THERE IS a way of turning down only the volume or rain. Go to video settings, select particles and set it to minimal, TADAA THERE now, no need for making nooby suggestions about how a natural phenomenon is OP
Baked potatoes are already a good food source if you have enough farm land and fuel. We don't need more food items in minecraft.
I agree that potatoes are kind of useless right now (just as a food source) maybe the poisonous potato could be used in a potion or something... but not more food
1. Use search bar before posting.
2. Learn how to take criticism and respect other's opinion as you want them to respect yours.
3. Realism and minecraft are two words that do not like each other.
4. The majority thinks ugly caveman squidwards look fine. That includes Mojang Staff.
5. You think it does not look nice? Download a texture pack or make your own, as yourself pointed.
The Misa Realistic and Soartex Fanver Texture packs have human villager skins.
Before anyone else posts anything about the upcoming 1.6 update keep in your mind that this thread was originally made in the OLD 1.6 update, that means, before The end, before Pistons, when redstone repeaters were new and notch still worked in the game, thanks in advance.
You are suggesting the change of a food item to a way more complex version, for the sake of "realism" and after all these steps you eat it and get two or three miserable hunger bars... Very balanced... No Support
This is over suggested and Mojang has already announced that will NOT do any new tiers of Armor or Tools. But i agree they are a little bit useless (only for trading). Maybe adding them as a potion ingredient.
The idea itself is very good. But the crafting must be changed: A potion bottle with a normal arrow. Splash potions would NOT craft these arrows, that means they can still be useful and not be exchanged by this new arrow(sometimes splash potions are not accurate(then use the arrow to hit a single player) but sometimes you will use it for doing potion effects for many players or in a greater close range(use the potion itself)).
Everything else is fine. Since you may not like these points I've presented: Half-Support
I'm neutral. It would be nice to craft it, but the rarity of these (you need to find a Stronghold) makes it that much more valuable, and an even better building material to use. If this is done, they'd lose their value and become quite cheap...
Indeed, they would become less valuable. But once I planned to make a big building with cracked and mossy stone brick after ive been in a stronghold and it wasn't enought. Thats's why i would like to see a crafting recipe, at least for the cracked ones since i don't like to cheat in SSP using inventory editors or TMI
Done. After traveling to the Unknown Northern lands I've bring a couple of cows to my place. I've got the leather and did the last bookshelf needed to my enchantment room, on the top of my mage tower. It seems i was rewarded for my adventure with a Fortune II Diamond Pickaxe!
I agree that potatoes are kind of useless right now (just as a food source) maybe the poisonous potato could be used in a potion or something... but not more food
Obsidian cannot be pushed by pistons son
2. Learn how to take criticism and respect other's opinion as you want them to respect yours.
3. Realism and minecraft are two words that do not like each other.
4. The majority thinks ugly caveman squidwards look fine. That includes Mojang Staff.
5. You think it does not look nice? Download a texture pack or make your own, as yourself pointed.
Taken from the wiki: Iron= 5 (
Horse armor works different from human armor
The idea itself is very good. But the crafting must be changed: A potion bottle with a normal arrow. Splash potions would NOT craft these arrows, that means they can still be useful and not be exchanged by this new arrow(sometimes splash potions are not accurate(then use the arrow to hit a single player) but sometimes you will use it for doing potion effects for many players or in a greater close range(use the potion itself)).
Everything else is fine. Since you may not like these points I've presented: Half-Support
Indeed, they would become less valuable. But once I planned to make a big building with cracked and mossy stone brick after ive been in a stronghold and it wasn't enought. Thats's why i would like to see a crafting recipe, at least for the cracked ones since i don't like to cheat in SSP using inventory editors or TMI