I'd look into Vintage Story. Far more complex and challenging than base Minecraft, paired with a greater emphasis on survival and natural world generation. You'll be sinking in a lot of time due to its more realistic approach toward survival gameplay, on top of its greater variety of building blocks and tools, but it's a fun time all around. Especially with friends.
It's a fun way to scratch that Minecraft-alternative itch, but I'd recommend looking into some beginner's guides first. It can be a lot to take in for Minecraft newbies. (Unless you've played some of the more technical mods like Create maybe. Or you've played Terraria. You get the picture. All-in-all an interesting experience)
I was anticipating for it to be disastrous, but so far it hasn't really done anything to affect me and my friends negatively. Any form of media censorship is bad IMO, be it for moderation purposes or as a way of appealing to investors. Then again, I don't really play on that many servers either. I can't really say if it's done any significant harm or not since its initial implementation, so I decided to vote neutral. Feel free to correct me if its done anything otherwise.
In my experience, thorns has also been nigh impossible for me to score on a book and table. Your best bet is to either go exploring or farm librarian villagers, the latter of which likely yielding you the best result.
The texture pack is incompatible, or broke it itself during the release of new updates.
You could have "layered" the texture packs incorrectly. One of the packs might have to be placed above, or below the other inside of the Resource Packs menu. This bug has happened to me a few times while applying packs for my Bedrock world, though this fix might not be the case for Java.
You have shaders, optifine, or some client mod installed that's interfering with your resource packs/ mods folder
From what I'm seeing in the image you attached, you have some shaders installed, and I'm only guessing that it could be to do with the last bullet. I could be entirely wrong, though.
Is this a problem in any specific Minecraft world? If this is a problem with the game you might want to check if you’re using any modded clients/ client mods, and either have those fixed or reinstalled (GDLauncher, Optifine, etc).
There might be some tutorials out there if you’re on bedrock, but currently I’m unsure of what’s causing the problem specifically. It’s probably not a status effect from what I’m seeing. Best of luck to you otherwise
Apologies for the late response, it’s for a custom modpack my friends and I are putting together. It’s all related to Galacticraft and a few other random mods put together just for fun. (Eg. The Dalek Mod, Tech Guns)
I will also be looking into the anti-cheat plugin options you gave me. Had almost no idea those were a thing until now, for some reason.
Was considering Bisect initially, but Scalacube sounds like a nice alternative so might have to give it a look.
Hey all, I plan on starting a modded server at some point with some friends, and I wanted to ask a few questions:
What third-party hosts can you recommend for a server that will likely house 10 players, and maybe 5 or 6 mods? (I can try and choose a plan from there, but recommendations for those are always appreciated.)
Are there any other performance enhancing mods that I should know about that work in, and/ or prior to, 1.12.2.?
Recommend plugins and/ or data-packs for a 1.12.2 world.
Is MultiMC a good enough launcher for putting together modpacks, or are there a few other alternatives I should try out?
This was a fairly short list, but it's all that I feel is currently necessary to help get my server up and running. This is all I wanted to ask for now, thanks.
Late reply, but name changes can be requested through either the website's support email ([email protected]), or through contacting one of the site admins on the official Discord. They're generally very lenient with these types of support tickets and will most often follow through with your request. This was the case in my experience, at least for me.
Unless something changed, I see that generally name changes can be done only once per user, and as long as the name is available...
I'd prefer if they allowed users to change their own monikers however many times, just with the added feature of the ability to detect and display whether a name is available to use or not at the moment, almost similar to Minecraft account names.
Would be a very much appreciated feature. I'm good with my name now, but I'd much rather have it changed on my own terms than having to contact site support.
1.19.2 has certainly damaged Mojang's image, regardless of if the update was an executive decision or not. This was already a foreseeable outcome when the whole MSA migration stuff went through, and I'm certain that there are more of these updates to come in the future.
I do hope that they (at some point in the future) address, or at least mitigate, some of the damages done by such a reporting system, one as loose as this. The implementation of it felt extremely rushed and has only caused negativity among other communities. I'm not too sure what lies ahead for these types of moderation updates, but I'm certain either way that none of these updates are to ship out as "good," regardless of community feedback.
I'd appreciate a full-on parity update to nullify the gap between the Java and Bedrock editions more than anything. I wouldn't mind seeing it as its own major update, either.
As a side note, I'd like to see Bedrock lean more towards optional censorship for private servers, rather than having a report system do it for them. It's annoying, trying to name a weapon for it to only be deemed "inappropriate," cause there's an "ass" in "assassin." Would like to see this worked on.
As R4in84 said,there are some texture packs that you can import from PMC or vanilla tweaks to help with that sort of thing. The hunger restoration tip I believe is a feature only from the Legacy Console ports of the game.
I'd look into Vintage Story. Far more complex and challenging than base Minecraft, paired with a greater emphasis on survival and natural world generation. You'll be sinking in a lot of time due to its more realistic approach toward survival gameplay, on top of its greater variety of building blocks and tools, but it's a fun time all around. Especially with friends.
It's a fun way to scratch that Minecraft-alternative itch, but I'd recommend looking into some beginner's guides first. It can be a lot to take in for Minecraft newbies. (Unless you've played some of the more technical mods like Create maybe. Or you've played Terraria. You get the picture. All-in-all an interesting experience)
I was anticipating for it to be disastrous, but so far it hasn't really done anything to affect me and my friends negatively. Any form of media censorship is bad IMO, be it for moderation purposes or as a way of appealing to investors. Then again, I don't really play on that many servers either. I can't really say if it's done any significant harm or not since its initial implementation, so I decided to vote neutral. Feel free to correct me if its done anything otherwise.
In my experience, thorns has also been nigh impossible for me to score on a book and table. Your best bet is to either go exploring or farm librarian villagers, the latter of which likely yielding you the best result.
There could a few reasons as to why this is:
From what I'm seeing in the image you attached, you have some shaders installed, and I'm only guessing that it could be to do with the last bullet. I could be entirely wrong, though.
Is this a problem in any specific Minecraft world? If this is a problem with the game you might want to check if you’re using any modded clients/ client mods, and either have those fixed or reinstalled (GDLauncher, Optifine, etc).
There might be some tutorials out there if you’re on bedrock, but currently I’m unsure of what’s causing the problem specifically. It’s probably not a status effect from what I’m seeing. Best of luck to you otherwise
Apologies for the late response, it’s for a custom modpack my friends and I are putting together. It’s all related to Galacticraft and a few other random mods put together just for fun. (Eg. The Dalek Mod, Tech Guns)
I will also be looking into the anti-cheat plugin options you gave me. Had almost no idea those were a thing until now, for some reason.
Was considering Bisect initially, but Scalacube sounds like a nice alternative so might have to give it a look.
This is an option that you can turn off in video settings. it should be labeled as "Dynamic FOV."
Hey all, I plan on starting a modded server at some point with some friends, and I wanted to ask a few questions:
This was a fairly short list, but it's all that I feel is currently necessary to help get my server up and running. This is all I wanted to ask for now, thanks.
Late reply, but name changes can be requested through either the website's support email ([email protected]), or through contacting one of the site admins on the official Discord. They're generally very lenient with these types of support tickets and will most often follow through with your request. This was the case in my experience, at least for me.
Would be a very much appreciated feature. I'm good with my name now, but I'd much rather have it changed on my own terms than having to contact site support.
1.19.2 has certainly damaged Mojang's image, regardless of if the update was an executive decision or not. This was already a foreseeable outcome when the whole MSA migration stuff went through, and I'm certain that there are more of these updates to come in the future.
I do hope that they (at some point in the future) address, or at least mitigate, some of the damages done by such a reporting system, one as loose as this. The implementation of it felt extremely rushed and has only caused negativity among other communities. I'm not too sure what lies ahead for these types of moderation updates, but I'm certain either way that none of these updates are to ship out as "good," regardless of community feedback.
I'd appreciate a full-on parity update to nullify the gap between the Java and Bedrock editions more than anything. I wouldn't mind seeing it as its own major update, either.
As a side note, I'd like to see Bedrock lean more towards optional censorship for private servers, rather than having a report system do it for them. It's annoying, trying to name a weapon for it to only be deemed "inappropriate," cause there's an "ass" in "assassin." Would like to see this worked on.
Hi all, I’m gonna make this one short by linking you to the Reddit post I made. It should detail everything there
If this link gets removed, just search by new on “r/minecrafthelp” with the user “u/cptspruce”
Hello all, wanted to make a quick post asking whether I should opt in for Realms or a third party hosting service?
That’s all I have to ask, thank you.