I made a near identical replica of your fort and while i was out gathering supplies, a local pack of creepers had surrounded it and around 4-5 had spawned inside the fort.
well... at least this is how i did mine to camp in and take innocent kills... XD
though many people might design their forts so that it prevents mobs from getting in... or even near it...
the design of my fort is actually to LURE in mobs so that i can kill them off in the safefy of my own little safe haven...
you may need to gather some mushrooms prior to building this fort to prevent the need of seaching for more in the middle of building...
or save you from being ambushed to death while you are busy building...
start off by finding a large open area...
very much preferably on low land...
so that mobs will be closing in downhill instead of trying to jump up to your fort...
this looks like a pretty good place for my fort...
lets start by building the walls for the fort...
specifications could vary if you prefer them bigger or smaller...
but i made mine 9x9
once you've done the size of your fort...
clear off anyuneven terrain you may find...
hills or craters...
try to make it as flat a land as it can be...
once done...
dig a trench 1 tile deep and 2 tiles wide surrounding your fort...
this is so that they could fall in for you to kill of easily later on...
build some stairs to your fort... buy DO NOT link them to your main fort...
to reduce the chances of mobs entering your fort from the top...
(stairs are for you to access your fort though...)
i didn't want to make too much a complicated entrance system...
i designed it so that i could gain access to my fort as quick as possible without compromising much security...
halfway through building... a bunch of creepers came invading my fort...
one of them blew up the corner of my fort...
this is one of the reasons for you to take note...
NEVER take out a creeper near your fort...
always lure them away to take them out somewhere else...
back to building...
open up a hole just on the floor level of your trench in your fort wall...
this will serve as you "killing" hole later on...
some pigs decided to check out my fort... XD
you may then start to build your tower... (optional)
so that you may see mobs that are quite a distance away...
good for location pigs to hunt for mushrooms though...
then... go into your fort and design the interior...
for the floor... dig one tile down...
make the walls of your fort to look like a spawn jail in multiplayer servers...
this is to prevent arrows of skeletons from hitting you while you are in your fort...
while at the same time... giving you the advantage of killing them with ease...
skeletons prevented from getting near me... or even shoot at me...
as their "heads" are blocked by the fort wall...
and killing of the mobs could be done safely by hitting them at the legs...
you would stay safe and be able to take out even 100 skeletons/zombies that come charging at you at the same time...
but not for creepers though... >.<
this is wat the end result of what my fort will look like...
you could then camp in your fort and wait for mobs to come hunting for you while you laugh at their stupidity... XD
and occassionally go out hunting for mushrooms or mobs if you feel bored...
and keeping in mind that you have a safe haven just waiting for you should you ever be outnumbered...
and remember... never kill creepers near your fort...
i stress... NEVER...
one creeper will be enough to cripple all your defenses...
lure them away to kill them...
this crater is where i killed all the creepers while i was building the fort...
this is just the basic skeleton of what the fort is...
and could still be upgraded further to boost defenses and offensive capabilities...
more traps could be added and structures beautified with other resources...
you need not build this fort as what i said here exactly...
feel free to modify it as you please...
like i've said... this is only the basic structure...
because i dont have premium, a friend of mine let me use their account just to see what it was like. i was able to get the .jar files for survival mode, and i was wondering if there is any way a client could be created for people withought premium, like myself.
sure there is...
give Notch £20 and he'll tell you the ultimate secret of getting the game without getting a premium...
Big black holes in the sky. Monsters don't spawn o thr ground, but out of these transparent block holes. Of course, you could block the hole, but it's only a matter of time before a creeper and a skeleton get rowdy waiting to kill you and decide to kill eachother. They would be shaped like this-
It's a big floating plate thing. Vertical. Or maybe some horizantal ones underground that appear in caverns.
yes... and i'll be blocking all holes and leave one open...
then build a wall right infront of it... and start camping and killing all mobs who enters my world...
unlimited scoring... XD
I also think it's too easy. I was playing my city map (which I accidentally saved over, good job I have a backup file) and I got to 87500 score before I started running low on 'shrooms. Then, unfortunately got the beat down by a mob of hungry zombies (whom amusingly jumped off the top of a building to get me XD).
I would like to see some form of aggravation system (agro). Where by, the more you kill the more frequently they spawn. Ofc, it would have to die down as well though hiding away in your safehouse.
like the more u kill... the harder the level?
much like GTA's crime level...
the more police u kill the more stars u get... and the more stronger police they dispatch...
so like...
1 star they send in zombies and skeles...
2 stars they send in creepers...
3 stars they send in vampires...
4 stars they send in liches...
5 stars... they send in... THE CHOSEN ONE!!!
FYI... it takes 3 arrows to kill a skeleton...
and each skeleton gives 5-8 arrows...
even if it's the bare minimum of 5 arrows...
u still gain +2 arrows for killing a skeleton...
provided you pick up all the arrows the skeleton drops and those that you have missed...
the spawn rate/size is proportional to the size of the map...
the bigger the map the more mobs will spawn...
so if you are playing on a relatively small map... it could take quite a while to spawn 1 or 2 mobs...
try playing small generated map in survival...
you'll notice that you'll tend to find very little mobs compared to when you are playing normal or huge maps...
i don't get wat you are trying to say...
but... even if it's floating in mid-air... once you walk through it... the arrow gets into your inventory...
even if it's just jumping...
1. Zombies spawn out of nowhere, right behind you when you have no health, and kill you.
i actually kinda like it this way... it adds some excitement to the game... you'll never know when some creepy mob would sneak up behind u and ambush you... LOL... makes u turn around scanning the area for sneaking mobs occassionaly while u build your fort... :tongue.gif:
2. Mobs appear in groups between 5 and some number between 10 and 20. I counted 17 Creepers...In 1 spot.
MY GOD!!! i would LOVE to see that happen... you have no idea how much i love creepers... especially in huge groups... just hit a few random ones and watch as the chain reaction happens... i just love holes... if you know what i mean... :tongue.gif: ckeck this out... http://i867.photobucket.com/albums/ab23 ... Crater.jpg
3. Skeletons dont run out of arrows and they appear in groups of 5 or more. 5 Things attacking 1 person at once. Who will win? The person with the limited suply of arrows and little life? Or the 5 skeletons with infinite ammount of arrows.
there is such a thing called strafe... keep running to your right while moving backwards and shoot them with arrows or hit them with melee... the chances of them hitting you will be very much reduced...
4. Zombies are faster than you. If thats true, you must be really out of shape.
run backwards and hold down your left mouse button... your attacks will knock them back... and it's enough for you to survive their advances...
5.Zombies see you from ACROST THE ENTIRE MAP and attack you. Great.
they dont chase you until you are within 10-15 blocks radius...
6.You cant make shelter because stupid zombies and creepers will come and blow up the place. They spawn right next to you.
lure creepers away from your structures to kill them... since you already knew that would happen... have a minimum of 20 mushrooms in your inventory at all times... running low? go hunt for it...
7. Why cant we reload on the SAME map? I got some pretty epic maps, and i get killed in the first few seconds because an angry mob of...mobs.
yeah... like way everyone would say... S-A-V-E
8. I resorted to putting myself on a sky pillars and started making houses in the sky. I still am not safe.
of course you wouldn't be safe... you wake up one sleepy morning and u find yourself skydiving to your death...
9. There is no way to drop Mushrooms. I go looking for brown ones but then a creeper comes and explodes. Any red ones near by get picked up as well because i cant just ignore them.
first... u do not need to use ALL your slots... how many types of blocks do you actually use? and second... u could go dig up different blocks or pick up the flowers to fill up all your slots... then you won't be able to get a red mushroom even if u run over one...
10. No way to store amounts of materials without making a giant mass.
i agree to this though... but for now... i just plan wat my final fort would look like... and i dig to the specifications... then move to another place and build... when i return to the place i dug... the blocks should be gone by now... and i could start building again... or... just go hunting for mushrooms... blocks should be gone by then...
11. Zombies and Skeletons can swim. That is totally unfair. They should drown the second they hit the water. or if they are in water for a certain ammount of time. some time between 10 and 12.
yes... they could swim... buy hey! you could DIVE!!! isn't that amazing?
12. Mobs are way too over powered, mainly skeletons. They run faster than you, can jump and kill you in about a single hit. I died on 8 different maps in less than 10 minutes because of zombies.
start the map by looking for caves to harvest some mushrooms... you don't go charging into a group of mobs without any mushrooms do you?
step 1: find mushrooms
step 2: collect resources
step 3: build fort
step 4: hunt mobs
13. Fall damage is way to sensitive. You fall down 3 blocks and you get hurt.
watch where you're going... :smile.gif:
Caste: Constructor
open up a block and lure them out... XD
though many people might design their forts so that it prevents mobs from getting in... or even near it...
the design of my fort is actually to LURE in mobs so that i can kill them off in the safefy of my own little safe haven...
you may need to gather some mushrooms prior to building this fort to prevent the need of seaching for more in the middle of building...
or save you from being ambushed to death while you are busy building...
start off by finding a large open area...
very much preferably on low land...
so that mobs will be closing in downhill instead of trying to jump up to your fort...
this looks like a pretty good place for my fort...
lets start by building the walls for the fort...
specifications could vary if you prefer them bigger or smaller...
but i made mine 9x9
once you've done the size of your fort...
clear off anyuneven terrain you may find...
hills or craters...
try to make it as flat a land as it can be...
once done...
dig a trench 1 tile deep and 2 tiles wide surrounding your fort...
this is so that they could fall in for you to kill of easily later on...
build some stairs to your fort... buy DO NOT link them to your main fort...
to reduce the chances of mobs entering your fort from the top...
(stairs are for you to access your fort though...)
i didn't want to make too much a complicated entrance system...
i designed it so that i could gain access to my fort as quick as possible without compromising much security...
halfway through building... a bunch of creepers came invading my fort...
one of them blew up the corner of my fort...
this is one of the reasons for you to take note...
NEVER take out a creeper near your fort...
always lure them away to take them out somewhere else...
back to building...
open up a hole just on the floor level of your trench in your fort wall...
this will serve as you "killing" hole later on...
some pigs decided to check out my fort... XD
you may then start to build your tower... (optional)
so that you may see mobs that are quite a distance away...
good for location pigs to hunt for mushrooms though...
then... go into your fort and design the interior...
for the floor... dig one tile down...
make the walls of your fort to look like a spawn jail in multiplayer servers...
this is to prevent arrows of skeletons from hitting you while you are in your fort...
while at the same time... giving you the advantage of killing them with ease...
skeletons prevented from getting near me... or even shoot at me...
as their "heads" are blocked by the fort wall...
and killing of the mobs could be done safely by hitting them at the legs...
you would stay safe and be able to take out even 100 skeletons/zombies that come charging at you at the same time...
but not for creepers though... >.<
this is wat the end result of what my fort will look like...
you could then camp in your fort and wait for mobs to come hunting for you while you laugh at their stupidity... XD
and occassionally go out hunting for mushrooms or mobs if you feel bored...
and keeping in mind that you have a safe haven just waiting for you should you ever be outnumbered...
and remember... never kill creepers near your fort...
i stress... NEVER...
one creeper will be enough to cripple all your defenses...
lure them away to kill them...
this crater is where i killed all the creepers while i was building the fort...
this is just the basic skeleton of what the fort is...
and could still be upgraded further to boost defenses and offensive capabilities...
more traps could be added and structures beautified with other resources...
you need not build this fort as what i said here exactly...
feel free to modify it as you please...
like i've said... this is only the basic structure...
hope this helped...
sure there is...
give Notch £20 and he'll tell you the ultimate secret of getting the game without getting a premium...
actually... i've already beaten your score... XD
just didn't upload it... :biggrin.gif:
yes... and i'll be blocking all holes and leave one open...
then build a wall right infront of it... and start camping and killing all mobs who enters my world...
unlimited scoring... XD
like the more u kill... the harder the level?
much like GTA's crime level...
the more police u kill the more stars u get... and the more stronger police they dispatch...
so like...
1 star they send in zombies and skeles...
2 stars they send in creepers...
3 stars they send in vampires...
4 stars they send in liches...
5 stars... they send in... THE CHOSEN ONE!!!
then use melee...
u don't need arrows for every mob...
and each skeleton gives 5-8 arrows...
even if it's the bare minimum of 5 arrows...
u still gain +2 arrows for killing a skeleton...
provided you pick up all the arrows the skeleton drops and those that you have missed...
the bigger the map the more mobs will spawn...
so if you are playing on a relatively small map... it could take quite a while to spawn 1 or 2 mobs...
try playing small generated map in survival...
you'll notice that you'll tend to find very little mobs compared to when you are playing normal or huge maps...
but... even if it's floating in mid-air... once you walk through it... the arrow gets into your inventory...
even if it's just jumping...