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    posted a message on [Prison Server] Hellbreak Prison Beta [1.6.2]
    AddictCraft.pt is rehosting this server, feel free to join, first right there is a portal leading to the prison world where this server is located, if you previously had a donor rank you will be given it back, everything is exactly the same as before.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on [Prison Server] Hellbreak Prison Beta [1.6.2]
    And so the amazing adventures of Hellbreak and it's people come to a close(Forever ago). Let all of us who still remain have a moment of silence to commemorate all the good, and bad times this server has had.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on [Prison Server] Hellbreak Prison Beta [1.6.2]
    Quote from MAXIMUSSPRIME

    Server updated to 1.6.2! Join now!

    On a side-note, congratulations to MrMelleJ on earning the Moderator rank! We will be promoting new moderators on the 15th of August! Apply now! Previous applicants must post their applications again to take part in the next promotion!

    Go give Melle a high-five and a slap on the back for earning his new rank!

    Grats Melle told you that you had a good chance of making Moderator. ^^
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on [Prison Server] Hellbreak Prison Beta [1.6.2]
    Max in the A block there is a wall that says current staff: MAXIMUSSPRIME, Skrel, Andrewvh1
    You should probably remove that. ^^
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on [Prison Server] Hellbreak Prison Beta [1.6.2]
    Quote from MAXIMUSSPRIME

    I honestly thought you'd take the strong way out of this, though the easy way out is always good too.
    Sorry to see you go, and I never said I didn't appreciate your work, in fact I had said it was great to have it, I was merely stating that I was hoping to get more out of you since you were taking ownership of the server, and was it really necessary to bring up everything about your friends, family, job, etc.? Are you trying to say that I don't have the same? Because truly I find that thought fairly offensive and, seeming as you know nothing of my life other than I play Minecraft, shouldn't have been brought in to this equation at all.

    Goodbye, hope you had fun.

    Wasn't making any assumptions on your life, I was saying that I am often to busy to come online, you're never going to find someone who is able to be online all the time, unless they literally have no life. xD The only reason I brought MY life up was because you stated you wanted someone who would be able to put a lot of time into the server over the summer, and so I was just explaining that even over the summer I still have work, and things I am responsible for, please don't just assume I was comparing our lives, I was just making a point.
    And on a happier note, I don't want to leave arguing so, I did have fun, great server, great staff, great community, I have high hopes for you and your server and wish you best of luck.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on [Prison Server] Hellbreak Prison Beta [1.6.2]
    Quote from MAXIMUSSPRIME

    I understand that you had school and I completely disregarded your inactivity during that time, but even when the server was first starting out, though you most of the things you said above, it still doesn't compare in my opinion. I'm not saying your hard work and dedication has amounted to nothing, I'm just saying when you were active you were fine, inactive was meh, but I was just expecting a lot of hardcore work coming along during the summer, and what you had told me before made me honestly think that you were going to remain inactive during the only time I was truly free of work, and since I am starting highschool next year and know I will be busy, I kind of needed you a lot during the summer. Then when I was reflecting on everything you and Andrew have contributed to the server, I honestly felt that I could do fine alone. In my opinion you deserve this demotion, and would not like to see you back to an owner rank until I feel you are truly ready for it.

    Glad you understand, can't wait to see you on the field again.

    Then I am sorry to say I would rather leave the server, I don't like the fact that you feel you've "Done more" than both me and Andrew. It's a huge team effort, and I have done so much for you and your server, but still you seem to have no appreciation for it. I don't really want to work for someone who doesn't have appreciation and says that I am not ready. And yes you will be busy next year, hopefully as your doing next year you will understand why I had a hard time becoming active during the end of the year, and the summer thing, hoping I would be able to dedicate so much time over the summer. I'm sorry to say Max, but I have friends, and family that I enjoy spending time with, that I love, and care for, I have a job, and I make money to support, and to get gifts for who I love. I have a very busy life, and you should be very happy that out of all my work, I was able to fit in some time, helping you build, and prepare your server, by helping you configure it, and build it.
    If what you say is actually how you feel, I will be leaving permanently, I have no intentions of coming back, and if I do it will just be to say hi. I still respect you and your opinions, and hope that you take no offence to this, but goodbye. Thank you for all the great times, on both Unitycraft, and Hellbreak. Goodluck.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on [Prison Server] Hellbreak Prison Beta [1.6.2]
    Quote from MAXIMUSSPRIME

    It is a demotion, yes, apologies but I took it more of a "leaving I'll be back once the server's all ready" more of a "taking a short vacation!" So yes, you have been demoted, sorry I guess I just took it differently than you expected, after you left I just noticed (now don't take offense in this) how little I feel you and Andrew actually do for the server. I feel like I set you more of a position known as "an owner" other than "co-owner" (meaning we were at the same level) but I did majority of the work which made my thoughts of you less than I originally had for you, though the reason why I had you stay that position was because I understood you were busy with school, I told Andrew that if you remained inactive throughout the summer though, that you'd be demoted, which is why you have the rank you have today.

    Don't worry about it, glad you care though.

    Max, I am sorry, but I have to disagree with you, i've done a lot of work for this server, it just had decreased for my final exams and studies for my exams(Which I said multipul times on the forums is why I was inactive), I will name what I have done for this server. I did some work on the new C, and you and I built both the new B and A, I built E by myself, me and Eric built O, I did most of the shops, because you asked me to, and I have made all of the donor kits. I helped with a lot of the mines. I'm not trying to sound like a jerk or anything, but I feel i've done far much more than you think I have. I feel like i've done to much to deserve a demotion. It kind of offends me when you say that you feel I haven’t done much for this server, because your only putting into thought the last couple of weeks, which I told you all I would be less active on because of all of my exams, projects, and finals.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on [Prison Server] Hellbreak Prison Beta [1.6.2]
    Quote from MAXIMUSSPRIME

    Probably accidentally made you 'admin' not 'angel'

    I'll fix the rank names later and change your rank now.

    Considering I USE to be Saint, and now i'm admin, is that a demotion? -_-
    Cause you did say I was Co-owner, my intentions was to take a vacation from the server, not actually leave staff, that's why I asked if I could join back with my staff position again. xD Then I realized that I have literally no plan over summer, maybe going camping once or twice.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on [Prison Server] Hellbreak Prison Beta [1.6.2]
    Maxo I am ranked as a nobody. xD
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on [Prison Server] Hellbreak Prison Beta [1.6.2]
    I'm going to temporarily resign, sorry. I'm not very active as of late, due to essays, and finals, but my activity over the summer will not increase, I intend to spend a lot of the summer with family, friends, and outside. Sorry, and thank you, I hope I am welcome to jump back into my staff position later this summer if the server remains up(I have high hopes for this server). Love you all, be back later.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on [Prison Server] Hellbreak Prison Beta [1.6.2]
    Max we should probably work on the Courtyard soon.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on [Prison Server] Hellbreak Prison Beta [1.6.2]
    Quote from MAXIMUSSPRIME

    Sad to say it's been a pretty slow week.

    Sorry about my inactivity as of late, I have had a lot going on these past weeks, it's almost over, I have this week(Lots of projects due) and next week I have my final exams(Which I have yet to study for. xD) Procrastination for the win~!
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on [Prison Server] Hellbreak Prison Beta [1.6.2]
    Quote from Aterox

    In-game name: Volxl
    Age: 16 Years old
    Time zone: Eastern US (GMT -5)
    How you will help us in beta: I will play the server as it was not in beta and acquiring ranks, searching for exploits (In which I will report) and try to use all the accessible features to ensure that the server is ready to go live.
    Howlong you have played Minecraft: I started paying around beta 1.2.4 and I have about 10,000 hours of playtime ( I know that is hard to believe, but it is true. My life = non existent/)
    Prison server experience: I used to play on normal survival servers, until I joined a prison server, and I can't even go back, they are a ton of fun for me, and I don't get bored of them. I love the goals they have, and the fun they propose.
    Will you post on this forum page often? If needed, of course. I will make it a point to post my feelings about the server and how much I enjoy it.
    Your definition of a beta tester: A person who plays the game/server as any normal person would, to make sure everything is running smoothly.
    Forms of contact (Skype,Steam, E-mail): Email: [email protected] Skype: jesse.cogan7 Steam: wheeliebike17
    AdditionalNotes: Yes, I know my steam name is childish, that was my first email. GIVE ME A BREAK. This post you have made about the server looks really convincing, this server is definitely going to be among the top servers on this website, and for that I congratulate you. I hope I am lucky enough to become a beta tester of your server. Thank you <3

    Accepted, nice app
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on [Prison Server] Hellbreak Prison Beta [1.6.2]
    Quote from Mr_MelleJ

    Skrel/Max, please fix the permissions for a Ressurected, since I can't do any faction things now (claim land, view faction map).

    I believe I just fixed this.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on [Prison Server] Hellbreak Prison Beta [1.6.2]
    Quote from Adonay1234

    In-game name: Adonay1234
    Age: 17
    Time zone: EST
    How you will help us in beta:I will cooperate with everyone, If you want help you build. I will advertise as much as I can as well.
    How long you have played Minecraft: 2 years
    Prison server experience: LethalPenitentiary, LockdownPrison, Don't Drop The Soap
    Will you post on this forum page often? I wont spam it, but if you would like me to check back every once and a while I shall
    Your definition of a beta tester: Advertise, Test and see if everything is ready for the real thing, and to test if everything is ready for in game experience
    Forms of contact (Skype, Steam, E-mail): [email protected]
    Additional Notes: Hope I get picked ~ Thanks!

    Well, Im not whitelisted :(

    If you guys can turn OFF whitelist that would be great :D

    Accepted, weclome
    Posted in: PC Servers
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