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    posted a message on Is it possible to make a bukkit server for minecraft 1.8.1
    Quote from redstonevet90»

    There has been a 2nd DMCA Takedown Request issued.

    Spigot although they have changed they way they are distributing Wolf's code - they are still distributing it...

    As I already asked, post a link to your source. I searched and wasn't able to find one.

    And as I just now replied (in case you haven't read it yet), you CAN distribute his code as long as the licensing for any associated code uses the same license method.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Is it possible to make a bukkit server for minecraft 1.8.1
    Quote from redstonevet90»

    Regarding the DMCA Takedown Request, I would agree with you if Wolf didn't have any grounds to legally issue the request, but he does. Spigot is knowingly distributing his code. Personally, I believe that Spigot is breaking the law, but this is a legal grey area due to the way they are injecting his code into Spigot so I can't say that with certainty the same way someone can't claim they aren't violating Wolf's copyright.

    I saw this response after my 1st response.

    The problem is NOT that they are using Wolf's code. They ARE legally allowed to use it, under the license Wolf had setup. The problem has NEVER been about using the code, the issue is about distributing the code along side other code.

    It's very complex, but put as simply as possible under the license Wolf used, the code can only be distributed as long as all the other code that goes with it uses the same license. The method of distributing the code Spigot is currently using appears to technically comply with the way Wolf's license was setup.

    Spigot isn't in any legal trouble until a court case is filed. And with the complexity of the licensing (and several other factors), it's highly unlikely a judge would grant a preliminary blocking injuction against Spigot even if he does file a lawsuit. So even if Wolf took it to court, and won, it would take a good bit of time... months or even years. And hopefully by that point Microsoft will kick Mojang in the rear hard enough to finally get the official mod API finished off so that mod develops won't need to use it anymore.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Is it possible to make a bukkit server for minecraft 1.8.1
    Quote from redstonevet90»

    Wolf issued a DMCA Takedown Request. Spigot is using 7,000 lines of Wolf's code which is injected into their software. What you are saying is simply false.

    Obviously, I was talking about Donkey Kong Country, since that was the quote and link I provided. Same for Star Fox. I specifically mentioned "Star Fox: Adventures" in my quote. You can try to twist my words around, but it's self-evident that you were wrong and failed to properly read.

    Once again misinformation.

    I haven't heard anything about Wolf issuing a new takedown notice against Spigot, or anything they've put together for the 1.8 release. The notice you're referring to is from back in September. They got around it by not distributing the bukkit jar, and instead requiring server owners to manually patch.

    For 1.8 they have completely changed how Spigot, bukkit, etc. is distributed, and from what I can tell it's not vulnerable to another takedown claim, at least not using the same legal excuse Wolf used last time.

    Put simply, Spigot is NOT in any "legal trouble" now, and they have not been in any "legal trouble" since they took the old bukkit jars off their servers back in September. I have seen nothing credible saying that Wolf has issued any new takedown claims; your information appears to be several months out of date. Provide a link to your source information if you insist on claiming otherwise.

    So to answer the OP: Yes, it's possible. Go to the spigot page and the instructions are on the front page of the news. You will have to manually compile the jar (or have someone do it for you), so it's not quite as simple as it was in the past.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
  • 0

    posted a message on Why is Minecraft so Resource-Demanding?
    Find any big-name AAA game which can support randomally generated worlds, which can be fully modified in real-time, and which can grow to the size they can in Minecraft.
    Hint- You won't.
    A big part of why many "powerhouse" games run so well is because the scenery and maps are carefully constructed and hand-optimized.
    Yes, there could be improvements to Minecraft which would make it perform better. But it's still doing far more than most games, even if it doesn't seem that way on the surface.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Petition: Mojang needs to change the EULA!
    This thread needs to be locked and deleted, it's spreading misinformation.

    1. The EULA does NOT say that you cannot make money.
    2. You're probably thinking of REALMS- you cannot use REALMS to make money.
    3. The way the EULA was originally written, if enforced, would prohibit you from making any money (legally) even on a regular server. So they changed it slightly, to specifically ALLOW you to (legally) make money.. and set out what is and is not an acceptable method to charge players.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on What Do You Think, Is Griefing Acceptable or Not Acceptable?
    As others have said already, it depends on the Rules of the Server. If griefing is allowed, then it's fine, if it's not allowed, then it's not fine.
    Also, there is no strict definition of what counts as "griefing", it's up to each server owner to decide what counts.
    Posted in: Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Jeb's going the WRONG WAY?
    Quote from damo333333

    OK OK
    I'm gonna put my points a little more clearly

    speak or shout at length in a wild, impassioned way.

    Hmm ya I'd say this qualifies as a rant thread.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on The Minecraft Community is a Monster
    There is no such thing as "THE" Minecraft Community. There are a variety of different communities, these forums are one example, reddit is another, there are others. Some are better/worse than others.
    So don't classify the entire Minecraft player base as one single group, because it's not.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Really Easy Tool Dupe Glitch! Fill Your Inventory With A Tool! 14w05b
    It's a known issue: MC-46715
    Posted in: Other Videos
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    posted a message on SnapShot 14w05b Duplication Glitch!
    This is a known issue. Bug report number is: MC-46715
    Posted in: Other Videos
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    posted a message on More Realistic Minecraft
    Quote from zugget

    I've had lots of complaints

    Place suggestions in the Suggestions section, not the "Recent Updates and Snapshots" area, and you'll get fewer complaints.

    Edit: There's also a "reply" button so people know who you're responding to.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Reddit's Take regarding Iron Farms (post jeb)
    Quote from Winter_Mage

    blah blah blah

    I'd rather just see something simple. Like add iron nuggets, then rework the 'small stuff' to use those instead of bars.

    As for farms... meh. Sometimes I use them, other times I don't. I don't feel the need to justify them to anybody.
    I don't care if you use them or not, and don't see any reason for anyone to feel bad for using them.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on All automation is bad and you should feel bad for spending absolutely any time not mining in Minecraft, even for a few seconds
    With a few exceptions (you know who you are) everybody who posted in this thread needs to read this:
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on why is everyone hacking?
    Minecraft is a game built on the idea that you can go in and mess around with the game as much as you want. The only thing Mojang doesn't want people doing is bypassing the requirement to create a Mojang account.
    Technically speaking, every single plugin or mod for the game is a "hack", and so is modifying your world data using 3rd party programs.

    Yes, you'll sometimes find people doing things that aren't normally possible on a server, or doing things the server owner doesn't want them to do. It's up to the server owner to decide what is allowed and what to do about someone who tries to do things he doesn't want them doing.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Should Mojang patch the bedrock-breaking glitch?
    Patch it ASAP.
    This glitch does not break blocks, it simply replaces them, and works for any block not just bedrock.
    This means that server owners will need to update their plugins to account for this new method of destruction, or people will be able to do things such as:
    - Destroy the End portal.
    - Remove all bedrock from the main Spawn area so new players will just fall into the Void and die over and over
    - Destroy the Landing platform in the End so people going in fall into the Void and die.
    - Destroy the exit portal used to leave the End, so the only way to possibly leave is to die.

    In addition, unless you update your server plugins to a version that can prevent it, this method will bypass many of the common "block protect" type of plugins which are designed to prevent griefing.

    Personally I have no problem with people punching holes in the ceiling of the Nether. As far as I know, right now it's the only way to put a beacon in the Nether without using additional game mods. Honestly I think they should have changed the ceiling to obsidian back when they increased the map height, but that's a completely different discussion.
    Posted in: Discussion
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