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    posted a message on Mikesword's castle
    just so you know...
    the bigger your castle is...
    the higher the chances of having mobs spawning inside your castle...
    Posted in: Classic - Survival Mode
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    posted a message on The history of creepers.
    i call them terrorists...
    Posted in: Classic - Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Mobs respawn restricted to area around player
    or there could be a special block dat acts the same way as a sponge...
    just that the 5x5 area surrounding the block is a no-spawn zone...
    mobs however... could still enter the zone IF they were spawned elsewhere and came hunting for you...
    dat could prevent exploits of players using the blocks to ward off mobs... >.<

    and also... to prevent ppl from no-spawning the entire map...
    certain already spawned mobs could be programmed to hunt down these blocks and aim to destroy these blocks...
    i dunno... it's just a suggestion... :tongue.gif:
    Posted in: Classic - Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Official Survival Mode Screenshot Thread

    LOL... dat looks like a radar tower or comm tower up there... XD
    Posted in: Classic - Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Strategy for high score in V0.25 Survival
    lava is good...
    however... u dun gain any points for mobs dat die in lava or drown in water... or fall from heights...
    and building in lava areas means dat u gotta build ur fort quite deep... (unless ur're real lucky... XD)
    and if it's too deep... chances of mobs spawning there will be lesser...
    so u can't camp in ur fort... :tongue.gif:
    Posted in: Classic - Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Your best score
    u will... :smile.gif:
    Posted in: Classic - Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Strategy for high score in V0.25 Survival
    first thing's first...
    we need to identify wat is the main motive of the game?
    yes! SURVIVAL!!!

    so how do you survive?
    so dat you dun die...

    start the map by locating areas that might have a high chance of finding mushrooms...
    look inside holes in cliffs...
    look for pigs...
    hunt them for mushrooms...
    never say no to more mushrooms...
    see a mushroom? pick it...
    see a pig? kill it...
    you'll need all the mushrooms you can get if you wanna survive long enough to get a significant high score...

    try to maintain a minimum of 20 mushrooms in your inventory at all times...
    you'll never know when you might be outnumbered by mobs or get cornered with 5 crazy zombies hammering on you...
    once your supplies get lower than 20 mushrooms... go hunt for more...

    once you got your supplies ready...
    you're ready to start building your fort...
    find a strategic location to place it in...
    you'll need it to fend off the constant attacks from mobs...
    you don't need a massive fort... just a small one to defend yourself from getting attacked will do...
    the bigger your fort is... the higher the chances of mobs spawning INSIDE your fort...
    thus defeating the purpose of building it in the 1st place...

    design your fort so that it would be rather difficult for mobs to enter by normal means...
    my suggestion would be to build a moat 2 tiles wide and 2-3 tiles deep SURROUNDING your fort...
    DO NOT put in any water... mobs can still swim across in case you didn't know... >. O || [ ]
    __ || [ ][ ][ ][ ]
    [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

    [ ] = tile (fort wall)

    with this design... you could kill mobs trapped in your moat very easily without the fear of being attacked...
    you could just see their legs and whack at them...
    even the arrows from skeletons can't reach you (though some arrows might reach inside... but the chances are slim)

    and there you have it... your impenetrable fort...
    once u get ur fort set up nicely... u could go mining or upgrading your fort to beautify it...
    or exploring... and occasionally come back to ur fort to kill the trapped monsters...
    note though... DO NOT kill creepers trapped in your moat... or anywhere in your fort...
    their blast is big enough to cripple all your defenses... lure them away from your fort to take them out...
    or u stand the chance or repairing your fort walls...

    u could practically camp in your fort just to take out trapped mobs...
    and go out hunting for mushrooms when supplies run low...

    hope this helped in bringing up your high score a notch...
    or letting you survive in the game longer... :tongue.gif:

    other things to note...

    -monsters killed by creeper's blast DO NOT give you any points...
    -same thing goes for monsters which are killed by skeleton's arrows...
    -NEVER dig vertically down... you'll never know if the tile below the one you are standing on is lava...
    -always have your mushroom selected when not building so you can right click to heal instantly if u were ambushed...
    -save often... and always save in your fort
    -remember: the bigger your fort is... the higher the chances of mobs spawning INSIDE your fort...
    Posted in: Classic - Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Your best score
    got killed by monsters who sneakily spawned in the dungeon under my impenetrable fort...

    Posted in: Classic - Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Let's Play Minecraft!
    or dig deep enough to mine stone or ores to build it with...
    Posted in: Classic - Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Cattle prod!
    looks like a tazer those policemen uses... XD

    *increases voltage and pokes it on a pig's butt*
    mmm... do u smell bacon?
    Posted in: Classic - Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Crafted Items + Other Things That Would Be Cool
    i think the amount of resource required for crafting seems quite reasonable...
    it prolongs the game's lifespan... coz u spend longer time mining...
    and u'll also be able to make use of some resource management skills... :tongue.gif:

    if a bow required 1 wood to craft... or an iron ore for a sword...
    then i'll get all the best equipment in less than 5 mins...
    furthermore... i don't think mining 30 stone or 30 wood is going to take up a lot of time...
    i could get 99 wood in 1 min...

    or... if u really want it to be realistic and require only 1 iron ore for a sword... or 1 gold... or watever...
    then reduce the amount of resources spawned...
    like... instead of the current 10-20 gold ore in a vein...
    reduce it to 1-2 per gold vein...

    pro equipments should be hard to get...
    not readily available in the 1st 10 mins of the game...
    Posted in: Classic - Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Various Survival Tips
    Quote from Zuriki »
    Number #1 Tip:
    DON'T DIE!

    I think that says it all.

    Also, Hunter, are you saying it's a ***** to clear out areas because of all those resource cubes?

    i think he meant that he wanted to build a stone path on that area...
    just that there are too many resources laying around...
    and his inv is full... thus unable to build on it...

    the only way to build on those is to either wait like 5 mins for it to dissappear...
    or... dump ur blochs somewhere and come back and continue building... >.<
    Posted in: Classic - Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Official Survival Mode Screenshot Thread
    i hope that monsters respawn though...
    coz after u clear the map off monsters...
    u got practically nothing to do...

    i'd rather build in sandbox mode... >.<
    more varieties... XD
    Posted in: Classic - Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Official Survival Mode Screenshot Thread
    I was here!!! - placed pillars to mark where i've searched... XD

    so many mushrooms... but where's Mario?

    dost anyone see the mushroom?

    some random traps with monsters in it...
    wonder why there are so many traps in survival... >.<
    P.S. i didn't make those traps... they were generated by the game...

    Posted in: Classic - Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Your best score
    searched high and low for monsters...
    till i gave up and jumped into a hot spring...

    Posted in: Classic - Survival Mode
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