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    posted a message on Realistic Terrain Generation (RTG) — Realistic Biomes, Huge Mountains, Custom Trees, Truly Flat Terrain, Breathtaking Landscapes
    Quote from WhichOnesPink»

    As far as i know, the only way to get an RTG world on a Realms server is to pre-generate the RTG world locally, and then upload to Realms, sorry.

    NP guys. It's not too bad of a solution. Thanks for the feedback. :)
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [1.4.7] OFFICIAL MO' CREATURES SERVER TOPIC - V4.5.0
    I will be no longer maintaining this forum due to a lack of both interest and need atm.
    Head over to "http://mocreatures.enjin.com/home" for all of your needs.
    It is well maintained and has a strong community.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Mo' Creatures - v12.0.0 for Minecraft 1.12.1!! Now Opensource!!
    Quote from CatGames

    add dogs, better kitties, tamable ducks, crab, monkey,ferrets ...

    You're not his boss and this is not the place to suggest more mobs.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Mo' Creatures - v12.0.0 for Minecraft 1.12.1!! Now Opensource!!
    Quote from hessexander

    add a rino and kangroo

    Unless you are DrZhak's boss and are paying him I suggest you don't tell him what to do.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Mo' Creatures - v12.0.0 for Minecraft 1.12.1!! Now Opensource!!
    Am I the only one that the server is being super weird to?
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Mo' Creatures - v12.0.0 for Minecraft 1.12.1!! Now Opensource!!
    Quote from couger2313

    My Minecraft Isnt Loading!!!!

    A more appropriate thing to say would be something like, "I tried installing Mo'Creatures and now minecraft is black screening. I did 'yada yada yada'."
    That way someone may be able to actually help you (assuming you are asking help determined by your outcry).
    Re-post and we will see what we can do.

    Quote from Tfunnie

    mo creatures suggestions

    Snails: Very small and slow animal, decorative, sometimes eaten by birds.
    Ants: Live in most biomes in large anthills, aggressive if disturbed, always attack as a group.
    Butterflies & Moths: Diurnal butterflies and nocturnal moths to improve atmosphere.
    Bats: Spawn in caves, aggressive when approached, can attach to head/hair.
    Owls: (Forest) Eat mice, rabbits and other birds they spawn anywhere with trees, active at night.
    Eagles & Hawks: (Forest, Jungle, Taiga, Mountain) Hunt small animals like bunnies or other birds.
    Falcons: [Domesticated] Fly when ordered, find drops, bring them back for you, kill small animals for drops.
    Vultures: Tries to eat pork, beef, chicken, fish and rotten flesh when dropped on the ground.
    Seagulls: (Beach) Can be attracted by throwing fish, cooked or raw.

    Crabs: (Ocean & Beach) Spawn on the sand, then go into ocean and live on bottom until despawning and tamed with fish?
    Hammerhead Sharks: (Ocean) Aggressive, eats rays and avoids larger sharks.
    Tiger Sharks: (Ocean) Aggressive, reacts to movement much like Ocelot but attacks instead of fleeing.
    Killer Whales: (Ocean) Attacks everything but dolphins can even reach shore just out of water to attack.
    Whales: (Ocean) Very large, passive animal.
    Giant squids: (Ocean) Large, aggressive animal. Spawns in very deep water and is rare.
    Manatees & Dugongs: (Ocean & River) Passive animals, avoid player.
    Hippos: (River) Become aggressive when approached.
    Otters: (River) Passive, eats fish, on death it drops 0 - 2 leather and 1 fish.
    Platypus: (River) Rare, passive mob, avoids player and is poisonous.
    Frogs: (Swamp, Jungle) Passive amphibian to improve atmosphere.
    Toucans & Peacocks: (Jungle) Colorful birds for improve atmosphere

    Geckos: (Jungle) Small, passive lizard to improve atmosphere.
    Komodo Dragon: (Jungle, Plain) Aggressive lizard, poisonous.
    Gorillas: (Jungle) Neutral mob, will attack if provoked.
    Orangutans: (Jungle) Rare mob.
    Chimpanzees: (Jungle) Peaceful unless provoked. Climb trees and sleep on top of trees.
    Baboon: (Jungle) Neutral mob, whole pack will attack if provoked. Can spawn in groups of 1-5.
    Monkeys & Lemurs: (Jungle) Spawn in groups, climb and swing from trees, usually avoid player.
    Pandas: (Jungle) Rare mob, neutral, eats sugar cane.
    Sloths: (Jungle) Rare, passive mammal, slow moving
    Koala: (Forest) Rare, small, passive mammal.
    Okapi: (Jungle, Forest) Rare, passive mammal. Like deer and zebra combined.
    Tapir: (Jungle, Forest) Rare, passive mammal. Like deer and pig combined.
    Anteaters: Rare, neutral mammal. Eats ants and has large, curved foreclaws.

    Dodo: Rare, passive bird, lives only on small islands in ocean biome.
    Beaver: (Forest & River) Builds home in river.
    Ferrets, Weasels: (Forest) Neutral mobs, avoid player.
    Mongooses: (Forest) Hunt chickens, mice and rats.
    Badgers: (Forest) Small and aggressive mammal.
    Squirrels: (Forest) Live in trees, flying & normal types; flying falls slowly to the ground.
    Raccoons: (Forest) Spawn at night, aggressive if approached but do minimal damage.
    Porcupines: (Forest) Neutral mob, half heart lost by touching it.
    Skunk: (Forest, Plain) Warns player away, then gives the dirty litter effect including nausea.

    Bighorn Sheep: (Mountain) Neutral, avoids player, attacks with horns if provoked.
    Llamas: (Forest, Mountain) Passive mob, eats tall grass, tameable?
    Elk & Reindeer: (Forest, Taiga, Tundra)
    Moose: (Forest, Taiga)
    Giraffes: (Forest, Plain) Eat leaves off trees, are docile creatures.
    Gazelles, Impalas, Springboks: (Plain)
    Buffalos, Bison: (Plain)
    Bulls, Oxen: (Plain) Basically cows with horns.
    Rhinos: (Plain) Poor eyesight, attacks anything that gets too close.
    Elephants: (Plain) Large mammal, will charge at you if get too close, tameable?

    Armadillo: (Plain) Passive creature, tough skin.
    Kangaroos: (Plain) Neutral, jumping mammal, avoids player.
    Hyenas: (Plain, Desert) Aggressive, wolf like carnivore.
    Meerkats: (Plain) Found in Savannah/deserts.....Found in large groups..... Make burrows under ground
    Bearded Dragons: (Desert) Passive, docile creatures, can be picked up and carried.
    Hedgehogs: (Desert) When attacked rolls up into a ball, you will take damage if you step on it.
    Camels: (Desert) Can be ridden like horse but is slower.
    Coyotes & Jackals: (Desert) Hunt bunnies, mice and rats, avoids player.

    Arctic Foxes: (Tundra) Hunt small animals.
    Tundra Wolves: (Tundra) Hunt slightly larger animals.
    Walruses: (Tundra) Lives on ice, and it eats fish, and is rarely eaten by polar bears.
    Seals: (Tundra) Hunt penguins, are hunted by polar bears.
    Penguins: (Tundra) Passive, found in large groups, can be lured with fish.
    and for some fun maybe giant bats and ca be tamed and can be mounted and you can fly them around

    There is another entire forum for this.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [V1.2.5]Formivore's Mods - City, Wall & Ruin Generators
    Quote from JayRapter

    This mod DID NOT WORK

    You really made an account just to display your lack of intellectual prowess and ability to follow instructions? Interesting...
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Mo' Creatures - v12.0.0 for Minecraft 1.12.1!! Now Opensource!!
    I hate to be the complainer, BUT WILL EVERYONE QUIT BEGGING FOR UPDATES!!! He will get it done when it's done. It takes time, and a lot of it. The world needs to quit complaining and whining. It is going to take hundreds of tedious frustrating hours to update this. It is not a "click here to update" solution. I'd rather see a dozen more "DO NOT ASK FOR UPDATE!!" posts than a single "When is it going to be done? I went to the bathroom and it's still not done done, I can't believe it, he's so lazy", posts. Sincerely, me.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Mo' Creatures - v12.0.0 for Minecraft 1.12.1!! Now Opensource!!
    I would just like to say as my first post here, Dr. Zhark, thank you very much for all of your time and talent put into this. I'm sure we all wish we could do something to help you. this mod is truly amazing and follows exactly with the "minecraft spirit". so thanks a ton. so here :GoldBar: :biggrin.gif:
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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