Welcome to WorldPainter, a graphical and interactive map painter / generator. Quickly generate expansive, natural looking landscapes, with full manual control over the terrain, using an easy to use and well performing program.
Check out these great examples of both usage and results of WorldPainter. Note that I didn't create these landscapes, or these videos:
- Custom biome painting
- Create your own custom brushes
- Add custom objects from bo2 files or schematics to the world
- Customise the location and frequency of underground ores and resources
- Add snow and ice
- Easy to use yet flexible and powerful paint-like tools
- Create oceans, landmasses, plains and mountains
- Change the terrain type, add trees and create caverns
→ To download WorldPainter, go to the official website at https://www.worldpainter.net/
→ For support, please use the official WorldPainter subreddit!
Troubleshooting - FAQ - other documentation - support.
You can check the change log here. The installers were created with . WorldPainter is free and open source software, released under the GNU Public License (GPL) version 3. The source code is hosted on GitHub.
It should be pretty self-explanatory, and the rest you should be easily able to find out by clicking around. Don't forget to try all your mouse buttons, and try holding them down! Post in this thread to get support from me or other users of WorldPainter.
The Load and Save functions save the map in WorldPainter format. The Export function exports the map to a Minecraft world. By default it is exported right to your Minecraft saves directory. You can then open the world in Minecraft under Singleplayer.
The Import and Merge functions allow you to import the landscape from an existing map, and then merge any changes you make to the landscape back to the existing map. It is not meant for general purpose map editing! WorldPainter is, and always will be, a map generator, not a map editor. Note that this functionality is dangerous! Use it at your own risk. Please see this post for important information about how these functions work, and their limitations.
This tool is not meant to create ready to run single player maps, it's meant to create server levels and adventure maps. The idea is to create the basic landscape, with your mountain ranges, oceans, forests, snow and ice, lakes, hills, etc. using the tool, and then go in and fill in the details with other tools.
Please donate!
WorldPainter takes a lot of time to create and maintain. Even though it is free, please show your appreciation by donating: or .
Linking to WorldPainter
If you want to link to WorldPainter from your own site or another forum, I would be honoured! But please don't link directly to the downloads, or upload the files to file sharing sites or host them yourself! Instead, please link people to the official homepage: https://www.worldpainter.net/
Frequently Asked Questions
If you have a question which is not answered on the official Frequently Asked Questions page, please go to the official WorldPainter support subreddit.
NP guys. It's not too bad of a solution. Thanks for the feedback.
Head over to "http://mocreatures.enjin.com/home" for all of your needs.
It is well maintained and has a strong community.
You're not his boss and this is not the place to suggest more mobs.
Unless you are DrZhak's boss and are paying him I suggest you don't tell him what to do.
A more appropriate thing to say would be something like, "I tried installing Mo'Creatures and now minecraft is black screening. I did 'yada yada yada'."
That way someone may be able to actually help you (assuming you are asking help determined by your outcry).
Re-post and we will see what we can do.
There is another entire forum for this.
You really made an account just to display your lack of intellectual prowess and ability to follow instructions? Interesting...