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    posted a message on Roman numerals for enchantments above level 10 [+ MOD]
    Quote from TheRealAD2011

    2: Roman Numerals can take up a lot of space on the computer

    Indeed, if you run Minecraft on a calculator.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Why minecraft update regularly?
    They do not update because they want to update, they update because the community wants them to update. I agree with you sometimes it's very annoying that one update goes RIGHT after another but nothing changes, besides minor bugfixes. But, if they stop doing this Minecraft will start to decay (if it isn't already) and become another airarreT.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Enderenders
    This is a joke, right?
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Missing Recipe
    As all of you know, Stone bricks can be crafted putting 4 smooth stone in a crafting grid, just like sandstone is made out of sand. If you get these Stone bricks and put them again in the crafting grid you will get Chiseled Stone Bricks, that are the ones with a "Circle", let's say, in it. Doing the same with Sandstone will result in Smooth sandstone.
    Now, if you use Sandstone Slabs, you get Chiseled Sandstone (The one with the creeper face) as shown in the picture

    So, why aren't we able to craft Cracked Stone Bricks this way too?
    It makes sense, cause a slab is part of a block, that means you would have to break the stone brick to turn it into a slab and eventually into cracked stone brick.

    I've looked up the forum and I haven't find any Crafting Recipe for Cracked Stone Bricks like this.

    Here is the recipe for it:

    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Cactus Fruits! - Giving Cactus Farming More Use [60+ Supporters]
    Full support, I think the cactus fruits should brew the potion of Haste or the potion of Resistance, the corrupted versions of these would be potion of Mining Fatigue and potion of Weakness respectively. But since potion of weakness is brewed in a lot of different ways, there could be the potion of vulnerability that increases the damage you receive while under its effect. Now we need to see which of these potions fits better to be brewed with the fruit.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on straw/wheat Block
    This would be great for storing wheat aswell.
    If you mean something like in the image, so I support.

    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Nether Brick
    Hello, this is not a big suggestion, so I'll try to add the more details as possible. As we all know, Nether Brick is the material of what Nether Fortress are made of, some players like it a lot, some don't. But the point is, Why ain't there Nether Brick Slabs? We have fences and stairs, even if not present in the fortress, the slabs would be a good build material in my opinion. As I said, it's not a big suggestion and if it's added, it will not change the gameplay in any aspect other than we are getting a new material for build. So, is this a good idea or is waste of time?
    Posted in: Suggestions
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