Minecraft In Game Name (case sensitive): Slimjimmybob
Where are you from?: USA
Your age? (if your under 13 do your parents agree to you playing here?): 16
Have you read and agreed to the rules in the post below? Yes
Did you vote for us? That I did
Extra notes?: I really enjoy building and I'll be sure to contribute to the roleplay. Not totally sure if this is relevant but I've never been banned either. (From my experience people usually ask this)
How did you hear of Super-Earth?: Browsing Servers
I miss the days in duneveil where all we had to worry about was finding yellow wool... Oh the memories
Who's to say we won't need some sort of equivalent of yellow wool in the new town? To be fair though, the only real reason we were scrambling to get yellow wool was because someone stole somewhere around 2.5 stacks and we weren't allowed back in the town without the help of an assistant because we all lost our residential priveleges. Funny how something that would be scary in real life is considerably fun in a video game isn't it? Never did figure out who stole the yellow wool either.
If I'll be honest, 99% of the time the Server never updates is so the Server can give everyone the best possible experience. I'm sure it would be updated 1.0.0 if all the Mods were working for that patch. In the meantime though our 1.8 world is still running and playable with the Mods that make Halfcraft what it is.
So in other words to the people who were asking, the Server should be updated soon.
Say anyone else been noticing those airhsips flying around? I've seen about 3. One in the Spawn City, one in Halloween Land, and one by Ulfgaard. Has anyone found others? Darned Blue Coin Syndrome is kicking in on me again.
I didn't particuarly like Twilight Princess, don't get me wrong it's a brilliant game, I just thought it wasn't a very good Zelda game. So, if I were to reccomend one to you I'd say Skyward Sword if money was no object. If it is an object you should definitely pick up Twilight Princess instead.
Where are you from?: USA
Your age? (if your under 13 do your parents agree to you playing here?): 16
Have you read and agreed to the rules in the post below? Yes
Did you vote for us? That I did
Extra notes?: I really enjoy building and I'll be sure to contribute to the roleplay. Not totally sure if this is relevant but I've never been banned either. (From my experience people usually ask this)
How did you hear of Super-Earth?: Browsing Servers
Sounds good, hope I remembered to move everything I wanted to my Vault.
I have to admit, the statues fit in surprisingly well with the castle.
Who's to say we won't need some sort of equivalent of yellow wool in the new town? To be fair though, the only real reason we were scrambling to get yellow wool was because someone stole somewhere around 2.5 stacks and we weren't allowed back in the town without the help of an assistant because we all lost our residential priveleges. Funny how something that would be scary in real life is considerably fun in a video game isn't it? Never did figure out who stole the yellow wool either.
So in other words to the people who were asking, the Server should be updated soon.
I wish I knew what to wish in Minecraft for.
The next user is attacked by a wild Trapinch that they can't escape from.