mode (similar issues exist for Minecraft, actually.)
- Clouds disappear as you get closer to them, then pop back in once you're inside them.
- Removing terrain underneath "sleeping" physics objects does not "wake" them, and they just float there until disturbed.
- Grass looks pretty static - would look better if it swayed in the wind.
Short-term planned features:
- Fixes for any known issues.
- Improved performance, better performance scaling.
- Improved cross-platform support.
- Simple undo/redo system for terrain placement.
- More terrain placement shapes (basically, more world creation tools.)
- Better atmosphere rendering, sun/moon/stars, etc.
Status Update (4/15/2017)
Hey all, just a courtesy life update: I'm alive and stuff! I finished chemo in February last year, and have been doing fine since. Cancer appears to be in remission, and my next scan is in May. Progress on the NebRax engine is coming along really well, and I actually plan on letting y'all playtest a demo of it really soon! Otherwise, not to keep dropping life issues on y'all... but my dad has actually been in the hospital over the last month, and I've been spending a lot of time helping out with him.
As far as cancer goes, I really appreciate all the kind messages you guys have sent to me, it really means a lot. Things should be fine now, but it definitely threw a massive wrench in my plans to say the least. The main reason I haven't updated this thread was basically anxiety... hard to have plans or commit to anything when the future is uncertain, etc. But things are looking much better.
As soon as my dad's health situation has passed, I should be able to give better plans on things, but for now, just know I'm really busy with the engine, doing some contract work, and helping out with my dad, but I plan on getting that demo out to y'all soon (hopefully within a few days, though I may postpone depending on other obligations.)
The best place to follow me right now is on Twitter, either at my dev account or my personal account. Thanks for all the kind words over the past year and a half! It really means a lot.
Note: Old status updates have been removed, for the sake of making this massive post more maintainable. Sorry 'bout that.
How to Play!
Press "r" to open your spellbook and spend your stat points!
Use "+" and "-" to zoom the radar in and out
Once you enter a world for the first time, a dialogue asking which class you want to be will appear! For now you can be a Warrior, a Mage, or a Ranger (with many more to come!) Be smart and learn to use your spells, which are:
- Leap: Sail into the air, escaping harms way!
- Taunt: Causes an enemy to focus his attacks on you! (Will serve more of a purpose once the threat mechanic is in place)
- Leash: Pulls an enemy towards you!
- Charge: Dash into a crowd of enemies, blowing them asunder!
- Whirlwind: Spin in full circle, hitting all nearby enemies!
- Blink: Teleport a short distance! (inaccurate at longer distances... be careful )
- Firebolt: Blast your enemies with fire!
- Charged Bolt: Release a barrage of energy particles, increasing in number as you stack Intelligence!
- Lightning: Bend the wrath of the heavens to your will...
- Gust: Knocks all enemies in a close proximity far away!
- Climb: Passive ability to climb natural blocks!
- Leap: Temporary! Will be replaced with arrow zip-linin' tomfoolery at some point...
- Tri-shot: Fire multiple arrows at once!
- Exploding Arrow: A high mana cost, moderate explosion on impact!
- Lightning Arrow: Word of advice-- do NOT use this on Roflc- better yet, DO use it on Roflcondas! Go right on ahead. No, really!
- Torchin' Shot: Places a torch on impact! Consumes a torch.
If your game crashes or you see a not-blatantly-obvious issue, post it and any error messages on the thread! It's your job-- neigh, your DUTY as a tester of Hack/Mine! Also, suggestions are more than welcome.
If things are "hiccupy", it's probably because of the large dungeons generating. There's an option under "More World Options..." to disable them if it's really that bad. Also, towers can be disabled along with structures, but they're on the new system and shouldn't be causing issues.
- When will you update to 1.5? As soon as time permits. Probably after a regular update or two.
- Why does Minecraft blackscreen on startup? You installed incorrectly, try again!
- But I just tried 10 times! Do some research, then try again! Follow the instructions with diligence!
- I can't move when I enter the world! HALP! Try opening the Controls menu and fiddling with the options (this generally fixes it)
- Servers are giving me "Outdated HM Client" or "Outdated HM Server" errors, HALP! It's exactly what it sounds like-- somebody needs to update.
- Where do I leave suggestions? This thread is fine, I'll definitely see them (and I love to read them). But for Pete's sake, don't PM me with them!!!
Compatible Mods
- Optifine Standard, Smooth, and Multicore! To install it, drag Optifine's files into the folder after dragging in Hack/Mine's, followed by the contents of "optifineFix".
- Probably more!
Bug Reporting and Known Bugs
If you're black-screening on start-up, or the error message isn't displaying:
Windows: Edit and stick this in a text file, rename the extension to ".bat", then run it to launch your Minecraft.exe. Once the error occurs, it should stick the message in "error.txt".
@ECHO "Starting with error log!"<br><br>javaw -jar "C:\Your_File_Path\Minecraft.exe" 1> log.txt 2> error.txt<br>
Mac: Open Applications -> Utilities -> Console. The error should be towards the bottom, possibly with "items found", "recipes found", and/or a whole bunch of " at java..." and " at minecraft..." lines. Copy all of it!
If the error says something like "class not found" or "ImageIO", I'm 99% certain you installed incorrectly. If it's anything else at all, post the entire error on the thread in a spoiler! I REALLY need to see it!
Known Bugs:
- Lighting in towers and dungeons is bugged. This is actually a Minecraft error, and apparently fixed in 1.5 (a strong incentive for me to update.)
- General Spellscript bugginess. Report anything and everything!
- Probably more
Hack/Mine is a customizable, action-RPG hack n' slash mod for Minecraft (like Diablo II or Torchlight) with an emphasis on teamwork, twitch, and strategy. It currently features sprawling, randomly generated dungeons, randomly generated loot, a live combat display and radar, a stat system with unique mechanics, a customizable class system with utterly scriptable spells and skill trees, "Areas" comprised of multiple chunks with a myriad of randomized features like mob compositions (soon to include fog, color schemes, and more), many new mobs and rare spawns with more to come, a new dimension that shall remain mysterious, a scriptable NPC dialog system that's still in its initial phases, NPC vendors, script blocks (command blocks that can run actual code), in-game creation of console scripts, an overhauled key binding system, and a heck of a lot more. A lot of this is facilitated by Spellscript, a perhaps-one-day-independent Minecraft mod that lets you mod Minecraft in-game (not to mention a fully-fledged in-game Spellscript IDE).
It should be emphasized that customization is transferred over the network, so clients only have to log into your server to appreciate your homemade classes, spells, and more
Sprawling dungeons composed of many rooms, filled with loot, traps, and vile creatures...
Multi-chunk areas with randomized features; the evils of Minecraftia await you...
Note: Frizzil is not responsible for any limbs, pets, or siblings consumed by divine fire.
An efficient radar with zoom capabilities! Also displays current Area...
A stat system affecting everything from magical prowess to attack speed, along with fancy new GUIs.
+ 5 Stat points per level
+ 1 Skill point per level
+ STR improves damage
+ DEX improves crit rating, attack speed and defense rating
+ AGI is being debated upon
+ INT improves magic damage
+ WIS improves mana pool
+ FRT improves health pool
+ DMG is based on Weapon Damage and, depending on your weapon, STR, DEX, or INT.
+ DEF is based on DEX and Armor
+ The second hotbar is for spells
+ The Spellbook lists all known spells for placement in the hotbar
Randomly generated names and properties! Thousands upon THOUSANDS of possibilities! Includes bonuses to stats, elemental damage, movement speed, curses, and much, much more!
The Crerpent: by far the most terrifying creature in this game. Or maybe the Roflconda?
Reel in terror at the Dire Chicken!
If you think you can outrun the vicious Raptor, think again...
Naga are an irritable bunch...
And what kind of RPG would this be without Giant Rats?
Fear the poisonous Scorpion!
The Wizard's ability to teleport and harass with magic is unheard of...
You hit an enemy, the damage shows up and slowly drifts/fades away! Crits are also displayed.
Random names, special abilities, magical loot, the works...
Treasure, Liches, and powerful Wizards await you...
An absolute must for server management and megaprojects alike...
And magic a'plenty!
Oh, and tell your friends
Use Dis Here Banner!
Just copy this into your signature (making sure you're not WYSIWYG mode... that little lightswitch on the top left of the editor? ):
<a href="http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/502897-123-hack-slash-mine-alpha-soon/"><img src='https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-VDRljMs8Fec/T2-Z9vYJrCI/AAAAAAAAAJU/CvsO_hO7zKE/s800/hackslashminebanner.png' /></a>
SMP: For making some amazing new textures. This includes the revamped Naga, the rings, the amulets, and the new dungeon blocks, with more to come. His texture pack is the one featured with Hack/Mine in the Technic launcher.
Jhuto (My Roommate): The inventory and spellbook textures, making the lovely banners on this thread, and a great deal of idea bouncing. Also, the Orc Archer's texture. And finally, for not being ticked off that I put off doing the dishes for a week while pushing the alpha out.
RevVo: A metric ton of spell icon textures, in addition to many mob models that have yet to be added.
wrnewlun1: Talented chef of spell icons.
Sambrosia: Many projectiles and their animations.
4dragonking: Beauteous donor of spell icons.
Notch, Jeb, and the rest of Mojang: For making Minecraft, an amazing game!
The Technic Crew: For creating the auto-magic Technic Launcher, and giving modders the power to create.
The Yogscast: For reviewing H/M, thus channeling hordes of gamers at the mod! Also, for inspiring modders to create because of their amazing videos.
UPDATE: I'm no longer a poor college student! However, if you feel like donating, it's still appreciated! All funds go toward monthly website maintenance fees and random expenses related to Hack/Mine development (which are mainly random software licenses).
Alan Fulks
András Neltz
Bluestone Servers
Brian Chronowski
Böröczi Márk
Christian Walde
Christopher Jones
Connor Charalambides
Daniel Nguy
David Biscaro
Donatien Polliand
Dustin Saddy
dylan sperry
Empire Hostings
Ethan Closuit
Farid Garibov
Frank Rivera
jeb brown
John Leung
Jonathan McCulfor
Joshua Aguiar
joshua smith
Justin Schultz
Kevin Liang
Manuel Cancela
Marina Panozzo
Micha Kwiecie
michael rigby
oliver slott
Randy Hope
Riccardo Pirozzi
Shamar Matthews
Stephanie Schneider
Stephen Latz
Timothy Degidio
william marrero
Please let me know if I missed your name!
Copyright Notice:
Spellscript, a library written in Java that is distributed with the Mod (and may be considered a component of it), is also sole property and Copyright(2012) of Philip Guin (The Owner). It may later be open-sourced under a different license at The Owner's discretion.
By similar terms of the official Minecraft terms of use, you are free to do whatever you want with videos and screenshots of the Mod. "Tools" and "plugins" made especially for the Mod should be treated like "tools" and "plugins" are for Minecraft, respectively, abiding by the official Minecraft terms of use. You're free to decompile the code, play with it, and make "tools" or "plugins," so long as you never distribute complete, runnable jars of Minecraft, or entire, working packages of the Mod without advanced written permission of the Owner.
In short: Give credit where it's due. Don't be a jerk!
Sounds more like infatuation than love, buddy.
Coffee is my favorite, though.
Chop off their hands.They must obey the Code of Hammurabi.
Currency is more efficient than bartering.