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    posted a message on [1.5.1] [Hardcore PvP] UnityCraft [Vampires] [Gods] [Factions] [Dragon Travel]
    Quote from Sandman_Morpheus

    In game name: _Morpheus
    Time Zone: Toronto, Canada
    I have played for about a month and a half
    Age: 13
    Experience: I have lot of experience on this stuff. I'v been mod and admin on 2 different servers
    Qualities:I am a nice, mature and a pretty cool guy.
    How have i helped the server: I have said welcome to most of the new people reconmended about 4 people.
    Recommendations: Rofl40.
    What makes you more suitable for this than others: I like all things to be fair and i will lissen to both sides before punishing anyone. I am also a nice pretty quite person that is always aware of what is hapening in the chat.
    Current Rank: Patron

    Could you possibly add more detail to Experience and How you helped the server? Have you voted, and such? Just a little more detail your app and it would be set, feel free to try again. ^^
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on [1.5.1] [Hardcore PvP] UnityCraft [Vampires] [Gods] [Factions] [Dragon Travel]
    Quote from Rofl40

    In game name: Rofl40
    Time Zone: MST
    I have played this server for almost 3 weeks and i would like to help out with the server.
    Age: 14
    Experience: I have not been moderator on any servers as long as i have played, but owners have set me up to do Mod - like jobs around the server to help out the various server members.
    Qualities:I am a nice, mature, and fun person.
    How have i helped the server: I have helped newer people to the server get started and do well. I have helped smaller factions get a little bigger: and i have voted a lot.
    Recommendations: michael_m56, joeybro13, masterofsquids,leapwincecat.
    What makes you more suitable for this than others: I am easy going and a willing person. I listen to what i should be doing, and i love to help out always. I make my structures large and unique. I just want this server to be fun and fair.
    Current Rank: Trusted

    Accepted primarily due to the lack of mods on the server, it at this point is very difficult for me by myself to moderate the server, and maintain school work, and normal work. You will observed carefully on your performance due to slight doubts.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on [1.5.1] [Hardcore PvP] UnityCraft [Vampires] [Gods] [Factions] [Dragon Travel]
    Voting ends today(Meaning I won. :D) The votes ended with a total of 16 votes to Skrel, and 10 votes to Yurek
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on [1.5.1] [Hardcore PvP] UnityCraft [Vampires] [Gods] [Factions] [Dragon Travel]
    Max you need to put the server up
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on [1.5.1] [Hardcore PvP] UnityCraft [Vampires] [Gods] [Factions] [Dragon Travel]
    Max there is an internal server error.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on [1.5.1] [Hardcore PvP] UnityCraft [Vampires] [Gods] [Factions] [Dragon Travel]
    The Server will be White Listed until further notice, it is currently being fixed, it is unknown to me on how long it will be down, judging by the amount left that's need to do, it probably won't take long.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on [1.5.1] [Hardcore PvP] UnityCraft [Vampires] [Gods] [Factions] [Dragon Travel]

    [center]In game name:LeapWinCeCat
    TimeZone: same as you
    How much time have you played on the server for(1 week minimum time): 2 months
    Experience(In detail, please): i am mod on 3 servers and admin on 1
    How have you helped the server: ive asked to help the mods and im your lab rat XD
    Reccommendations(Put people who reccomend you here): max
    What makes you more suitable forthis position than others: i am your cousin, i see you every day, i have a phone, i have skype, im a donator, i have some really cool ideas, i love to help out, and i am dedicated to this server
    Current rank on server(Trusted rank required):[/center] i am a VampireLord(donator) but i have Trusted perks so i think Donator is the same as Trsted

    This is not the final decision in your app so don't worry, this is just me giving my opinion in your app. I don't think Leap should be a mod due to in game activity. Firstly he has been inactive for a large amount of time, and he has shown large amounts of disrespect towards players, including myself. Also on top of that has been caught cheating in game using nodus and x-ray texture packs. I think that he would not make a good mod... I'm sorry MAX if I am talking out of my place, but I just wanted to give my opinion before you accepted, or declined his app.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on [1.5.1] [Hardcore PvP] UnityCraft [Vampires] [Gods] [Factions] [Dragon Travel]
    Why has the server been down?
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on [1.5.1] [Hardcore PvP] UnityCraft [Vampires] [Gods] [Factions] [Dragon Travel]
    Happy holidays everyone! ^^ Great pictures Charlie, you did a really good job making the buildings(and tree), taking the picture, and editing the photos!
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on [1.5.1] [Hardcore PvP] UnityCraft [Vampires] [Gods] [Factions] [Dragon Travel]
    We need more players... Our server is so low on players it's not even funny we need to do ­ to advertise! If you have twitter and lots of followers tell them about this epic server called Unitycraft, or if you have youtube and got lots of subscribers tell them about us, has anyone advertised at all?
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on [1.5.1] [Hardcore PvP] UnityCraft [Vampires] [Gods] [Factions] [Dragon Travel]
    Lol Volt broke the world record! He came in today and raged a 2nd time this time complaining to me and Stoner. xD
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on [1.5.1] [Hardcore PvP] UnityCraft [Vampires] [Gods] [Factions] [Dragon Travel]
    Quote from MAXIMUSSPRIME

    Server has 7 people on :D
    1.4.6 is AWESOME! It's fun to see it on our server :3 Join now!

    ily MAX
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on [1.5.1] [Hardcore PvP] UnityCraft [Vampires] [Gods] [Factions] [Dragon Travel]
    Quote from MAXIMUSSPRIME

    I have fixed the server, should be working for any 1.4.5 users, please downgrade using this (provided by http://massivecraft.com, thanks Massivecraft!) jar if you can/want! Thank you!

    MAX I won't be on until it updates, I tried to download minecraft off this site and it just gives me an error. Also I would rather not download minecraft off a separate site(Especially on my school laptop). Sorry. I will be active once bukkit and this server are updated
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on [1.5.1] [Hardcore PvP] UnityCraft [Vampires] [Gods] [Factions] [Dragon Travel]
    In game name: Skrel

    Time Zone: North American Eastern Time Zone

    How much time have you played on the server for(1 week minimum time): I have spent exactly 1 week on this server, but i have been on every day of the week for multiple hours everyday, and will continue to try and do so.

    Experience (In detail, please): I have actually had a lot of experience in moderating servers, none in which were well populated. Many of my friends from school have servers and I am a moderator and many of their servers, but they're white listed. Me and my brother also have a server of our own. Sadly it is not up as much as I had hoped, and it's more of a private server.

    How have you helped the server(Optional, but recommended): I believe I have. ^^ I have voted Numerous times and I try and speak my mind. I also have recently caught someone of advertising their server on our chat(Not sure if that's against the rules.) I also told many people to stop spamming, ect.

    Recommendations: Eric Recommended me x121, and many people wished me good luck. :D

    What makes you more suitable for this position than others: I believe myself to be very responsible, and nice. I also think I am well known throughout the server, and most people on the server consider me as a friend which is good! ^^
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on [1.3.1] Simple Survival, Simple Vanilla! [Whitelist]
    - IGN: Skrel
    - What do you want to do on the server? I am looking to meet new people who are not going to kill me and start laughing or burn my stuff. I hate It when someone griefs me, takes my stuff from my chests, and such. I am looking for a server where this does not happen and I can make new friends.
    -Have you ever been banned before on servers? (We want the honest truth.): I think I may have been banned from creepernation nation, but i'm unsure of why. I did take from someones garden the day before because I was starving. That may be the reason, but I don't think you'd be banned for that considering I replanted.
    - Why do you want to play?: I like minecraft, I like to build, and I am looking for a good community who is willing to build with me and not ruin my home.
    - Do you agree to the rules? Yes I liked and agreed to all the rules, I think they are reasonable.

    :Bacon: I'm a good cook. ^^ MINE
    Posted in: PC Servers
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