So I was playing on a Lan server with my brothers, and we discovered that whoever opens the Lan server doesn't get their skin shown to the rest of us.
Basically, everyone sees him with the Steve skin expect for the person actually playing him. Again, this only happens to the person who launched the Lan server.
I was hoping this was a common problem, but no one else seems to have made a thread about it.
We've been using 1.7.10 and 1.8 versions of Minecraft, and the Pixelmon mod was properly installed each time. I mention this because the problem occurs on both of these versions of Minecraft.
Hey, BinaryWolf. I don't know if you're reading this or not, but I would like to know what is happening to this mod. Has it been moved? Is it discontinued? Have you become so busy over the past year that you couldn't even post on this thread?
Look, I get it. This mod is pretty old by Minecraft Standards, but there isn't really another quicksand mod out there, and it would be very nice to get know what is happening with this one.
I would like to update this post by saying that one of the mods is Ichun's Morph mod, which does have an options menu, but it just edits the config for whatever world I'm in. Incidentally, it has begun trying to change my morph whenever I start crouching, so can probably imagine how annoying that's becoming.
If there is another post dealing with this problem, please at very least direct me to it because I couldn't find it.
I have a problem where at least two mods are trying to access the left bracket, but none of these mods are showing up under the in-game controls menu (Options/Controls). I can't find a mod or other solution for this, and I was hoping one of you already did.
The A-Salt Skeleton (and/or Zombie) is a stronger version of the original mob. It drops salt upon death. Salt can then be crafted into popcorn, which is not a food, but instead a throw-able explosive.
On the subject of manananggals, I noticed the penanggalan briefly returned ( after one appeared in an indie horror game called "Eyes"
I saw that you are using the jackalope and wolpertinger, and I would like to suggest a third horned rabbit: the al-mi'raj.
It is an Islamic being that looks like a large rabbit with a large horn similar to that of a unicorn, but despite it's harmless appearance, it is a powerful and territorial carnivore that jumps and stabs at potential prey, often killing them in a few hits. Animals flee from it, and the local humans would resort to witchcraft just to calm the beast down.
I was thinking the mobs could have something between 10-30 health, deal 5-10 damage, and roam in small packs ranging from 1-5. They could be innately hostile, but the player could tame them with some sort of mystical meat. When tamed, they would behave like wolves and when killed, they could drop their horn along with some fur. The horn could be ground down into a brewing ingredient or fertilizer, or it could be combined with dendroid roots to form a special sword.
I was also thinking skvader, but I couldn't see what it could do that the wolpertinger couldn't. Maybe it could be seen in extreme hills flying most of the time.
I too, would like to kindly request an update as to the progress of this mod.
The way I see it, there are three possibilities as to what's going on here:
1. Someone on this site knows how to fix this problem, but hasn't found this thread.
2. Nobody knows how to fix this problem, and this is everyone's way of telling me.
3. Everyone has decided that I must be ignored for whatever reason, unless the response is in no way helpful what-so-ever.
Is that it then? is there really no around this?
Hey, I don't know why even a hint of acknowledgement is optional here, but it's really starting to get annoying.
So I was playing on a Lan server with my brothers, and we discovered that whoever opens the Lan server doesn't get their skin shown to the rest of us.
Basically, everyone sees him with the Steve skin expect for the person actually playing him. Again, this only happens to the person who launched the Lan server.
I was hoping this was a common problem, but no one else seems to have made a thread about it.
We've been using 1.7.10 and 1.8 versions of Minecraft, and the Pixelmon mod was properly installed each time. I mention this because the problem occurs on both of these versions of Minecraft.
Hey, BinaryWolf. I don't know if you're reading this or not, but I would like to know what is happening to this mod. Has it been moved? Is it discontinued? Have you become so busy over the past year that you couldn't even post on this thread?
Look, I get it. This mod is pretty old by Minecraft Standards, but there isn't really another quicksand mod out there, and it would be very nice to get know what is happening with this one.
I would like to update this post by saying that one of the mods is Ichun's Morph mod, which does have an options menu, but it just edits the config for whatever world I'm in. Incidentally, it has begun trying to change my morph whenever I start crouching, so can probably imagine how annoying that's becoming.
If there is another post dealing with this problem, please at very least direct me to it because I couldn't find it.
I have a problem where at least two mods are trying to access the left bracket, but none of these mods are showing up under the in-game controls menu (Options/Controls). I can't find a mod or other solution for this, and I was hoping one of you already did.
Cry and Pewds spawned a lot in the desert last time I checked. They actually out of hand and overran a village once.
I've had similar problems. Any superflat world is subject to overspawning. I had to disable the mod because my laptop couldn't handle it.
The A-Salt Skeleton (and/or Zombie) is a stronger version of the original mob. It drops salt upon death. Salt can then be crafted into popcorn, which is not a food, but instead a throw-able explosive.
On the subject of manananggals, I noticed the penanggalan briefly returned ( after one appeared in an indie horror game called "Eyes"
I was also thinking skvader, but I couldn't see what it could do that the wolpertinger couldn't. Maybe it could be seen in extreme hills flying most of the time.