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    posted a message on ♕Herocraft 🌟 Minecraft RPG Server Multiplayer 🌟 THE ORIGINAL RPG SERVER (2010) Heroes RPG!
    Quote from plaze2

    So if I said, no griefing, no killing, no stealing, no mobs, and you can spawn items, and you can have protection on EVERYTHING but idk a furnace, and I called that hardcore what would you say? You would probably say, that's creative, not hardcore.

    If griefing isn't allowed the game is easier, if its easier its not hardcore is it?

    Obviously not everyone can agree on a definition of hardcore, this is exactly what I'm saying. You attempt to prove a common ground using an extreme case where most people would not say it's hardcore. Just because HeroCraft doesn't conform to all of your ideas of what a HardCore server should be, does not mean it isn't hardcore. Not only that, but because 'HardCore' is an ambiguous term the very first post describes what kind HeroCraft ascribes to be. So what's your issue?
    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 2

    posted a message on ♕Herocraft 🌟 Minecraft RPG Server Multiplayer 🌟 THE ORIGINAL RPG SERVER (2010) Heroes RPG!
    Quote from plaze2

    Griefing is part of the game, hence why creepers and endermen grief.

    You are obviously not encouraging that portion of the game. So let me get this straight, I can go kill somebody, and then that's it? I can't take their **** or wreck up there house, to put me more ahead of them? That's just removes the point of PVP.

    If you put handicaps like teleporting or grief protection to make the game easier, you are not hardcore, and therefor you lied to me and made me waste 2 seconds of my life reading about this server. Way to be an asshole.

    I'm sorry, but was there some standardized written form of requirement on what 'Hardcore' entailed? or would that maybe be up to a players discretion? Perhaps you don't think the server is 'hardcore' enough. If that's true then that would mean there may be levels of Hardcoreness. or how difficult the server makes doing things. Instead of playing the blame game, calling people names, or down-talking to the server you could have done the wise thing, and just left the server/thread at that.

    tldr: Just because you say 'hardcore' is a specific thing doesn't mean everyone agrees with you. And they don't need to.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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