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    posted a message on [Prison Server] Hellbreak Prison Beta [1.6.2]
    Quote from dummychicken

    In-game name: dummychicken
    Age: **
    Time zone: est
    How you will help us in beta: oh course
    How long you have played Minecraft: since 1.2.5. I have played hours ever day.
    Prison server experience: Lots. Citizen on killion and head-guard on clockwork
    Will you post on this forum page often? I will post relevant stuff when I fell needed to.
    Your definition of a beta tester: Someone who looks for flaws/bugs/errors in the sever and helps fix them.
    Forms of contact (Skype, Steam, E-mail): I have skype (I don't really like using it) Steam and an email.
    Additional Notes: I enjoy having fun with people on severs and would gladly help in anyway I can.

    Note: Pugs are smexy

    Could you please include your age, your app will not be denied, because of your age, but leaving out your age is not acceptable, unless the question has an (Optional) at the end of it, it is required, please try again and include your age, thank you. ^^
    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 0

    posted a message on [Prison Server] Hellbreak Prison Beta [1.6.2]
    Max, when you gonna post the Ip, today right? xD If you don't, I may just myself.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on [Prison Server] Hellbreak Prison Beta [1.6.2]
    Hello, skrel here. ^^
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on [1.5.1] [Hardcore PvP] UnityCraft [Vampires] [Gods] [Factions] [Dragon Travel]
    Quote from Bailey280899

    Nice, I feel this is a really great server ad I don't want it to die.. ;)

    Thanks for your concern Bailey. ^^
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on [1.5.1] [Hardcore PvP] UnityCraft [Vampires] [Gods] [Factions] [Dragon Travel]
    Quote from Bailey280899

    It seems like your having trouble, if you need my help just ask. :) Correct me if I'm wrong.

    Lol very true, the server is having trouble
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on [1.5.1] [Hardcore PvP] UnityCraft [Vampires] [Gods] [Factions] [Dragon Travel]
    I fixed the World Borders. <3 Anyone's bases that are past that will be destroyed, and the persons homes set there will be removed.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on [1.5.1] [Hardcore PvP] UnityCraft [Vampires] [Gods] [Factions] [Dragon Travel]
    Max this needs to be fixed for me to be able to turn the server back on
    "24.03 07:53:32 [Multicraft] Not restarting crashed server.
    24.03 07:53:32 [Multicraft] Server stopped
    24.03 07:53:32 [Multicraft] Looks like a crash, check the server console. Return value: 1
    24.03 07:53:32 [Multicraft] Server shut down
    24.03 07:53:32 [Server] INFO Error: Unable to access jarfile /custom.jar
    24.03 07:53:32 [Multicraft] Failed to copy jarfile from global JAR directory
    24.03 07:53:32 [Multicraft] JAR file not found, copying from global JAR director"
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on [1.5.1] [Hardcore PvP] UnityCraft [Vampires] [Gods] [Factions] [Dragon Travel]
    Quote from MAXIMUSSPRIME

    So sorry for all of the server issues </3 I'm trying to get the host to enable custom jars for me, so hang in there!

    I believe the World Borders are broken.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on [1.5.1] [Hardcore PvP] UnityCraft [Vampires] [Gods] [Factions] [Dragon Travel]
    Things WERE good, but the server is currently undergoing issues, and is continuing to crash on a regular basis, we are looking in to that right now. ^^
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on [1.5.1] [Hardcore PvP] UnityCraft [Vampires] [Gods] [Factions] [Dragon Travel]
    Quote from Nocibur23

    In game name: Nocibur23

    Age: 14

    Why are you interested in building for Unity Craft?: Unity Craft has some amazing structures and I would like to see more great ones added to new areas. I think I could help build and expand Unity Craft.

    Your best build: I built this tower in Survival mode: http://imgur.com/2kPnGZg

    Building Experience: I have built on my personal Minecraft worlds, my base in Unity Craft, and many structures on Xbox 360 Minecraft.

    Forms of Contact (E-mail): [email protected]

    Why you think you should be a builder on Unity Craft: I am a skilled builder and I like to build extravagant structures. I like to take my time on my buildings to make them perfect.

    Style of Building:I like to build more complicated, well designed, and well thought out structures that are something that stands out instead of simple, square-like, and ordinary structures. I make sure my buildings are basically perfect by counting and using math.

    Other Builds: I built this as my personal base on the UnityCraft server: http://imgur.com/exXeazA

    Additional Notes: I am a hard worker and I like to prioritize my time when I play Minecraft and when I am building something.

    I hope my application for the Builder position will be accepted.

    Good buildings, and you were suggested by some of our staff, great job, and welcome to the Builders.
    I will rank you up when we're both on at the same time.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on [1.5.1] [Hardcore PvP] UnityCraft [Vampires] [Gods] [Factions] [Dragon Travel]
    In the past two days two staff members were demoted to trusted
    Pre-mod Xi0nHDz-
    -doesn't moderate as much I was hoping
    Builder WolfieCheats-
    -Hasn't contributed towards any buildings yet.
    -Complaints from several players.

    Please do not complain, or try to make excuses, my decision is final.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on [1.5.1] [Hardcore PvP] UnityCraft [Vampires] [Gods] [Factions] [Dragon Travel]
    Quote from andrewvh

    Today, today. Today was a pretty big day actually. Skrel demoted Xi0nHDz due to inactivity, as Skrel and I said, shops were reopened cause Max replace iConomy with CraftEconomy. Max fixed up the Philanthropist [100$] rank and kit, and we almost got full! 13/15 people was our highest today! Things are going great, so join! Join! Join!

    xD It wasn't really a big day in my opinion we didn't get as much done(or I didn't get as much done) as usual. But yes JOIN. xD Once the server expands and we get more people to join, we'll be able to accept more staff applications. But also yesterday I removed unnecessary permissions for the Moderator+, and Admin rank, and moved them to Head Admin, and Owner. If you donate 100$ you will get all of the Samaritan permissions(More to come likely) and the new kits, which consists of
    Three diamond enchanted sword(Sharpness 5, fire aspect 2, and unbreaking)
    Three enchanted bows(Infinity 1, unbreaking, flame, and Power 5)
    5 instant health 2 splash potions
    64 Diamonds
    128 Iron ingots.
    9 Wither Skeleton Skulls
    128 Netherwart
    5 brewing stands
    64 Golden apples(Not the god kind)
    32 God apples
    98 TNT
    5 enchantment tables
    128 bookshelves
    32 ender pearls
    Diamond enchanted tools(Shovel, Pickaxe, and Axe) all have efficiency 4, unbreaking 3, and the Axe, and pick have fortune 3
    And finally 32 creeper eggs

    If this list was of any interest to you, feel free to donate 100$, it will be a great help to the server, and is well appreciated, we make sure our donors are treated very well.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on [1.5.1] [Hardcore PvP] UnityCraft [Vampires] [Gods] [Factions] [Dragon Travel]
    Alright, so i'm going to make a post about yesterday because I never posted about it, and a post about today, it's pretty short so far. Yesterday MAX was on, so we were able to fix a lot of plugin issues, and reduce lag. We got a new economy plugin and Andrew opened the shops once again. Today we haven't done anything as of yet, it's not a very productive day.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on [1.5.1] [Hardcore PvP] UnityCraft [Vampires] [Gods] [Factions] [Dragon Travel]
    Guys I believe I am going to start doing what MAX suggested, and post daily(or try) posts, on what has happened on the server, and what's been fixed, and other things. I think it will be a great chance for everyone to post problems they've been having, or ask for help through the forums, so be sure to be active on this thread.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Have you had a crush?
    Who hasn't had a crush before? xD
    Most people when in school have crushes, most are to afraid to come to telling that person(Not saying anyone in particular) But almost EVERYONE I have met has had a crush at least once.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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