SMP is buggy
You are restricted by rules on SMP, on SSP i can use as much TNT and lava as I god damn want.
OP admins
Not being able to fight the laggy mobs
No glowstone in the nether
Stripmines all up the place underground
Depleted finite resources
The idiot nooby 11 year olds
Horrible unnessicary plug-ins like iconomy and Towney and factions.
These are the reasons I do not play SMP
- Spikezombie
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Member for 12 years, 11 months, and 3 days
Last active Fri, Jul, 4 2014 03:26:28
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bobri posted a message on Top 10 Reasons on why you stay on Singleplayer?Posted in: Survival Mode -
Happycat33210 posted a message on Superflat Survival Tips-SUPERFLAT SURVIVAL TIPS-Posted in: Survival Mode
Are you so bored playing Default Survival? Is it too easy for you, even in Hard Mode? Then try it in Superflat!
I will occasionally post new ideas. Keep checking this post to master Superflat!
BEFORE YOU POST: It may look and sound easy, but Superflat Survival is challenging. If you're going to make it look easy by saying how to survive forever in just one little paragraph, try playing Superflat Survival in HARDCORE MODE before reading any of the tips posted below and on other pages. Challenging, huh? If you want, you can then read the tips, and try again. Please note that if you're trying in Hardcore mode, most of these tips don't make Hardcore Superflat easier. They make it POSSIBLE. As we all know, Hardcore is a very intense mode that only extreme Minecraft fans should play.
IMPORTANT! --> CREDIT WHERE CREDIT IS DUE: I take credit seriously. I might mention another person's idea, like for example, the way I attempted it. They didn't have to post their strategies, so no matter what, thank them, not me; they deserve it. Who knows, this simple post might become the ultimate Superflat Survival database! That is impossible to do by myself. Don't worry, I include your name in the single post. If you see a post with your idea, and I gave no credit, I either didn't have time or I just forgot. If you're impatient, send me a message and I'll edit the post. Thanks for your support!
Make sure you read the paragraph above. Now, here's the first tips I came up with:
During your first day, search for a village. Kill any animals in your way. Watch out for slimes, as they are VERY common. If you don't make it to a village, Dig a hole to bedrock, then place a dirt block above you. There should be no room for other mobs to spawn, no matter how dark.
If you hear zombies or skeletons rapidly taking damage, wait for them to die. Then dig a stairway out of the hole. When exiting, RUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN! Creepers are quite common. This is nessesary, because Superflat maps spawn alot more monsters than default, and Spider Jockeys are rather common.
Once you find a village, look for a smith. Go inside and look for a treasure chest. It will contain very useful stuff. Diamonds are possible in these chests, so don't leave a village without emptying all chests. Don't worry, the villagers dont mind you borrowing stuff. You're better off just breaking the chest, however.
Next, find a house. The best options are bakeries, which have back-yards, big houses, which are pretty self-explainitory, and certain huts, as some have ladders leading to the roof. Look for Lamp Posts. Destroy the black wool and collect the torches. Place them in the house you claimed. Big houses are dim, so if you choose one, make sure you place torches in the darkest areas, as a monster will very rarely spawn in a house.
While it might seem crazy, try keeping villagers alive. They will distract zombies or even whole sieges. Also, Iron Golems spawn when there's at least 15 villagers. It takes a while, but Iron Golems eventually die. If you see a Iron Golem die, come to that spot at day and collect the Iron Ingots. If you're fully-armed and taking a walk outside, should you encounter a zombie chasing a villager, be a friend and kill the zombie! If you're too late, however, that same zombie will attack you.
Should you be swarmed by monsters, run to the nearest Iron Golem. If you're chased by a Creeper or Slime, they can't help you, so go inside the nearest house. If it's a Creeper, then go in a large house. If there is none avaible, push your luck and attack. Wait for the Creeper to come, then strike.
If you see an Enderman and Iron Golem fight, help out! Endermen does more major damage to Iron Golems. Be careful, as both are weak to water. If it rains, go inside your house. Iron Golems take cover during storms, so you are left vulnerable to monsters.
If you are hungry, kill animals, of course! However, slimes often make it where animals don't spawn. Try killing a few, then animals could spawn. If you aren't armed, however, try getting wheat from farms. Go to the library, and then make bread. If you have any wood, make a hoe, and plant any seeds you have. If you have any bones from skeletons, make sure you make Bone Meal, because slimes are likely to crush your crops before they are full-grown. Once you're done, mine the Crafting Table, and place it in your house.
If you're lucky and find saplings in a chest, plant them! You will get wood without destroying houses, plus the leaves drop more saplings an rarely an apple. Take advantage of this!
It is possible to go to The Nether in Superflat. A smithery's chest could contain Obsidian. If not, get some water from the well, and pour it on top of the lava in the smithery. If you have a Diamond Pickaxe, mine it! If you don't, come back later, if you can. To conserve Obsidian, place dirt in the corners of the portal. To get Flint and Steel, take some gravel from the paths. For the iron, if you don't have any left, listen for Iron Golems dying. They usually drop more than enough iron ingots. Don't worry, another Iron Golem will eventually spawn in its place!
Once your portal is ready, make sure you set your spawn point to a bed. Please note that The Nether is NOT flat, so it is still hard to navigate. It is even harder because your materials are very limited. Also, you cannot go to The End, as there are no strongholds. Sure, you can go via hacks, but it's no fun like that. Similar to The Nether, it isn't flat. Remember, do NOT craft Eyes of Ender, as you cannot use them, period.
Remember to make a bed. If you die, you will spawn FAR away from your last one. If you never found a village, you might spawn near one, but only if you're lucky. If you're in Hardcore mode, it doesn't really matter, as the world is deleted upon death.
If you need to travel to another village for whatever reason, dig huge arrows in the ground. It is very easy to get lost in Superflat, so make sure you make this a habit. If it becomes night, dig that hole mentioned earlier. If you find another village, you might as well destroy it for the resources. If you moved because all the useful houses or even the whole village was destroyed, however, DON'T!
That's all the strategies I made right now. If you would like to share some of your strategies, then do! Thanks! -
Lowl58 posted a message on Easy diamond tipsHere are some pretty easy diamond tipsPosted in: Survival Mode
1.Find a (deep) ravine dig at the very bottom you will find something good
2. Forget branch mining it is a waste of time and you almost never get diamonds
3. Bedrock is NOT a good diamond sign it just means you went too deep
4. If you find lapis there HAS to be diamonds near because guess what is more rare (suprisingly)
5. TNT is a BIG NO-NO if you are killing creepers for it guess what,there is a better chance you will get blown up
6. Don't admire your frikin' diamonds while walking you might fall into some lava and die
7. Find diamonds? Do not find more going near lava will increase your chances of losing your diamonds which is bad.
8. Enderman do not drop diamonds they used to but not anymore that is so PAX demo
9. Congratz you found diamondz now go to a block next to you don't dig down.
10. Listen to this topic and do what the tips say but if you want to branch mine and waste billions of years
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