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    posted a message on [1.12]Positive and Negative axes rotation

    Is it possible to use both pos and neg "axis=y" "axis=z" "axis=x" to be able to rotate a block like the log but also be affected by pos or neg

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    posted a message on Register Blocks with Enum [SOLVED]

    Has anybody figured out how to register Blocks with Property Enum on 1.12.2, Old code https://pastebin.com/aBguc6T3Problem is GameRegistry.register is now hidden and now requires either ForgeRegistries constants Or the registry passed in during the RegistryEvent.Register<T> event and i cant figure out how to get this to work.

    After much colaberation with other very smart ppl this has been solve if you need info on how this was solved plz let me know

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    posted a message on Register Mob Types


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    posted a message on Register Mob Types

    I am Registering Mobs using http://pastebin.com/UAtdAS8G now I would like to add diff types using enum types. I have everything in place but I cant figure out how to register each type using the registerEntity method due to the fact that it calls for a class, when I need to call a type.

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    posted a message on [SOLVED]Custom Entity with Equipment

    Thanks for the info however I just found out the fix like I said it wasnt a prob with getting the item to render it was just linked to the wrong part of the model.

    But by overriding getArmForSide it is now linked to the correct model part

    protected ModelRenderer getArmForSide(EnumHandSide side)
    return side == EnumHandSide.LEFT ? this.ogreLeftArm : this.ogreRightArm;

    Posted in: Modification Development
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    posted a message on [SOLVED]Custom Entity with Equipment

    I am trying to get my custom entity to carry a sword/tool or wear armor so far Iv been able to get it to render, but Im having trouble getting it to attach to the right model part. Is there a way to set a part of the model to reference an armor slot/mainhand/offhand, or do I need to do the math for for each slot and just hard code it into the rotation.



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    posted a message on [SOLVED] render partially transparent blocks

    renderAsNormalBlock has been replaces by isFullCube and you also need to add

    public BlockRenderLayer getBlockLayer() {
    return BlockRenderLayer.TRANSLUCENT;

    You can get more info on Block Rendering at


    and yes the info still applies to 1.10

    Posted in: Modification Development
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    posted a message on [Solved] Weird Smelting Bug

    Thanks that did it Thanks to all for Helping

    BTW heres how I implemented it I just added to my TE update method

    if (flag != isSmelting()) {
    flag1 = true;
    IBlockState state = worldObj.getBlockState(pos);
    worldObj.notifyBlockUpdate(pos, state, state, 3);

    Posted in: Modification Development
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    posted a message on [Solved] Weird Smelting Bug

    Im willing to learn both ways of doing this and im still looking into the other method but as to updating the TE the prob is theres not a lot of good docs on this but this is what Iv came up with so far still doesnt work but I think im getting closer

    public NBTTagCompound getUpdateTag() {
    return writeToNBT(new NBTTagCompound());

    public SPacketUpdateTileEntity getUpdatePacket() {
    NBTTagCompound nbtTag = new NBTTagCompound();
    return new SPacketUpdateTileEntity(getPos(), 1, nbtTag);

    public void onDataPacket(NetworkManager net, SPacketUpdateTileEntity packet) {

    Posted in: Modification Development
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    posted a message on [Solved] Weird Smelting Bug

    oh my bad I was thinking the TE update method updated the values of the furnace. So I went through and updated everything to the new methods using the MC furnace as a guide, created the fields, moved the getProgressScaled/getPowerRemainingScaled to the GUI and updated the container using the fields method. It worked sort of when I open the gui the progress is at 0, However I missed something like I said I am using isSmelting to spawn partials and they dont stop spawning till I open the gui then it updates and turns them off. and Thanks for the Help









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    posted a message on [Solved] Weird Smelting Bug

    But this isnt just a visual bug in the gui because im using isSmelting to spawn partials and when im in the gui they stop just like they should but if I close out of the gui they dont stop till I smelt something else and keep the GUI open then it it works fine. So to me it sounds like something weird with the isSmelting or maybe my update methods but I cant find anything wrong with them

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    posted a message on [Solved] Weird Smelting Bug

    On my custom furnace for some reason if im watching the GUI and it finishes smelting the progress stops at 0, however if I start smelting and close out of the GUI till its done when I reopen the GUI the progress is stuck between 8-10% till I smelt something else and keep the GUI open then it goes back to 0.

    Heres my TE


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    posted a message on Spawn Particles with PropertyBool

    After hrs of playing around with this and looking at countless examples of spawn particles Iv found the easiest method of doing this is by referencing the TE directly this gets rid of the need for a bool in the block class to spawn particles.

    TileEntityAlloyFurnace Te = (TileEntityAlloyFurnace) worldIn.getTileEntity(pos);
    if(Te != null && te.isSmelting())

    Side note: this has reviled another prob for some reason when im not in the GUI the furnace keeps running for a sec after its done smelting thus it never turns off. If im watching the GUI and it finishes smelting the progress stops at 0, if I start smelting and close out of the GUI till its done when I reopen the GUI its stuck between 8-10% till I smelt something else and keep the GUI open then it goes back to 0

    Edit: created post for this new prob

    Weird Smelting Bug

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    posted a message on Spawn Particles with PropertyBool

    First break time then Ill look up bitwise operators and let you know what I come up with

    Edit: any suggested reading on bitwise operators

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    posted a message on Spawn Particles with PropertyBool

    Ok maybe Iv been looking at this too long but you lost me there do I need to add ISBURNING to my

    Block#getStateFromMeta and Block#getMetaFromState and if so how do i add it. I know that with Block#getStateFromMeta you use the .withProperty method but im not sure about the Block#getMetaFromState.

    Or do I need to create new methods to store the ISBURNING values

    Posted in: Modification Development
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