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Holy Cow! Are you back onto the Minecraft Forums!?
For a bit, yea! Won't be nearly as active as in the past, but will drop in now and then.
:D. I actually joined when you left, so I was pretty sad that I never got to see you answer questions other than the older posts.
Since you helped me with the
/give @p minecraft:spawn_egg 1 0 {EntityTag:{id:"Creeper"}} can you try doing the same thing with a name. Can you do this plz.
Quote from YoloMaster6479» Since you helped me with the /give @p minecraft:spawn_egg 1 0 {EntityTag:{id:"Creeper"}} can you try doing the same thing with a name. Can you do this plz.
What a..... nice profile picture.
Holy Cow! Are you back onto the Minecraft Forums!?
For a bit, yea! Won't be nearly as active as in the past, but will drop in now and then.
:D. I actually joined when you left, so I was pretty sad that I never got to see you answer questions other than the older posts.
Since you helped me with the
I can help: /give @p minecraft:spawn_egg 1 0 {ench:[],display:{Name:"NAME OF SPAWN EGG"},EntityTag:{id:"creeper",CustomName:"NAME OF MOB"}}
What a..... nice profile picture.
Intel 4th Generation i5-4210U CPUAcer Aspire E5-571-5552 Intel Core i5-4210U 1.7GHz 15.6" Windows 8.1 Notebook
I've known you even before I registered here, so I know your knowledge can help me out. Thank you in advance