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    posted a message on [Prison Server] Hellbreak Prison Beta [1.6.2]
    Quote from MAXIMUSSPRIME

    Hah, no problem :) Let's hope it pays off though

    Woot, 600 posts xD 601 now. I'm still less than have of your amount of posts though haha.

    Skrel and I have been working on the new Vile Block! It's turning out pretty awesome so far :) Unlike the other blocks that are all flat, the new Vile block will have a bit more elevation to it. It will be wider though, so expect to still see some PvP :)

    Update to your update, New B is pretty much done, just needs to have a finished mine, and be regioned, same with the E block.

    Also I think we should hire like 2 guards just because guards are an important part of the server, meaning andrew would be accepting and denying guard apps.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on [Prison Server] Hellbreak Prison Beta [1.6.2]
    Quote from GTQJJ123

    btw i still cant join

    Sorry is your IGN without the !:D? If so I fixed that.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on [Prison Server] Hellbreak Prison Beta [1.6.2]
    Quote from nicolasbeat12


    That was my own touch, I think it's a good lesson, don't dig down, and pay attention when you mine. :3
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on [Prison Server] Hellbreak Prison Beta [1.6.2]
    Quote from GTQJJ123

    In-game name:GTQJJ! :D
    Time zone:GMT +1.
    How you will help us in beta:make sure there is no glitches and bugs and try keep things from getting out of hand.
    How long you have played Minecraft:snice 2010.
    Prison server experience: ive been free on 2 servers and guard and sir.guard on a prison server before.
    Will you post on this forum page often?yup.
    Your definition of a beta tester:someone who looks for bugs and flaws and trys to fix them.
    Forms of contact (Skype, Steam, E-mail):[email protected] and [email protected].
    Additional Notes:i love all dogs and i have 2 of my own and i love to pvp hoping for guard ty :DSWORD: .

    Accepted, welcome
    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 0

    posted a message on [Prison Server] Hellbreak Prison Beta [1.6.2]

    In-game name: roran461
    Age: 15
    Time zone: Pacific Time zone

    How you will help us in beta: i can help with building and some what coding.
    How long you have played Minecraft: since it came out
    Prison server experience: CSS prison break
    Will you post on this forum page often? when ever i need to do something on it
    Your definition of a beta tester: a person who tests out everything, and helps people out. makes sure theres no glitches, everythings possible and all runs smoothly-AKA ME
    Forms of contact (Skype, Steam, E-mail): You have my skype, and my steam account. Not going to put my email on here.
    Additional Notes: 01101101 01100001 01111000 0100000 01101001 01110011 0100000 01100001 0100000 01100110 01100001 01100111 ALSO FRIENDS WITH BBUNDED55, BLACKNEKO

    Accept, but me personally I DONT have any information what so ever on your contact information, if you apply for a staff position that will be very important.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on [Prison Server] Hellbreak Prison Beta [1.6.2]
    Quote from MAXIMUSSPRIME

    Can I ask what was wrong? Very sorry :(

    Oh... I think I know, I added a different build for essentials last night -facepalm-

    Sorry, but yeah what went wrong? Did you have to get a different build?

    No all I really did was, delete some un-needed spaces here and there in the essentials then I reset the server. xD
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on [Prison Server] Hellbreak Prison Beta [1.6.2]
    Max something is wrong with Essentials.
    Quote from Mr_MelleJ

    Guys, server is off because of a plugin failure, Skrel is trying to fix it.

    @Skrel: I was replanting the Nether Farm when you stopped it, so don't give me then fine when you see the half part isn't planted :)

    Lol that's fine. xD
    Quote from Skrel

    Max something is wrong with Essentials.

    Lol that's fine. xD

    Fixed it nvm
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on [Prison Server] Hellbreak Prison Beta [1.6.2]
    Quote from darkmoney5

    In-game name: natehildreth
    Age: 14
    Time zone: Eastern Standard Time
    How you will help us in beta: I am a experienced guard who has been Head-Guard on 3 different servers
    How long you have played Minecraft: Since Beta Pug
    Prison server experience: As I said I am a Really experienced Player who can respond to a variety of situations
    Will you post on this forum page often? I will do what ever is necessary to Please the Owner
    Your definition of a beta tester: A Beta Tester is someone who checks out the server finds bugs and reports them to Owner
    Forms of contact (Skype, Steam, E-mail): Skype and is natehildreth
    Additional Notes: I can help with almost anything I am skilled with Website Design,Building,and Moderating/Guarding

    Accepted, welcome!
    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 0

    posted a message on [Prison Server] Hellbreak Prison Beta [1.6.2]
    Quote from raqk

    In-game name: raqk
    Age: 13
    Time zone: ust
    How you will help us in beta: i can help with the server in beta because i am good with plugins, so you can test stuff with me, i am a decent builder, and i like testing things out!
    How long you have played Minecraft: about 2 years now
    Prison server experience: i am a guard on 1 and i am currently making my own
    Will you post on this forum page often? as often as i can!
    Your definition of a beta tester: a person who tests out everything, and helps people out. makes sure theres no glitches, everythings possible and all runs smoothly
    Forms of contact (Skype, Steam, E-mail): [email protected]
    Additional Notes: i am good with redstone...

    Accepted though you could have added slightly more detail.
    Quote from bbunded55

    In-game name: bbunded55
    Time zone:Central
    How you will help us in beta:I can help Test Plug ins on your server and pretty much anything you need.
    How long you have played Minecraft: About 1 1/2 Years
    Prison server experience: I have Played on multiple Servers Such If u need info just ask me on skype ;)
    Will you post on this forum page often? Yes if its needed
    Your definition of a beta tester: A Helpful Person In Testing Plug-in's Custom or not with the Server.
    Forms of contact (Skype, Steam, E-mail): Skype bbunde55 (Max you should have me)
    Additional Notes: I have Played With you a lot on Spoutcraft and such So you should Trust me and i hope you will Approve My App

    Accepted, glad your grammar is better than a lot of people who apply. xD Thanks, glad you have experience.
    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 0

    posted a message on [Prison Server] Hellbreak Prison Beta [1.6.2]
    Some updates, working on a NEW c block, me and Max decided that the C block is to small, other than that I have completed making all the donor kits, so now if you have donated previously on Unitycraft(Above the value of $50 dollars), or intend to donate you will get your donor perks.
    E block is almost complete, needs to have plots, and then be regioned and then it will be open to beta users.
    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 0

    posted a message on [Prison Server] Hellbreak Prison Beta [1.6.2]
    Quote from Aeidrine

    In-game name: Ericbloodaxe
    Age: 14
    Time zone: (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)
    How you will help us in beta: I'm an experienced builder, tester, and a very friendly (excluding certain occasions) person.
    How long you have played Minecraft: Alpha 1.1.2_01
    Prison server experience: I've been warden on a few servers, and on one server I was awarded most agressive prisoner award.
    Will you post on this forum page often? Of course.
    Your definition of a beta tester: A beta tester is someone who tests a product before it is released. Product testers help companies identify weak points in their products that could cause consumer frustration, and they also identify specific issues that need to be corrected before a product can be released. (don't look up beta tester on google, thank you)
    Forms of contact (Skype, Steam, E-mail): kolby.berry (Skype), kolby (Steam), [email protected] (E-mail)
    Additional Notes: I am pretty, and wish to get married to an earth worm because they are peaceful creatures and have never hurt anyone.

    Accepted, nice to see you again also. ^^
    Quote from andrewvh

    Its good to see you again, but denied because you forgot the secret word. ):

    Secret word is only needed when they apply for a staff position on the server, which won't be available until public release.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on [Prison Server] Hellbreak Prison Beta [1.6.2]
    Quote from andrewvh

    We already have Bailey.

    Max I already know I asked this but since I donated 100$ to Unity and its shut down now, can I transfer my donation to Hellbreak? I remember asking but I don't remember your response.

    Me and Max already discussed this any donations $50 or above will be transferred to the HellBreak Prison
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on [Prison Server] Hellbreak Prison Beta [1.6.2]
    Quote from dummychicken

    Can I Pm you my age?

    I do not like people knowing it.

    Quote from LeapWinCeCat

    In-game name: LeapWinCeCat
    Age: 14
    Time zone: PST
    How you will help us in beta: I have some ideas for ranks, prisoners, i can help build the server, im on minecraft alot so i can be on this server a lot too! :D
    How long you have played Minecraft: 1.2.3
    Prison server experience: i have played on prison servers alot i was Free man on a server then i lost the ip...
    Will you post on this forum page often? yes i will, i shall post and let people know about this server and tell them to check it out! and once the server is fully up have them join :D
    Your definition of a beta tester: my definiton of beta tester is like a lab rat, they will test out the kinks and bugs and tell the owner, Admin or higher rank.
    Forms of contact (Skype, Steam, E-mail):
    skype: killian.nolan3
    email: [email protected]
    Additional Notes: I know i was banned on the last server for hacking but since i have Donated to Optifine i only use that, Optifine if you do not know what Optifine is well its just to boost up your FPS and see peaople that have donated to see their capes :D
    thank you for your time -LeapWinCeCat

    Accepted, though if you're caught even ONCE hacking it will be instant ban, no second thoughts.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on [Prison Server] Hellbreak Prison Beta [1.6.2]
    Quote from nicolasbeat12

    In-game name:nicolasbeat12
    Time zone:GMT -6:00
    How you will help us in beta:Build/setup.
    How long you have played Minecraft:A year and 2 months.
    Prison server experience:Very good.
    Will you post on this forum page often?: Yes.
    Your definition of a beta tester:Testing the beta stages.
    Forms of contact (Skype, Steam, E-mail):Email: [email protected] Skype:nicolas.beatty1(I don't have anything to hear with atm.)No steam.
    Additional Notes:None.

    Accepted, though if you ever intend on applying for staff please make sure to have more detail.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on [Prison Server] Hellbreak Prison Beta [1.6.2]
    Message for all players/Beta Testers
    It will be a lot easier to apply for beta, than it will be to apply for staff, when I am looking at staff applications I am going to look for more detail, better grammar, and someone that seems trustworthy, in game, and out of game, when I am looking at staff applications it will not only be based off the app, but also what I've observed in game. While if you're applying for beta I don't care if your grammar is good, or if you have experience in certain things.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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