So with the possibility of a Witchery wand out the window, will there be any other form of integration with Witchery considered? I'm sure there are other interesting, and not completely overpowered, things you could add to thaumcraft through witchcraft.
Nifty little mod you got here Kihira. While reading I thought the ways you get your head for the beacon were interesting but I had a suggestion for another possible way to do it. Basically, you craft an End Mirror (iron ingots in the corner slots, gold ingots in the center slots and a ender pearl in the middle slot) which when used will spawn an End Shadow - a dark reflection of you created using the power of the end and some of your life force (activating the mirror takes a few hearts of damage). The End Shadow will immediately attack you and killing it will yield your head.
Love how much Growthcraft has grown. I prefer it over the bigger "food" mods for it's smaller size (doesn't try to overwhelm the world with new stuff) and due to the art style trying to fit with minecraft as much as possible (which the others tend not to do). On that topic though. I think you could easily add a new module that focused purely on food. I'd love it if Growthcraft added mutton and calamari, as well as various new foods based on the new items you also add. Fruit Salad (grapes + apple + melon), apple pie, honey bread, sushi, etc. Nothing massive, but adds more foods that fit with what you add and what's already in vanilla. <3 Gwafu for bringing this mod to us all.
I'm curious what other things you have planned to add for TC integration. The Forbidden Magic addon for TC actually adds a blood wand that converts your LP into vis. Wasn't sure if you knew or not (probably did). I like how people are finding interesting ways to further mod compatibility and integration.
Always looked like a interesting mod, though the "Alchemic Chemistry Set" name somewhat odd to me. Could call it something like Alchemical Apparatus. Just a thought, good mod regardless though
So air balloons are spawning incorrectly for me, specifically I think they are spawning lower than they should ( the lower two balloon spawns are spawning in water. So I think each spawn height is off). Everything else seems to be spawning correctly
Does anyone know what's causing this? I've watched people use the madpack and it spawns in 1.6.4 fine for them, but when I have it with my own modlist it spawns incorrectly.
I think Gwafu is messing with us now. >.> Tormenting us, giggling like a maniac from behind a monitor as we are tortured by the wait. I KNOW IT'S TRUE! /tinfoilhat o-o
Does anyone know what's causing this? I've watched people use the madpack and it spawns in 1.6.4 fine for them, but when I have it with my own modlist it spawns incorrectly.