You are all doing wonderful jobs as beta testers! I love seeing you guys post on the forums suggestions and bugs, but don't be discouraged if they are not taken. We may or may not add a tree farm to the Omega block, continue to post suggestions in bugs because it will make the server more popular thanks.
You are all doing wonderful jobs as beta testers! I love seeing you guys post on the forums suggestions and bugs, but don't be discouraged if they are not taken. We may or may not add a tree farm to the Omega block, continue to post suggestions in bugs because it will make the server more popular thanks.
Skrel could you try and fix the Sugar Cane farm from Rueful? I don't have any permission to destory them or anything. I know you're not good with region, but please try it
Yeah I will try and fix this later this afternoon, it won't be soon, i'm very busy with stuff during the weekdays, school, homework, and work. I will get to it as soon as possible.
In-game name: SprinkleOwns
Age: 16
Time zone: EST
How you will help us in beta: I will find any bug or glitches and ill help u guys if u need any.
How long you have played Minecraft: Since Alpha
Prison server experience: Ive played a ton of prison servers, most likely if u have named it i have played it
Will you post on this forum page often? I sure will
Your definition of a beta tester: Someone who is active and trys to improve the server and if they find a bug they report it. They just wont wait until the server is released then abuse it
Forms of contact (Skype, Steam, E-mail): I dont like to give any of my information over the forums because of ddosers and doxers.
Additional Notes: Ill be active like over 2+ hours a day
Max I kind've have perms to break everything in C Block again. Not sure how this'll be fixed permanently but luckily Skrel is ugly so he'll be helping.
Fixed most of that, he can only break stuff in cguard which says he cant but he can.
Notice I demoted Yurekdog to Angel due to lack of doing anything for the server, I think if he plans to moderate rather than help do anything Angel, or disciple is a more suitable rank for him
In-game name:Kuronoshinigami Age:18 Time zone: bst (gmt +1) How you will help us in beta: By finding bugs, glitches, and reporting them on the forum/ making tickets How long you have played Minecraft: since last august Prison server experience:I've gotten up to ender (beyond free) and A-guard on killion. Your definition of a beta tester: A player who looks for mistakes that the dev may have missed and reports them. Forms of contact (Skype, Steam, E-mail): I have steam. Additional Notes: Pugs are awesome dogs, but my cats hate all dogs
Ok, I'm enjoying this server a lot and decided for guard.
In-game name: IxReapzz
Age: 14
Time zone: UTC +10
How much time you can dedicate per-day: From Monday to Thursday I can fit around 1 hour and Friday to Sunday I am able to fit in at least 6-7 hours maximum.
How long you have played Minecraft: I've been playing Minecraft since Pre-Beta 1.8.1 and I have a lot of experience.
How long you have been with Hellbreak Prison: 2 Days now and at least 5 hours of playing.
Explanation why you will be a good guard: I certainly know how to play both the prisoner and guard, most servers have the same guard rules so its very knowledgable for me, my memory is nearly perfect when it comes to remembering things. I won't abuse any commands/powers. I am guard on 2 servers at the moment; Confined Prison Facility and Prison 21 I am capable of being a good guard. I will be worthy of trying to stop riots and fights. I feel I can bring my expertise to the guard role, and hopefully make it go further. I also feel I'm a team player; I can fit into any situation with a cool mind, things essential to a guard. I am pretty professional and possess some of the necessary leadership skills this job calls for. I'm patient, loyal, fun to be around, and also kind. I've been guard on some prison servers before so I know how to control a crowd and manage people while in pvp. I do love helping people out and I feel I'll be a good guard and you do need more guards and I think I'll be a good one to add. You won't be disappointed with my work as I REALLY REALLY REALLY want to be guard. You can trust me very well.
Explanation of what this position is: Knowledge and patience (Two things a guard MUST HAVE) is valuable for this trustworthy role of guard. I am pretty professional and possess some of the necessary leadership skills this job calls for too My favourite word is Pug
What ethics are required for this position: (Not sure but guessing) I have the great PvP skills as a guard must have it, I'm smart and confident this will work out for me.
Additional Notes: uhh I can be contacted at Skype: graviityreapzz or In-Game! Also with practice on a private server, I completely know how to use Pex for creating groups, setting ranks and many more! Also, with school days, it's short guarding for me
Max, I've also noticed a problem with economy? I lost around 10-11k when I joined on today, for the first time since being promoted. I only had $200. Not sure if this has something to do with what's happened with Melle, or something that happens to all people who are promoted?
However, I am still getting my $100 every ten minutes, not sure if you've fixed it since Melle posted.
We're still trying to fix Payday, meaning all users money was reset because we switched economy plugins, I am sorry, but i'm not sure if this is something we can refund you, and I will inform you if we can refund players their money. We're also debating contraband, and if armor itself should be contraband, I don't think armor should be contraband, and yes rollen we can get your stuff from your enderchest for you.
Rollener is a great guard! He helped me with a lot of things and deserves a promotion for his kindness
Thanks Rollener!!
Promotions will not be given for one act of kindness, but thank you for informing us that Rollen has been doing goods ^^ All promotions for guards will be done by Andrew, the only ranks that admins control that are guard ranks are Overseer, Andrew will decide when, and who gets demotions as guards.
We've had vault xD and I got rid of Hyperconomy a while ago (maybe some existing files remain )
I'm pretty sure I switched to craftconomy quite recently, but yeah I found out what was wrong with PayDay. I made the pay permissions have caps in the config file, but didn't put caps in the actual permissions, teehee
But yeah we have had Vault since the beginning (without it I doubt any plugins would be working) and if we don't have CraftConomy already I'll go grab it for us. Thanks anyways of course <3
Indeed, anvils have been blacklisted. But even with anvils blacklisted, will chestshop's duplication bugs still remain?
I believe if you remove players ability to make their own chest shops they will not be able to duplicate.
I now know why Payday doesn't work MAX, it's because originally we didn't have Vault(needed for payday) so I got Vault, but it turns out Vault only supports the following Economy plugins, Iconomy, BOSEconomy, MultiCurrency, Mineconomy, eWallet, EconXP, CurrencyCore, CraftConomy, and Gringotts. It does not support HyperConomy or at least it doesn't say it does on the Bukkit page.
This means to be able to pay our guards we'd need to either
1: Do it manually(Which I nearly refuse to do)
2: Get a new plugin similar to Payday
3: Get a new Economy plugin that Vault supports.
This is my opinion on things now that we've finished E, I think we should open the server to open Beta, so people don't need to apply to join, but we still consider it in Beta testing, just not closed, people who join during open beta though will not get the prefix that the people have that were involved in closed Beta have, I think that also we should give the people who were involved in the closed beta some form of reward for their hard work, and for helping us improve the prison as much as possible. I also have received a questions from a lot of you, "Will our ranks be reset?" Well that I can't say for sure, that is for me and Max to discuss, any information like that will be posted on the forums, and possibly in game so try and keep informed, otherwise you will miss out on the important information. Some advice to keep yourself informed of current events on the server is, post frequently asking questions, follow the forum page, and possibly add the page to your hotbar, or favorite list on your browser so it's easily to get to. I have followed this page and it's in my hotbar at the top of my screen, I post frequently and know what's happening in the server. If one day you are just suddenly back to obscene, or something is wrong, a great thing to do would be to check the forums page and see if any information is posted about it. If the server is down, feel free to post and ask, "Why is the server down" and me or another staff member will reply as soon as possible.Also Max we either need Andrew checking the forums more often for apps or we need a new Overseer, or another overseer, because Andrew rarely checks the forums page.
How much time you can dedicate per-day: 1-2 hours a school day, but around 5-7 hours every weekend day.
How long you have played Minecraft: I have been playing Minecraft for nigh on 2 years.
How long you have been with Hellbreak Prison: I have been with Hellbreak prison for around 2-3 days.
Explanation why you will be a good guard: I can have fun with everyone, while being strict and making sure everyone follows the rules. I am a fair and just person, and won't act against someone without both sides of the story.
Explanation of what this position is: I think a guard is someone who keeps the Prison running as smoothly as possible, while keeping the experience fun, challenging and exciting!
What ethics are required for this position: I think a guard should have an open mind to anyone, whatever their race, culture or religion. I think guards shouldn't be excessive "potty mouths". A guard should be willing to help anyone and everyone, be it the new kid on the server, or the Overseer.
Additional Notes: I like all sorts of sports, so I am a team player. My favourite animals include cats (I have a burmese) and dogs (I have a labrador, m neighbour has a pug, and they get on really well).
I support your app, it looks good. ^^ Though the decision is not up to me, but up to our current overseers I will inform him if your app, thank you for applying.
Added a cafeteria to the C block! It's right next to the mushroom farm. All you need to do is stand on top of one of the tables and it feeds you! Aren't I just the greatest?
Idea was obtained from Convicted prison server, thanks to those guys over there
In-game name: digidi100
Age: 16
Time zone: GMT+1
How you will help us in beta: I'll just play along, and help with plugins or server-related stuff if needed. I also run my own server.
How long you have played Minecraft: 2 years
Prison server experience: None, but
Will you post on this forum page often? Not very often, since I don't really have a account.
Your definition of a beta tester: Someone who tests the game, and gives feedback.
Forms of contact (Skype, Steam, E-mail): Will be given in server if needed if you don't mind xD
Additional Notes: MrMelleJ referred me
Teemo29 is not on currently, will let him fill it in when he comes on
Accepted, I'm trusting that MrMelle will show you how things are done in prison servers.
Scratch that there is a tree farm in O block.
Yup, sorry i didn't have a chance to fix it yesterday, I was not really on, I will more likely be on today.
Yeah I will try and fix this later this afternoon, it won't be soon, i'm very busy with stuff during the weekdays, school, homework, and work. I will get to it as soon as possible.
Fixed most of that, he can only break stuff in cguard which says he cant but he can.
Great app, if andrew doesn't accept it I will. xD
We're still trying to fix Payday, meaning all users money was reset because we switched economy plugins, I am sorry, but i'm not sure if this is something we can refund you, and I will inform you if we can refund players their money. We're also debating contraband, and if armor itself should be contraband, I don't think armor should be contraband, and yes rollen we can get your stuff from your enderchest for you.
Promotions will not be given for one act of kindness, but thank you for informing us that Rollen has been doing goods ^^ All promotions for guards will be done by Andrew, the only ranks that admins control that are guard ranks are Overseer, Andrew will decide when, and who gets demotions as guards.
I believe if you remove players ability to make their own chest shops they will not be able to duplicate.
This means to be able to pay our guards we'd need to either
1: Do it manually(Which I nearly refuse to do)
2: Get a new plugin similar to Payday
3: Get a new Economy plugin that Vault supports.
Things are slower on the weekdays.
I support your app, it looks good. ^^ Though the decision is not up to me, but up to our current overseers I will inform him if your app, thank you for applying.
Great idea Max.
They don't like you.
Accepted, I'm trusting that MrMelle will show you how things are done in prison servers.