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    posted a message on [Prison Server] Hellbreak Prison Beta [1.6.2]
    Current Staff members as of 2:00 PM EST May 20th

    Saints(Admins, and Founders): MAXIMUSSPRIME(Owner), Skrel(Co-Owner)

    Overseers: Tandemsrevenge

    Angel: Andrewvh1, Yurekdog12

    Disciple: Bailey(Random numbers after his name)


    (Ranks Demon and below may or may not be considered staff) Demon:

    Imp: Quezo, TLCTank, Acid_Drop589

    If you are any of these ranks, and your name appears on any of these lists as a staff member it is expected that you make posts on the forums regularly, and moderate in game activity, thank you.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on [Prison Server] Hellbreak Prison Beta [1.6.2]
    Won't be on for a few days, thanks.
    I will be absent on the account of me losing my laptop charger, also will be busy with work and school anyways, thanks.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on [Prison Server] Hellbreak Prison Beta [1.6.2]
    Quote from TLCTank

    In-game name: TLCTank Age: 14
    Time zone: EST
    How you will help us in beta: I will help by picking out bugs and giving criticism (if needed), also when the prison goes into commercial mode i will help new non-beta players with a way around the server
    How long you have played Minecraft: 3 years (alpha 1.0.0)
    Prison server experience: guard & police on prison servers and all the gangwars except v1.
    Will you post on this forum page often? DUH, TOTALLY! :D
    Your definition of a beta tester: a person who tests a game before it goes out picks bugs, gives criticism, and gives help.
    Forms of contact (Skype, Steam, E-mail): Skype: MLGTankMan Steam: TLCTank email: [email protected]
    Additional Notes: imagine if dogs were korea and different pug breeds like pug and puggle were south korea, and all other breeds were north korea. that allows me to say this. PUG KOREA IS BEST KOREA.

    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on [Prison Server] Hellbreak Prison Beta [1.6.2]
    Quote from Mr_MelleJ

    When the server goes public, I got for sure already 1 people, but he doesn't want to join in beta since he got apply and all that stuff. He will advertise for me, he thinks he can get around 20 people the first couple days he thinks. They are GMT+1 I think most of all, but that shouldn't be a problem right?

    And btw Skrel, I wouldn't mind helping build the Heavenly spawn ^^
    EDIT: Voted on 4 of the 5 sites, I couldn't reach the 5th site for some reason? It just showed a blank page here.

    xD No thanks we got the building.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on [Prison Server] Hellbreak Prison Beta [1.6.2]
    Quote from rollener

    Not much to report from the guards point of view. Whatever region you put down, it workd - Demons can no longer get into Omega. Still waiting on those upgraded kits in the Obscene guardroom, but they're not as important as the other bugs, so put that down the bottom of the pile. I'm seeing lots of applications, but no-one to guard. Makes me depressed. Can't wait for the server to go public!

    P.S The forum tpoic still says Vile has parkour. Unless I'm a blind idiot, I can't see any jumpy jumpy stuff anywhere! You could either delete the point from the topic (not recommended) or actually make a parkour (recommended) as it gives me something to do in the wee hours of my nighttime!

    Sorry about the lack of people, hopefully people are already spreading the word of the amazing prison server being released to the public soon. Keep in mind even after we release it there may not be a lot of people who join, it doesn't seem like people vote a lot, or advertise the server very much, so I don't expect a giant wave of people to come in once we release the server to the public.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on [Prison Server] Hellbreak Prison Beta [1.6.2]
    Max something is wrong with the paradise world I tried to recreate it, but I couldn't it has to do with SkylandsPlus, that's what the error in the console said.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on [Prison Server] Hellbreak Prison Beta [1.6.2]
    Quote from MAXIMUSSPRIME

    Increased all mine reset times so that they reset daily, added a button in each mine to buy a reset for $2500, will be updating forum topic very soon (be patient :D )
    Thanks for the suggestions.

    Suggestions = love
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on [Prison Server] Hellbreak Prison Beta [1.6.2]
    Quote from DaneDawg

    whitelist mahhh!!! D: plzlzpzlzplz

    Apply Dane
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on [Prison Server] Hellbreak Prison Beta [1.6.2]
    Quote from Acid_Drop589


    Wait, so am I only beta tester or guard too?

    You're a beta guard. xD
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on [Prison Server] Hellbreak Prison Beta [1.6.2]
    Quote from Acid_Drop589

    In-game name: Acid_Drop589
    Age: 15
    Time zone: Idk but im in NSW, Australia.
    How you will help us in beta: Tell me what to do, i'll do it! :)
    How long you have played Minecraft: 4 years.
    Prison server experience: I completely adore prison servers. Im on at least 5 different prison servers. thats basically all i go on.
    Will you post on this forum page often? when theres a problem, ill post some help/reccomendations
    Your definition of a beta tester: Someone who goes on the server during its early stages to report buys/glitches so that in the future, the server will be perfect.
    Forms of contact (Skype, Steam, E-mail): Im making a sjype account for my Mc account.
    Additional Notes: Well... idk... i hopw you accept my application! :D

    I hope you can consider this application when i'm a high enough rank.

    In-game name: Acid_Drop589
    : 15
    Time zone: idk but in in NSW, australia
    How much time you can dedicate per-day: whenever i can!
    How long you have played Minecraft: 4 years
    How long you have been with Hellbreak Prison: i havent been on but i will be if my beta application gets accepted
    Explanation why you will be a good guard: well, im a guard on 'Prison break correctional facility' (http://imgur.com/HpYA82c). I used to be a guard on Spartacus but it got closed down. I am the type of person that is kind'caring.
    If i were to be Guard i promise that i will:
    1. Help the server beta as much as i can.
    2. Make the server have a happy atmosphere so tht everyone can enjoy it.
    3. Not let the 'Top dogs' bully the lower ranks.The big dogs like pugs are mean.

    Explanation of what this position is:Guard rank is a rank that renforces the server rules and that lets the weak (lower ranked) enjoy their time on the server. Bein a guard also means so that people dont get killed (thus losing their stuff) so that they can have a chance to rankup.
    What ethics are required for this position: Trust, teamwork, responsbility,
    Additional Notes: I hope you accept my application!

    Beta App accepted, Andrew will decide if your guard app is accepted.
    Quote from SoulSolace

    In-game name: SoulSolace
    Age: 13
    Time zone: Eastern
    How you will help us in beta: I will tell my friends about the server
    How long you have played Minecraft: Since July 22, 2010
    Prison server experience: I have played on 2-3 prison servers before
    Will you post on this forum page often? I guess?
    Your definition of a beta tester: A person who helps debug a game before it is released
    Forms of contact (Skype, Steam, E-mail): All of them
    Additional Notes: You know me, Maximus

    AcceptedI won't be on much the next couple of days, thanks.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on [Prison Server] Hellbreak Prison Beta [1.6.2]
    Quote from Mr_MelleJ

    I ment about the 'normal' prefix of Heavenly, that that prefix gets Rainbowish Colorish :D

    And thx :P

    How far are you with the free roam world's spawn? Because the portal is still closed :(

    Won't be ready for a while, have not even started yet, because MV is being stupid, so yeah.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on [Prison Server] Hellbreak Prison Beta [1.6.2]
    Quote from Mr_MelleJ

    Max, you should also make a signature for me, for the 1st Heavenly player in your server! Btw, can't you make the Heavenly title Rainbow colorish? That would look a lot cooler :D

    Grats on Heavenly, but just as any other Heavenly you will get the prefix Heavenly. xD
    You get the reward of being the first to enter the free roam world.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on [Prison Server] Hellbreak Prison Beta [1.6.2]
    Quote from Mr_MelleJ

    Thx for fixing this Skrel, but why did you change the price on the obsidian? I thought you said that there was a lower ratio of obsidian in the mines then for example Emerald Blocks, but the obsidian sells for less then the emerald blocks?

    Yup fixed.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on [Prison Server] Hellbreak Prison Beta [1.6.2]
    Quote from rollener

    Posibility for guards, preferably not Imps as they are probably the least trustworthy - Access to /tpa or /tp? Would help us get to trouble spots quickly, without having to go through all the portals.

    Errrr, no guards are still allowed to play and such, that would allow them to get outside the prison, guards are only suppose to get involved with things they SEE or problems in chat. This would also allow them to the free roam world if the tp'd to someone who's heavenly.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on [Prison Server] Hellbreak Prison Beta [1.6.2]
    Quote from Mr_MelleJ

    I can see it, though can't go there since it's Rising :P $374,673.04 to go ;P

    EDIT:Bug/Idk: Mob spawn in Rueful mine at night. Maybe make a glowlamp installation which goes on at night?

    EDIT:(Again) If I get the rank Free, how am I able to go out? And is there an outside spawn/startarea for the Heavenly people?

    There will be a portal leading to the heavenly area, which is the free roam area.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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