wow so i was banned i didnt know it was a glitch i swear i thought it was a secret i didnt mean too
so really your going to do that all well thanks for losing a player and i was going to donate to this server haha i was going to donate 60 dollars every 3 months double what the server costs but apparently you are too stupid to realize that if the server is still in beta then you should be happy that i found a glitch and maybe i know some people that did the glitch with me but i guess you will never know.
Lol No need to throw a tantrum, and it doesn't matter if you play on this server or not, donate whatever, do whatever you want. Do you see anyone saying "No don't quit". I don't, and even if the server is still in beta the same rules apply, don't abuse glitches, yeah, we're glad you found the glitch, but rather than using and abusing it, you could have informed us of it, rather than waited until we found out. Also please don't be calling me or any other staff member stupid, thanks and good luck regaining your rank if you intend to.
hey if tandem or max looks at this i really did think it was a secret i didnt know so i thought it was just a way to get money i sorry and you should probably take bath salts out for now so no one else does it
I'm sorry, this may sound harsh, but how can you think that's just a secret? That's unlimited money right there. We will not put out any secrets that allow players to have unlimited money, power, or strength. Secrets will only include the Black Market, Bathhouse, and small awards that when found will be destroyed by an administrator. Obviously a suitable punishment would for your money, and rank to be reset, money back to 0 and rank back to obscene.
this is proof that he is hacking it is impossible to do this that fast. I had killed him for attacking me an hour earlier so he wasnt working that long and no way he took his nether quartz inside the mine
Sorry, but that is terrible proof, you can't say someone is hacking because he mined out a lot of NetherQuartz, please provide more proof.
Whether you want my opinion or not, giving "Co-Owner" status to someone or some people who aren't owners of the server, with access to the console in my opinion is pretty stupid. About my post, I was simple stating my resignation as staff and a innocent opinion of the server and its staff. Maybe rather than calling me immature, you should act upon what I have said and not be verbally abusive to your staff through Skyoe and then call it a "silly game".
MAX simply called you immature because that's what was easily observed. No need to take things from skype and bring them here, because that is immature. Also you were the one that had asked for a Saint position and access to the console, and now you're calling it stupid? That's a bit contradicting isn't it? So are you calling yourself stupid, is that what i'm getting from this? And for you innocent opinion, it was actually pretty insulting, I find a lot of our staff are much more mature than yours considering you've been demoting a lot of yours lately for abuse, and such. Even when I was on your server, you would constantly "troll" your players, and that goes along with all of your staff. You could have simply said that you're resigning from staff, rather than calling us immature, because of whatever happened between you and MAX.
This is pretty insulting to not only me but the players of Hellbreak. Maybe our little games over Skype didn't amuse you but that shouldn't have provoked you to post such an insulting message on our public forum page. You say that we require maturity, but to be honest, posting a comment like this is extremely childish. Anyways, good luck with your server too, though it seems as if it's dieing. From what I've seen, my whitelisted, non-public server seems to have more players than yours does majority of the day... which is kind of funny if you think about it.
I shouldn't be sad to see you go anyways, you didn't do much as a moderator except try to get me to make Dane and you co-owners and give you console access, pretty glad I didn't since I now see how easy you can lose your temper, especially over very small things.
I'll be seeing you around maybe, hopefully you can get over this childish fit of yours.
My activity is going to be minimal once again, between now and next week, for I have about 6 projects due next week, which I really need to work on, so don't expect me to be on much, I will still be on occasionally checking in.
Max, could you maybe add the rule: "Don't own multiple plots" to the rules? since there are some people now just taking away the plots for like zero reason. And since we have more players then for example 4 for who are taking away the Eplots.
There is a sign saying that, if you take more than one all your plots will be taken away.
YOYO Skrel read this, this isn't a retaliation. I didn't even really mean to start an argument I was joking when I said that. Then your response made me mad, so I got mad. I understand things happen and I overreacted. That demote thing was abit of an overreaction though
Alright, well let's both agree that we both overreacted a bit. xD
In-game name: ghostlightning22
Time zone: est
How you will help us in beta: I will help you in Beta by pointing out glitches and bugs and helping new players.
How long you have played Minecraft: about 3 or 4 years
Prison server experience: I have been guard on many servers and I am good at it. I do my job as a guard and make sure everybody follows the rules.
Will you post on this forum page often? I will try to post on this page as much as I can.
Your definition of a beta tester: My definition of a beta tester is something that gets released but it is to see if it can reach a defined quality of experience.
Forms of contact (Skype, Steam, E-mail): Skype-Ghostlightning
Additional Notes: I play many sports. I love animals. My favorite animals are dogs and I for one think pugs are the best kind of dog a person could own. I play football, soccer, basketball, baseball, and i do track. I look forward to making it on this interesting server and i can't wait to help out.
There is only a few things I can respond to on this particularly inaccurate post. First thing. The whole it took me several days and I had to be reminded. Is completely false. The longest it would take me to accept apps was maybe a day. At the most. And that's because most people applied when I was going to bed or I would check my email in the morning on the way to school, see their apps, and respond to them when i get back at 4:35. I never had to reminded about accepting apps, when I was Overseer only 2 or 3 people applied and I accepted them all within a day. You need to get your info right. Second, you have absolutely no ing right to say I don't have a life. Mainly cause that's completely false. You may not have said it directly but it was an obvious implication. I was trying to be kind in my last response but now i don't give a . You have no idea what I do after school. I can't even play video games on the weekdays, I only play because I want to be active and see my friends. For your information I play tennis, piano, and hang out with my friends much of the weekends. On the weekdays i do homework. I've been playing more recently cause my parents don't care anymore cause I only have 2 days of school left. "Skrel is the kind've guy that makes you want to kill yourself" - MAXIMUSSPRIME (sorry to bring your name out here Max but he has to know, you won't tell him directly yourself so I have to). I didn't want to bring names and Max will probably get really ed at me but it had to be said. The last bit about my phone. You can't tell me what to do, and I really don't care what you do with your phone. I can do what I want, and what I do is check my phone whilst the teacher is out of the room. Once again you go out of your reach. You can't tell me what to do, and now I definitely won't listen to you. You used to be cool Skrel now you're just being an .
EDIT: And another thing is it isn't legal for me to work so I'm sorry for being restricted by the state law of Georgia not to work. I probably will work as soon as its legal.
First off I didn't imply you have no life, I was implying that I do, and I don't have time to constantly moderate and do stuff of the server, I have school, and after school I have work, and on top of that I have finals approaching, and I also have about 5 projects due in the next 2 weeks because the school year is coming to an end. Don't just jump to conclusion. I also didn't "tell" you what to do I said you "Shouldn't" and I don't have to use my phone to be active. And 3rd I will believe MAX said that if MAX tells me he said that, or if you can provide me with some form of a picture, because I really enjoy MAX, and I hope he enjoys me just as much. And don't call me names, and swear at me, unless you're expecting a demotion sometime soon, thanks. And with this I am closing this argument, if you reply to this to argue, I will simply ignore your reply, thanks. ^^MAX for the new spawn, I am wondering if you have an visual of how you want it to look? I don't want to build there if you already have an idea of what you want it to look like.
Hey Skrel, I added you on skype, so we could talk, when I couldn't get on the server but on skype though (for example on my phone)
Cpuld you accept me ?
I read your post Skrel... and also kobe you have been added to my list, I see you are very persistent to be a guard. Also max I have a few suggestions for the server,
1. Plots? That you can buy and build on, but pay for and keep forever. (you would lose it if you got permabanned) and also if you make these plots, where will they be made?
2. I know I keep badgering you about this, but we should Skype soon and look for some boss unique plugins that would make the server very interesting pvp wise.
1. Ok so if a IMP for example, counts down to someone having a sword, and they stay in safezone, the imp cant jail, but can they ask a higher rank to jail the prisoner if the higher rank didn't see the sword personally? This has been bothering me and I feel like if the higher rank didn't actually see the sword (or contraband) themselves, they shouldn't be able to jail. I would like feedback on this max, thanks.
ANNOUNCEMENT: Quezo has been promoted to a Demon. Next time you see him give him a congratulations. -Might be hiring a new Imp soon due to losing one to a promotion. Stay updated on the forums for more information. *Thanks for reading
Me and MAX have already intended on making plots in the courtyard I believe. ^^
Woah man you don't need to go all hulk smash on me here I just pointed out you haven't been online. The whole if your actually read the lets thing is one extremely wrong and two extremely uncalled for. I risk getting my phone taken away at school to check my email to see new pots here. I do read every single post besides beta apps and I must have forgotten yours. There is a difference between remembering and reading. And as for more posts that doesn't matter. Half those are accepting apps. And for done way more than me, that just es me off. I tried my hardest to help you guys and I did the most I could as an Overseer. I only got admin two days ago and I guess I haven't done a lot as admin but that's primarily because I feel I need to ask for permission before I do anything. I realize you've done a lot for the server I was just pointing out that your progress has been slowing down lately. I''m not saying names but i know i'm not the only one who thinks that. No need to get your panties in a twist.
Andrew if you actually read every post, while you were overseer apps would have been accepted a lot faster when you were overseer, it took you days to accept apps, and you had to be reminded to do so occasionally. The people who have said my activity has "slowed" need to read the forums more often and read the two posts that stated, that I have had a lot of work lately(Because by the way I do have a life, I do other things, other than minecraft), and that I had lost my computer charger, i'm glad one person(MrMelleJ) had noticed that I said that.Also you shouldn't have your phone out during school, and you shouldn't risk it for minecraft. While I was active I didn't ever take my phone out during school, and still don't.
LOL Andrew i've made much more posts, and added much more work to this server than you, me and max have almost constructed this server by ourselves, and if you actually read the posts I made a post saying that I would be absent a few days, so keep yourself informed.
In-game name:burrumballa
Time zone:UTC/GMT +1 hour How you will help us in beta:i can find your bug and i can invite a lot of player and i can help you to help new player (when the server will open) How long you have played Minecraft:Around 1 year
Prison server experience:I think really good
Will you post on this forum page often?Yes
Your definition of a beta tester:Beta Tester for me is a special player that must find bug, but he must also have fun
Forms of contact (Skype, Steam, E-mail):Skype: Burrumballa10 (Mattia Locci), E-mail: [email protected]
Additional Notes:I like animals :3 lol
Accepted though I feel you could have added more detail to your Prison server experience.
Lol No need to throw a tantrum, and it doesn't matter if you play on this server or not, donate whatever, do whatever you want. Do you see anyone saying "No don't quit". I don't, and even if the server is still in beta the same rules apply, don't abuse glitches, yeah, we're glad you found the glitch, but rather than using and abusing it, you could have informed us of it, rather than waited until we found out. Also please don't be calling me or any other staff member stupid, thanks and good luck regaining your rank if you intend to.
I'm sorry, this may sound harsh, but how can you think that's just a secret? That's unlimited money right there. We will not put out any secrets that allow players to have unlimited money, power, or strength. Secrets will only include the Black Market, Bathhouse, and small awards that when found will be destroyed by an administrator. Obviously a suitable punishment would for your money, and rank to be reset, money back to 0 and rank back to obscene.
Sorry, but that is terrible proof, you can't say someone is hacking because he mined out a lot of NetherQuartz, please provide more proof.
MAX simply called you immature because that's what was easily observed. No need to take things from skype and bring them here, because that is immature. Also you were the one that had asked for a Saint position and access to the console, and now you're calling it stupid? That's a bit contradicting isn't it? So are you calling yourself stupid, is that what i'm getting from this? And for you innocent opinion, it was actually pretty insulting, I find a lot of our staff are much more mature than yours considering you've been demoting a lot of yours lately for abuse, and such. Even when I was on your server, you would constantly "troll" your players, and that goes along with all of your staff. You could have simply said that you're resigning from staff, rather than calling us immature, because of whatever happened between you and MAX.
There is a sign saying that, if you take more than one all your plots will be taken away.
Alright, well let's both agree that we both overreacted a bit. xD
Tandem will eventually, sorry I don't do guard apps, only overseers do, you may have to wait a couple of hours before it's checked
First off I didn't imply you have no life, I was implying that I do, and I don't have time to constantly moderate and do stuff of the server, I have school, and after school I have work, and on top of that I have finals approaching, and I also have about 5 projects due in the next 2 weeks because the school year is coming to an end. Don't just jump to conclusion. I also didn't "tell" you what to do I said you "Shouldn't" and I don't have to use my phone to be active. And 3rd I will believe MAX said that if MAX tells me he said that, or if you can provide me with some form of a picture, because I really enjoy MAX, and I hope he enjoys me just as much. And don't call me names, and swear at me, unless you're expecting a demotion sometime soon, thanks. And with this I am closing this argument, if you reply to this to argue, I will simply ignore your reply, thanks. ^^MAX for the new spawn, I am wondering if you have an visual of how you want it to look? I don't want to build there if you already have an idea of what you want it to look like.
Did already. ^^
Me and MAX have already intended on making plots in the courtyard I believe. ^^
Andrew if you actually read every post, while you were overseer apps would have been accepted a lot faster when you were overseer, it took you days to accept apps, and you had to be reminded to do so occasionally. The people who have said my activity has "slowed" need to read the forums more often and read the two posts that stated, that I have had a lot of work lately(Because by the way I do have a life, I do other things, other than minecraft), and that I had lost my computer charger, i'm glad one person(MrMelleJ) had noticed that I said that.Also you shouldn't have your phone out during school, and you shouldn't risk it for minecraft. While I was active I didn't ever take my phone out during school, and still don't.
LOL Andrew i've made much more posts, and added much more work to this server than you, me and max have almost constructed this server by ourselves, and if you actually read the posts I made a post saying that I would be absent a few days, so keep yourself informed.
Accepted though I feel you could have added more detail to your Prison server experience.