My spare time usually consists of me, playing on my computer(minecraft, minigames, browsing, facebook), playing on my Playstation 3(Black ops 2, Demon Souls, Dark souls, Dead island, and many more games.), playing my bass guitar which I am really bad at, but I play anyways, I often go ski, and hang out with my friends. ^^
This is just a heads up. If the server is still up(Which it should be)by the summer time, I will be absent for about 2-4 weeks actually do to semi-technical difficulties. This is just me saying ahead of time that I won't be on during that period. I've been using my school laptop because my laptop broke, so I will need to buy a new one, and i have estimated that with my income over the summer it will take me about 2 weeks at the least and 4 weeks at the most. ALSO I AM NOT ACCEPTING APPS AT THIS POINT UNTIL THE SERVER GROWS MORE OR UNTIL WE LOSE SOME OF THE STAFF WE HAVE NOW! Please wait before you make an application, because if you post one I will deny it. If your money is reset it will be fixed as soon as possible, this is not a problem that is only happening to you, please I assure you everything is fine. On that note, the lag is likely caused by the host, and the amount of memory usage we are using, me, and MAX will get to that also as soon as possible, there are some un-needed plugins that we need to go in and get rid of. FrostClutch seems to be in great shape so far and should be finished soon, sometime within this month(No guarantees). Once it is released feel free to check it out, Texas, and the rest of the Builder team(Michael, WolfieCheats, and Rofl) have done a great job so far, and be sure to thank them for their hard work.
Thank you for reading this, if you have any concerns, or other problems, please contact me, or MAX in game, or through other sources my contact information will be listed below Skype: Skrel2 or Tucker Peryer Hotmail: [email protected] Gmail: [email protected] Minecraft In Game name: Skrel
Another thing to add I will be on every now and then within those 2-4 weeks on my brothers computer, it won't be much, and it won't be long.
This is just a heads up. If the server is still up(Which it should be)by the summer time, I will be absent for about 2-4 weeks actually do to semi-technical difficulties. This is just me saying ahead of time that I won't be on during that period. I've been using my school laptop because my laptop broke, so I will need to buy a new one, and i have estimated that with my income over the summer it will take me about 2 weeks at the least and 4 weeks at the most. ALSO I AM NOT ACCEPTING APPS AT THIS POINT UNTIL THE SERVER GROWS MORE OR UNTIL WE LOSE SOME OF THE STAFF WE HAVE NOW! Please wait before you make an application, because if you post one I will deny it. If your money is reset it will be fixed as soon as possible, this is not a problem that is only happening to you, please I assure you everything is fine. On that note, the lag is likely caused by the host, and the amount of memory usage we are using, me, and MAX will get to that also as soon as possible, there are some un-needed plugins that we need to go in and get rid of. FrostClutch seems to be in great shape so far and should be finished soon, sometime within this month(No guarantees). Once it is released feel free to check it out, Texas, and the rest of the Builder team(Michael, WolfieCheats, and Rofl) have done a great job so far, and be sure to thank them for their hard work.
Thank you for reading this, if you have any concerns, or other problems, please contact me, or MAX in game, or through other sources my contact information will be listed below Skype: Skrel2 or Tucker Peryer Hotmail: [email protected] Gmail: [email protected] Minecraft In Game name: Skrel
In-game name:Iloeman
Time zone:
How long you’ve played UnityCraft(1 week minimum):idk for several months
Why you want this position:well i would like to help this server in anyway i can
How often you vote for the server:when i remember or it pops up in game
Previous temp bans/bans on UnityCraft:none
How you’ve made up for the(se) bans:
How often you play UnityCraft:as much s possible when scedule allows
Staff Experience:ive an dmin on some servers mods on others
Forms of Contact (Steam, Skype, Email):email
Reccomendations (Players who reccomend you):none that i know of but probably rofl andrew skrel and some others
What makes you more suitable for this position than others:im very feindly i know how to get to the bottom of the situation most will tell me the truth
Current rank on server(Trusted or higher):trusted
Additional Notes:
Sorry, not accepting apps anymore, when more positions are open I will make a post.
Max the server has been having some serious issues with connection and lag lately, I think you should look into that. I think it has something to do with our host..
MY INGAME NAME IS: Silverbullet012
2.Why you are interested in building for UnityCraft:im very good at building and people will look at the server for the sexy builds
3.Your best build (Description and Pictures):my best build is a gret sculpture of me
4.Building Experience:ive been building befor i was able to walk i loved legos and when i found out about minecraft i was like best time eva
5.Forms of contact (Steam, Skype, Email):my skype is Bubbleman20, my email is [email protected]
6.Why you think you should be a builder on UnityCraft:because of ive been building forever and ive entered a contest and won 2nd place for a minecraft building contest
7.Style of Building:man i dont know i build thinks from clubs houses modern and old fassion country and city
8.Other Builds (Pictures):i built a nice big sandstone castle
9.Additional Notes:i would help build more house in grandfall, and add more places, like grandfall
Denied, Sorry
More detail in your app would be nice, rather than one sentence, per question try to go into more detail. Also picture would be helpful considering I have not seen anything you have built(Or a video)
IGN: michael_m56
Why you are interested in building for UnityCraft: UnityCraft is an awesome server and in my experience playing on this server i have felt it needs to expand more building wise.(same village since the dawn of time)
Your best build (Description and Pictures):well i have no idea how to upload pictures onto this but i have built a large castle (still in progress) in my server that skrel has seen,an awesome mountain house in my singleplayer, and a few other interesting builds such as a indoor pool and sauna.
Building Experience:I own 2 servers and i build 90% of the things on these servers(one is not public only for building).I am headbuilder on a server and headadmin on another server where i help out alot with building
Forms of contact (Steam, Skype, Email):email [email protected] no skype/steam
Why you think you should be a builder on UnityCraft:I have played on this server for a while and i havae played regularly
Style of Building: More medieval times but i am good with most styles.
Other Builds (Pictures): A parkour course which is very fun and appealing to the eye.
Additional Notes: I want to help the server have more buildings,creations and more interesting structures, also if u need to see any of the builds on a server just ask me or andrewvh1 for the ip. (one needs hamachi tho) Also i am a pro with world edit if u need any help with that. (sexy pig)
A good amount of detail, and nice colors.
I have seen things you have built, and I was not disappointed, don't let me down Mich.
Congratz. ^^
Well I won't be accepting anymore applications at this point(Maybe builder apps) because we now have 5-6 staff members(Including builders). I'm also unsure if MAX wants me accepting applications without his permission, until I get a chance to talk to MAX, I will not be accepting apps. Thank you to all who applied. ^^
How long you've played UnityCraft(1 week minimum): About 2 - 3 Weeks.
Why you want this position: I don't see very many moderators actually fixing things. I love the server and would like to help it out at all cost and people won't listen to me at the rank of Barbarian.
How often you vote for the server: Sometimes, not many though. I forget getting distracted by playing on the server then homework.
Previous temp bans/bans on UnityCraft: I have been temp banned once because I was flying around and I got accused of hacks without proof. I was really mad for that day because I keep getting killed and stuff.
How you've made up for the(se) bans: Yes, I waited out the 10 day ban and now I think I am one of the best on the server.
How often you play UnityCraft: Everyday when other people are on.
Staff Experience: I have been moderator + on many servers, to many to count. I can also show you how experienced on my server that I run with Bailey280899, with all commands I know.
Forms of Contact (Steam, Skype, Email): Skype = CinemaFilmsHD
Reccomendations (Players who reccomend you): Bailey280899
What makes you more suitable for this position than others: I am very loyal and I would nerver abuse. Other will just get the rank and not go to the last nerve of there knowledge to help anyone who needs help, I will do those.
Current rank on server(Trusted or higher): Barbarian. ( I have talked to MAXIMUSPRIME about this)
Additional Notes: Thank you for looking at my application!
Very nice app indeed sir! I'm glad that you were honest on the have you been banned question. Honesty
makes it easier to trust you, it's very colorful and I like that. You told me MAX liked it which is good, I need to talk to
MAX about it just to verify he actually said that.(Not because I don't trust you) You will promoted to pre-mod for the time being, and once I feel you're a good mod I will, or MAX will promote you to mod, thanks for applying. ^^
How long you've played UnityCraft(1 week minimum): Hmm, since late August, early September.
Why you want this position: I have been on UnityCraft for a very long time and was mod at one point, but was demoted due to things discussed in game. I love all the Staff (<3 Ya Skrel, Max, Rofl, Morph, etc), and the people on the server, and have never been bored on this server. I am often on when no one is on cause the server is great to play at all times.
]How often you vote for the server: Not often because I never think of getting more money, because I have so much on the server, but I suppose I should vote for it so people can see it.
Previous temp bans/bans on UnityCraft: Never, I'm Clean!
How you've made up for the(se) bans: Never been banned. :3
How often you play UnityCraft: Very often, atleast 3 or 4 times a week, and I play for at least an hour when I do, and although I do not come on as often as I could, I believe I come on enough!
Staff Experience: I am Owner on a server called ForceSurge and Owner on a server called SwagCraft, as well as moderator on a server named CircuitCraft, Trainee on a server named IsolationPrison, and builder on a server named The Lost Realms. I was moderator on this server but, .[/font]
Forms of Contact (Steam, Skype, Email): Steam: andrewvh1 Skype: Im_Awesome56 Email: [email protected]
Reccomendations (Players who reccomend you): michael_m56,joeybro13, Maxxy Baby (Sorry if I'm wrong), and Skrellypoo (Sorry i if I am wrong).
What makes you more suitable for this position than others: I am active, kind, hard-working, and diligent. I have been moderator on this server before and have been on this server longer than most, I was even mod before Skrellypoo (Lol!), so I know almost everybody and all the rules considerably well. I handle most situations much more calm and cooperative than most can, and believe I have an excellent personality for moderator. Also, I am in the Kind Words section!
Current rank on server(Trusted or higher): Samaritan (100$ Baby) which I believe includes Trusted.
[font='trebuchet ms', ', helvetica, sans-serif} ']Additional Notes: Please consider my application, as well as remember I will be much more active than last time. I will be much better, I can asure you! Maxxy, just remember the old days on Gang Wars!!!!!!!!!!! Bye buddy!!! Oh, and Skrel, HIIIIII!!!!!
Very impressive app in my opinion, i'm glad you made this app, because this is what most players apps should look like when they apply. I can vouch for you when you say you've already been a mod, and you were a good mod. You were not demoted for a bad reason, simply because you were inactive for a period of time. You've been on this server for a long time, and have a lot of experience. Overall your app is great! Good job, you will be a mod(Not pre-mod) because I have already seen you as a mod, and you're a good mod I believe, don't let me down.
Not saying they will, but if Morph, or Rofl happen to abuse their powers as staff feel free to send me a picture. When a mod abuses there commands dependent on what they did it could be an instant demotion. Thank you.
I don't agree to promotions but it is not my authority. Congrats to both Morph and Rofl.
Now...I'm gonna be inactive as this server sadly is now at my bottom list. I now have other servers I will be intending more often. Farewell to you all.
- That_Guy_With_The_Face
Stone the thing about this promotion was because no one else was applying, and I am unable to moderate the entire server by myself. I respect your opinion, but without more mods it's very hard for me to moderate the server. Good luck on your server, and whatever other servers you play, goodbye.
In game name: _Morpheus Time Zone: Toronto, Canada I have played for about a month and a half Age: 13 Experience: I have lot of experience on this stuff. I'v been mod and admin on 2 different servers these server where sort a busy but they where not that popular they had 4 to 2 player on at once. These servers where cool and hardcore for a while then went back to NON-PVP
Qualities:I am a nice, mature and a pretty cool guy.
How have i helped the server: I have said welcome to most of the new people reconmended about 4 people.
Recommendations: Rofl40.
What makes you more suitable for this than others: I like all things to be fair and i will lissen to both sides before punishing anyone. I am also a nice pretty quite person that is always aware of what is hapening in the chat.
Current Rank: Patron
I haven't voted very often but i think i will start after seeing what you get also it helps the server alot.
Once again you guys need to add more detail, but it improved. I still need help moderating, I will be watching you two carefully to see how you do. Please don't disappoint me.
Born November 12th.
Another thing to add I will be on every now and then within those 2-4 weeks on my brothers computer, it won't be much, and it won't be long.
Please wait before you make an application, because if you post one I will deny it. If your money is reset it will be fixed as soon as possible, this is not a problem that is only happening to you, please I assure you everything is fine. On that note, the lag is likely caused by the host, and the amount of memory usage we are using, me, and MAX will get to that also as soon as possible, there are some un-needed plugins that we need to go in and get rid of.
FrostClutch seems to be in great shape so far and should be finished soon, sometime within this month(No guarantees). Once it is released feel free to check it out, Texas, and the rest of the Builder team(Michael, WolfieCheats, and Rofl) have done a great job so far, and be sure to thank them for their hard work.
Thank you for reading this, if you have any concerns, or other problems, please contact me, or MAX in game, or through other sources my contact information will be listed below
Skype: Skrel2 or Tucker Peryer
Hotmail: [email protected]
Gmail: [email protected]
Minecraft In Game name: Skrel
Sorry, not accepting apps anymore, when more positions are open I will make a post.
Denied, Sorry
More detail in your app would be nice, rather than one sentence, per question try to go into more detail. Also picture would be helpful considering I have not seen anything you have built(Or a video)
A good amount of detail, and nice colors.
I have seen things you have built, and I was not disappointed, don't let me down Mich.
Congratz. ^^
The donate button does not work MAX, it just opens up an image of the donate button.
Very nice app indeed sir! I'm glad that you were honest on the have you been banned question. Honesty
makes it easier to trust you, it's very colorful and I like that. You told me MAX liked it which is good, I need to talk to
MAX about it just to verify he actually said that.(Not because I don't trust you) You will promoted to pre-mod for the time being, and once I feel you're a good mod I will, or MAX will promote you to mod, thanks for applying. ^^
Very impressive app in my opinion, i'm glad you made this app, because this is what most players apps should look like when they apply. I can vouch for you when you say you've already been a mod, and you were a good mod. You were not demoted for a bad reason, simply because you were inactive for a period of time. You've been on this server for a long time, and have a lot of experience. Overall your app is great! Good job, you will be a mod(Not pre-mod) because I have already seen you as a mod, and you're a good mod I believe, don't let me down.
Stone the thing about this promotion was because no one else was applying, and I am unable to moderate the entire server by myself. I respect your opinion, but without more mods it's very hard for me to moderate the server. Good luck on your server, and whatever other servers you play, goodbye.
Once again you guys need to add more detail, but it improved. I still need help moderating, I will be watching you two carefully to see how you do. Please don't disappoint me.