These are world generation mods which I originally made for myself with the main feature being modified cave and ravine generation. The double and triple height versions increase the height/depth of terrain relative to the average ground level, with double-height adding 64 more blocks and triple-height adding 128, without otherwise changing terrain generation; the highest mountains in triple-height come within a few blocks of the world height limit.
Triple-height in particular increases the size of caves and ravines (double-height and original to a lesser extent), and together with double-height also modifies abandoned mineshafts so they generate higher up; ore distribution was also changed to reflect the increase in ground depth and/or changes in lava flood level in caves. Note that strongholds still generate at their normal depths, which can be as low as around y=10, as do diamond and redstone ores (reduced by 5 layers in the original mod and 2 in double-height); other ores, like iron, generate proportional to the increase in terrain height; for example, from 0-63 to 0-127 and 0-191 respectively for iron. I also made a few tweaks such as removing void fog (very prevalent otherwise since caves go down to y=6, 5 layers lower than normal) and increasing cloud height (Optifine can otherwise do these as well; note that the cloud height option in Optifine adjusts cloud height based off the new heights I set it to).
Also, double-height terrain has two versions, one with very large cave systems and another without, while triple-height terrain does away with them altogether but makes more changes to cave/ravine generation, with a greater range in cave/ravine sizes.
Custom version json:
Original cave mod, no modifications to terrain height:
Double-height terrain; without supermassive/colossal cave systems:
Double-height terrain with supermassive/colossal cave systems:
Triple-height terrain:
Updated 2/21: Triple-height terrain now has its own world type when you install the mod, as shown below; note that if you update the mod, you have to change generatorName to triple_height or new chunks will generate like a default world:
To install this mod, first make sure that you have ran 1.6.4 at least once so its files are downloaded, then copy the ".minecraft\versions\1.6.4" folder and rename the copy and the jar file inside to "1.6.4_mods", and replace "1.6.4.json" with the custom json provided above (the same file can be used with any mod; you can also use a different name if you change "id": "1.6.4_mods" inside the file, which must all match). Then, open the jar with an archive tool (7Zip, WinRar) and add the files within the zip you downloaded and delete META-INF (this is the same as installing any other non-modloader mod except for the json due to the 1.6+ launcher).
Note that I used this mod with Optifine (install in the same manner as described above by copying the contents of its jar over, not with its installer) but can't guarantee compatibility with any other mods, especially any that alter world generation, or Forge. In addition, I suggest adding the JVM argument -Xss1024K if you have a 32 bit system (64 bit uses this by default, 32 bit is 320K; increasing it further, but to no more than 2-4 MB, may also be helpful) since I occasionally get stack overflow crashes (MC-32168, due to very large water/lava flows) when generating new terrain without it; this is a pretty demanding mod due to 2-3x as much terrain generated per chunk and many more caves, with similar considerations to Amplified, but still much less demanding than newer versions.
Following are some screenshots and comparisons to normal world generation:
Normal generation vs. Double Height generation, as rendered with MCMap; note that the spawn point may change a bit but is within a few chunks in seeds I have tested (triple-height is similar but deeper):
As you can see here, terrain generation is identical other than being higher up and surface-based features being different (some things, like trees, don't use the world seed):
Comparison of with and without void fog, showing the reason for its removal (note that void particles are also removed, so if particles give you lag this can help a lot):
Comparison of caves between normal, double, and triple height generation:
(note that even without the massive caves version of double-height cave systems can still become very large; this is actually a different world from the one shown above/MCMap renderings because that one had a massive cave system which I considered to be unrepresentative)
Triple-height (note, view at full size to compare maps, which all use the same scale):
Also, here is a supercolossal cave system in the massive caves version of double-height, followed by a large-scale (3008x4000) map:
Some screenshots of caves and ravines (some were taken using a texture pack, thus why water looks different in some):
Some giant caves:
And now some ravines:
This one looped around onto itself, leaving a floating pillar:
A very long drop (ravines can reach from the surface to bedrock, even in the triple-height version, although this is so rare that I've only found them by forcing the ravine height to the maximum value, but it is definitely possible):
A larger ravine as seen on Rei's Minimap, around 260 blocks long around the edge (one-way):
Here's another look at caves and ravines, taken by using the new spectator gamemode on my triple-height world:
Despite all of the caves, this is all you'll ever see at the surface, with a single cave opening per cave system (or more if several joined together), unless there is exposed stone or sand collapses into a cave/ravine:
These caves (generated separately from other caves) spiral downwards to bedrock, and cave systems have a minimum number of caves, virtually guaranteeing that they lead to something. There are also very long caves (up to about 560 blocks long, excluding bends) scattered around the map; while bigger on average, cave systems are also more separated and these caves act like a sort of "highway" between systems.
Note also that I do not plan to update this to 1.7 or beyond, at least for now, which poses problems because of the changes in terrain generation, which is now able to go to the world height limit; rarely, even in default (e.g. Savannah M) and I don't want to change the surface.
That said, you might want to try out these other mods I have made, including some for 1.7+:
TheMasterCaver's World - my own version of Minecraft largely based on my views of how the game should have evolved since 1.6.4; this is a very comprehensive mod and the only one listed here that I still regularly update.
No Void Fog and Cave/Ravine Generation Mods (1.7.x) - removes void fog and disable, restore pre-1.7 cave generation, or add even more caves/ravines.
Superflat Caves (1.6.4/1.7.2) - adds caves to Superflat worlds, with new preset and configurations
Random Biomes (1.7.2), makes biomes generate randomly, like before 1.7, includes optional cave generation mod
This thread is replacing the old one, which turned into a chat thread. Please don't turn this into a chat thread. It would suck. Thank you for reading this.
From the old thread, which sums up everything possible:
Godmodding - Godmodding refers to characters who are seemingly invincible and all-powerful. A character that survives everything thrown at him and is never harmed in the slightest. In most roleplays, it is required that you play fair and realistically, so a character who is perfect is often looked down upon. All characters need flaws, otherwise you may unintentionally godmod.
Powerplaying - Powerplaying is the act of playing out the outcome of an action involving another player's character. For example, "John throws a rock at Tom and hits him in the foot, killing him". In many ways, it refers to the unauthorized control over another player's character. Most roleplays will have 'no powerplaying' as a rule in order to prevent players from using other characters without permission. In general, the outcome to an action initiated by your character is up to the opposing player, or in some cases the GM. You don't get to decide if the rock John throws at Tom hits him, all you can do is say that it was thrown in his direction.
Metagaming - Metagaming refers to characters who are seemingly omniscient, meaning that they are in possession of knowledge they shouldn't have. For example, if a player's character picks his nose when he's all alone, your character who is twenty miles away shouldn't bring it up later as if he had witnessed it. He shouldn't know John The Dwarf picked his nose in private, knowing so would be metagaming.
Have a good day!
Naaaahhhhh just go download it. The internet doesn't lie.
Code: :rainstarting:
Well good luck to all. Cant wait to see the winner :3
That made all the difference. Thank you.
Only you will see it though. You friends will just see normal blocks
Unbreaking - Currently, anvils have a 12% chance of being damaged upon usage. The unbreaking enchantment will lower that chance. The chance that a anvil will take damage with unbreaking upon usage would be 12-(Unbreaking*2) percent. The highest amount of unbreaking possible would be 3.
Efficiency - The efficiency enchantment would lower the level cost of any action on the anvil. The formula to determine how much a repair would cost with efficiency would be OriginalCost/Efficiency*1.2, rounded up. The cost cannot go below 1 level. The highest efficiency level would be 3. Note that even with the modifier, the highest cost is still 39 levels, and above that is too expensive.
Fortune - The fortune enchantment has a chance of adding durability on a repair. It will not give durability when renaming or adding enchantments. Usually, repairing an item gives back 25% of the durability. With fortune, repairing and item will give it 25 + (25 * (Fortune/6)) percent of its durability. The highest fortune level would be 3.