If you put your crying obsidian in the nether, and then a ghast blows out your portal with its fire ball, and you dont have a flint and steel.....Well. Good luck. You cant escape the nether.
Well, you could go to a fortress and kill one wither skeleton and get a piece of coal, kill a blaze and craft blaze powder, kill a ghast and get gunpowder and make a fire charge to light your portal.
Full support, I think the cactus fruits should brew the potion of Haste or the potion of Resistance, the corrupted versions of these would be potion of Mining Fatigue and potion of Weakness respectively. But since potion of weakness is brewed in a lot of different ways, there could be the potion of vulnerability that increases the damage you receive while under its effect. Now we need to see which of these potions fits better to be brewed with the fruit.
I agree that we need some kind of deeper crafting, without useless steps though, as you said.
For example, before the addiction of Fireworks, Fire Charge and even Potions, gunpowder was used only and exclusively for making TNT.
For the people who still didnt get it, this guy is trying to make the new features in 1.5 use advanced stuff we already have, and that advanced stuff doesnt mean something you have to craft over and over and over again, but something that needs a bit of work to get, like obsidian (you need a diamond pickaxe, for that you need iron pickaxe... etc).
For a clear example of that, we have the bookshelves, we need some sugar cane to get paper, we combine the paper with a piece of leather to get a book, after get three books we use 6 wood with it and we make a single bookshelf. Paper, Leather. and Wood have other uses so they are not useless steps made specifically for the crafting of bookshelfs.
Good luck with your suggestion my son, i hope it gets to the ears of mojang.
É nois! o/
Ninja Star? Really?
Wouldn't a bow and arrow solve your need for a long distance weapon?
So, I'll kill tons of wither skeletons, get the skulls, kill the wither, get the star and then in my way back home throw it in a skeleton i see in the way... so you might say "make it infinite uses"... too OP
Ive made the mistake of not thinking of what im posting in my first post... now i learned. But you have over 300 posts and still do it? ...
How would they be crafted? since its equivalent of stone is crafted like trapdoors, and if sticks it makes fences.
I've been thinking about the possibility to suggest fences from other wooden types, but then i realized there are not specific wood type sticks... i'm not sure if you know what i meant, but anyways, i think its a nice idea, just needs a bit more improvement.
Excellent suggestion, the zombies / skeletons should go look for a place for hide even before the sun is already in a position that makes them burn, would be like a "fear of what's about to come"
Edit: I mean look for a cave when the sky is becoming yellow / red, not in he middle of the night
I agree that the beacon is very useless... it's very hard to get many ores to do a pyramid, then just get an effect in a limited area around the pyramid. Yes I thing wither would drop something else also, like 100% chance of dropping star and 60 or 70% of dropping the sword / bow / etc.
Hello, this is not a big suggestion, so I'll try to add the more details as possible. As we all know, Nether Brick is the material of what Nether Fortress are made of, some players like it a lot, some don't. But the point is, Why ain't there Nether Brick Slabs? We have fences and stairs, even if not present in the fortress, the slabs would be a good build material in my opinion. As I said, it's not a big suggestion and if it's added, it will not change the gameplay in any aspect other than we are getting a new material for build. So, is this a good idea or is waste of time?
Would be good for a new difficulty or a option, though.
Agreed. Maybe there shall be a new game type where you only can play in the Nether, like a hardcore survival, but very harder.
That would be great, though not in standard survival, cause there are way too much items related to the nether in your suggestion unless if added to a separate game mode.
Exactly as I said, I've seen that post before, what I'm doing is try to get a new way of of obtaining them if its added to minecraft, so it doesnt spam creative mode and you get more colours.
Hey guys, I've created an account in the forum just for make sure someone else share this idea with me. I know many people already thinked about that, I've seen a signature with a sand block being dyed, then melted and turned into colored glass of the correspondent colour, but, I'm here to get a better way of doing it, without spamming creative mode inventory with tons of different types of glass.
Well, the same colouring system could be used as for Leather Armor. The player can combine many different types of dyes, making it darker or lighter, depending of his preference. The glass would be shown as:
Glass or Glass Pane Dyed Dyed
This way, it would be possible to create alot of colours of glass, without spam creative mode menu. Also, if you say that the colouring process must be present since in the sand, I mean, dye the sand and then melt it, to get more blocks of different colours, let's be honest, sand is not a very good building block due to it's gravity factor.
So guys, what do you say?
Well, you could go to a fortress and kill one wither skeleton and get a piece of coal, kill a blaze and craft blaze powder, kill a ghast and get gunpowder and make a fire charge to light your portal.
For example, before the addiction of Fireworks, Fire Charge and even Potions, gunpowder was used only and exclusively for making TNT.
For the people who still didnt get it, this guy is trying to make the new features in 1.5 use advanced stuff we already have, and that advanced stuff doesnt mean something you have to craft over and over and over again, but something that needs a bit of work to get, like obsidian (you need a diamond pickaxe, for that you need iron pickaxe... etc).
For a clear example of that, we have the bookshelves, we need some sugar cane to get paper, we combine the paper with a piece of leather to get a book, after get three books we use 6 wood with it and we make a single bookshelf. Paper, Leather. and Wood have other uses so they are not useless steps made specifically for the crafting of bookshelfs.
Good luck with your suggestion my son, i hope it gets to the ears of mojang.
É nois! o/
Wouldn't a bow and arrow solve your need for a long distance weapon?
So, I'll kill tons of wither skeletons, get the skulls, kill the wither, get the star and then in my way back home throw it in a skeleton i see in the way... so you might say "make it infinite uses"... too OP
Ive made the mistake of not thinking of what im posting in my first post... now i learned. But you have over 300 posts and still do it? ...
Finally gonna use that 3 stacks of slimeballs in my chest xD
I've been thinking about the possibility to suggest fences from other wooden types, but then i realized there are not specific wood type sticks... i'm not sure if you know what i meant, but anyways, i think its a nice idea, just needs a bit more improvement.
Edit: I mean look for a cave when the sky is becoming yellow / red, not in he middle of the night
Agreed. Maybe there shall be a new game type where you only can play in the Nether, like a hardcore survival, but very harder.
That would be great, though not in standard survival, cause there are way too much items related to the nether in your suggestion unless if added to a separate game mode.
Well, the same colouring system could be used as for Leather Armor. The player can combine many different types of dyes, making it darker or lighter, depending of his preference. The glass would be shown as:
Glass or Glass Pane
Dyed Dyed
This way, it would be possible to create alot of colours of glass, without spam creative mode menu. Also, if you say that the colouring process must be present since in the sand, I mean, dye the sand and then melt it, to get more blocks of different colours, let's be honest, sand is not a very good building block due to it's gravity factor.
So guys, what do you say?