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    posted a message on I need cows
    Indeed, In a multiplayer world I have a farm with all kind of passive mobs and crops. I've killed all of them because they always used to respawn when I did so. Anyways, I've seen a piece of land to the North of my kingdom. Let me be guided by the notch in this adventure xD
    Thanks for the answers.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Light bugs(blackness) needs to be fixed
    It has been fixed during the 1.4 development when they rewrite the whole lighting system, but they gave up and left it for 1.5. If you look at the wiki one of the "promises" for 1.5 is rewrite the lighting system, and eventually, the blackness bug.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on I need cows
    Quote from rodabon

    If you're playing the most recent version then go elsewhere to find cows, killing the sheep would likely only leave you with no animals at all. Passive animals spawn very rarely and if you're in an ocean biome they don't at all. You should have bred your cows Mr. Slay

    I've generated this world in 1.3.2, and yes I should have bred them but they have always used to respawn so i though they would so the same. For some reason they haven't ^^
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Missing Recipe
    Quote from WaterWave


    Thanks for your support.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on I need cows
    Well, some time ago I have started my SSP world. I've built a big ship, giant crops, and all that stuff people usually do. Next to my house there was a lot of Cows and some Sheep (I live in Extreme Hills) I put some Sheep in a fence square and left the cows alone. In the other day I needed a lot of leather (for bookshelves) and killed all the cows i could see. The problem is:With minecraft breed mechanics the sheep that were in the fence started to assign the biome as a biome where sheep spawn (I'm not sure if that is right) and they started to spawn everywhere.
    Since then i can't find any cows, and since i like in a big island in the middle of the ocean it would be hard to bring them to my land from other place. Should i kill the sheep or definitely go look somewhere else for the cows?
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Missing Recipe
    Quote from WaterTipper

    The recipe should be a lot more interesting and complex than just two slabs.
    Cracked stone bricks are supposed to be a non-renewable and valuable resource - it also makes strongholds a whole lot more useless.

    I think cracked stone bricks should be an extremely rare drop from mining regular stone bricks, or at least make the recipe more expensive.

    There are mossy stone bricks also, and now strongholds may have enchanted books in it's chests. About the expensive recipe, maybe it should, but I can't think about any.

    Quote from Tizorna

    SuPPOrT! :3

    Quote from EpicEnderMiner

    I agree to this; support.

    Quote from alexisiop

    Agreed. Definitely agreed.

    Thanks for your support
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Missing Recipe
    Quote from Badprenup

    I like it. I think every block except Bedrock should be obtainable through crafting.

    Agreed, and thanks for your support.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Missing Recipe
    Quote from unitedsquadron3

    It seems like a good crafting recipe, I support.

    Thanks for your support.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Missing Recipe
    Yes, many blocks and stuff are missing. But what do you guys think about this crafting recipe?
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Missing Recipe
    As all of you know, Stone bricks can be crafted putting 4 smooth stone in a crafting grid, just like sandstone is made out of sand. If you get these Stone bricks and put them again in the crafting grid you will get Chiseled Stone Bricks, that are the ones with a "Circle", let's say, in it. Doing the same with Sandstone will result in Smooth sandstone.
    Now, if you use Sandstone Slabs, you get Chiseled Sandstone (The one with the creeper face) as shown in the picture

    So, why aren't we able to craft Cracked Stone Bricks this way too?
    It makes sense, cause a slab is part of a block, that means you would have to break the stone brick to turn it into a slab and eventually into cracked stone brick.

    I've looked up the forum and I haven't find any Crafting Recipe for Cracked Stone Bricks like this.

    Here is the recipe for it:

    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Craftable/Plantable Grass dirt blocks.
    Quote from NitrogenSnow

    Gold bars have many other uses such as powered rails (will be very useful in 1.5) and clocks. Clocks are useful for underground exploration or even above ground exploration, especially if you play on short render distance (like I used to).

    I also use Golden Apples a lot in mineshaft of nether explorations to help reheal in times of need, that quick regeneration boost is always useful.

    Any spare? Use them on the beacon!

    Gold isn't useless.

    Yes, I meant for tools, since they break fast, but you get many gold bars and you can use them for repair the pickaxe
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Craftable/Plantable Grass dirt blocks.
    Quote from Sambaru

    No support, just get a silk touch tool.


    Quote from qNxX

    Wow I had to use over 3 stacks of books to get Silk Touch.

    Enchanted books can receive only one enchantment at a time, while tools can receive more... that means, more chances when using pickaxes. Also, why are only diamond pickaxes used for that? there is no item that requires diamond tools that can only be get with silk touch: Get a golden pickaxe and repair it eventually with the anvil, aren't gold bars useless at all?
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Dispenser Placing
    Place dispensers facing up or down wards? if so , support
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Replace nether and The End
    Quote from TourianTourist

    The End has some real potential though. At the last Minecon Mojang already teased that the End could turn into something more beautiful as soon as the Enderdragon gets defeated. And in the game's code it's already called the "sky" biome/dimension. So, why not turn the End into the sky dimension that many people wanted for so long? It gets bright and shiny after the Enderdragon died and all the Endermen disappear. Though they still appear in dark areas, so don't worry about your XP farms. And maybe it can have a day and night cycle, where the Endermen come out at night. Now, there needs to be something that let's you fly, maybe some friendly new creature (the red dragon xD) that you call with the help of the dragon egg. You go and explore and find new floating islands that are super beautiful and offer some new valuable resources.

    That is exactly what I was going to post, I'm glad someone else has remember of what they said in Minecon,
    About the topic, it would break the whole concept of brewing, fast traveling, and blah blah blah that everybody has already pointed.
    I still believe that Minecraft needs a "Beautyful" dimension, but never remove the Nether. I would like to see the End turn into a nice place after the boss battle.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Redstone Pole Suggestion
    Genial Suggestion
    Posted in: Suggestions
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