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    posted a message on [Norwegian Only/Norsk][13w37b] Trollstigen Overlevelse (Amplified)
    Vi søker kule personer som er hyggelig og forstår hva det å respektere andre betyr. Som hjelper til, gir tilbake minst like mye som dem tar, og ikke stikker av. Hvis du tror du har det som trengs for å være så kul som det, kan du bli med på min server. Svik, tyveri, hærverk, svindel, trakassering, og angrep av andre spillere er ikke kult bare så det er klart.

    Serveren kjører på siste utviklingsverision fra Mojang, med en forsterket (Amplified) verden. Dette betyr at du må ha en nok så god datamaskin for å klare å spille på denne serveren. Jeg har dessverre ikke resurser nok på serveren min for øyeblikket så den kjører på min datamaskin. Dette betyr at serveren ikke vil kjøre 24/7, men når det passer meg.

    Ting som skjer på serveren vil primært bli formidlet igjennom Skype gruppen til serveren. Den blir du med i ved å send meg en pm, epost eller melding på skype, så skal jeg legge deg til gruppen. Min skype id er julian.sivertsen og epost adressen som du kan bruke er [email protected]. For å bli hvitlistet på serveren må du snakke med en av operatørene på serveren gjennom Skype gruppen. Det vil normalt sett ikke være mulig å bli hvitlistet på serveren uten at du er tilstede i Skype gruppen. Listen av Operatører finner du ved å skrive "/get guidelines" i skype gruppen.

    Det er ingen fastbestemte regler. Dette betyr imidlertid ikke at du kan gjøre hva du vil. Respekter, hjelpe til, og vær hyggelig med de andre på serveren, ellers så blir du kastet ut.

    Alle henvendelser bør skje på Skype gruppen til denne serveren. Er dette ikke mulig så kan du sende en pm til meg eller en epost til [email protected]

    Hvordan bli med
    Les hele innlegget. Hvis du fortsatt ikke skjønner det, har du ikke de kvalitetene som jeg ønsker at du skal ha for å bli med.

    This server is only for people who speak norwegian. Sorry for the inconvenience.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Midgard IV - Hardcore Survival [1.6]
    The server has been updated to 1.6.2, however due to the inactivity of the server (15 logins in the past 2 months) I will shut it down October 1st. Many thanks to all who have played on my server.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Closed down
    I need to stress test my new server, and for that I need you help. Feel free to create havoc, but don't crash the server. I will most likely run this server a few days top.
    Closed Down
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on [1.5.2] Save map

    Simply press F4 and the data contained in the map currently held in the hand will be saved in the same manner as with screenshots. Perfect for tiling multiple maps together. The maps end up at %appdata%\.minecraft\maps on Windows (~/Library/Application Support/minecraft/maps on mac, ~/.minecraft/maps on Linux).

    This is the same as with most mods, simply copy the content of the zip into minecraft.jar and delete the META-INF folder. Follow this guide if you're unsure
    1. Locate minecraft.jar
    2. * Start Minecraft
      * In the main menu click on Options, then on Texture packs, and finally on Open texture pack folder
      * Close minecraft before modding it
      * From the Texture pack folder navigate up one folder and then in to the bin folder
    3. Open minecraft.jar with an archiver, I recommend 7zip
    4. Delete the META-INF folder
    5. Copy the files in the provided archive to minecraft.jar

    Download: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/17910382/Minecraft%20mods/Save%20Map%20v0.1-MC1.5.2.zip

    Older Versions:
    For Minecraft 1.5.1: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/17910382/Minecraft%20mods/Save%20Map%20v0.1-MC1.5.1.zip

    You may use and distribute this mod in mod packs or on it's own, modified or not. Proper credit to Julian Sivertsen (aka Sivertsen3) would be appreciated but is not required. You may not distribute this mod as your own work.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [v3.7] AMIDST - Strongholds, Village, Biome, Etc. Finder. [1.7.4]
    I request a sorely lacking feature in the program; sensible error reporting. Currently it errors out with nothing but a blank screen for me. Had there at least been an indication of failure (such as a message saying unsupported version of Minecraft) it would be possible to diagnose the problem.
    Posted in: Minecraft Tools
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    posted a message on [v3.7] AMIDST - Strongholds, Village, Biome, Etc. Finder. [1.7.4]
    Operating System: Windows 7 64-bit
    Java Version: 1.6.0_39
    Minecraft Version: 1.5.1
    AMIDST Version: 2.0.42 +Every other version I've tried
    Error log: Nothing
    A detailed description of what happened: When a minor update is available the program ceases to function. It refuses to generate a map.
    Posted in: Minecraft Tools
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    posted a message on Midgard IV - Hardcore Survival [1.6]
    The guild of honourable men has been formed. Joining it will give you benefits we have yet to determine. What we do know is that to join you must be honourable.

    The club house
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Midgard IV - Hardcore Survival [1.6]
    Quote from Fancy_Slime

    I think I may just join if you don't mind ^.^

    Of course. Welcome to my server.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Looking to start a rather hardcore fantasy server
    I've been thinking of the same concept before, but put it away due to the difficulty of implementing it. The major problem I saw then is the whole notion of logging out. The discontinuity of players make things difficult. There is also the problem of most roles being boring. You need miners, farmers, woodcutters, guards, thrones, explorers, messengers, recruits, etc, etc, to make a vivid and thriving world. But most of these roles don't add up to much game play. .

    The lack of continuity of players is the most disruptive. You don't know who attacked you village. You don't know the threats that occurred and got avoided at the last moment. In fact, you don't know anything that is going on when you are not logged in. Players can't find you since you disappear when you log out. Meaning that cites inhabited by players will be mostly empty even if there are hundreds of inhabitants.

    The simple role of a shop keeper would require a ridicules schedule of players to be useful. Not to mention standing in a shop for hours is ludicrously boring. A great portion of the roles must be run by an AI as no one would want to play them. This adds a tremendous amount of complexity in the development and management of the server it self. Good AI's are one the most difficult things to program and I don't think there is any readymade plugins that can do these kinds of things.

    A typical shopkeeper would need to be able to respond to theft, attacks, normal customers, their shop being on fire, someone mining the floor, people that write signs on the walls, the town being invaded, greifers that place random blocks, etc, etc. And then you need guards that can intervene and report troublemakers. Not to mention the daily life of farmers, miners, guards, and all those other roles nobody would play.
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on Looking for Hardcore/PVP/Faction/Grief based Server
    Would plain vanilla hardcore do for what you are looking for?
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on Looking for a Vanilla Whitelisted Server
    I'm running a hardcore vanilla server. It's not white listed, but I guarantee that it will stay vanilla. You can read about it on http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1726661-midgard-iv-hardcore-survival-15/#entry21408022 where you'll also find the address should you pay attention.
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on Midgard IV - Hardcore Survival [1.6]
    Quote from Pouf

    very nice, no server url, or id join

    Try reading the post again, it's in there.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Midgard IV - Hardcore Survival [1.6]
    A simple vanilla hardcore survival server. It is not allowed to use a modified client or abuse duplication bugs, doing so will get you banned. Be cool and don't steal others stuff, or greif others buildings (I will not stop you from doing so, but don't expect to live long). Server address: midgard.skivika.priv.no

    To revive from a death ban you'll need someone who's not dead on the server to say "By the god of life, I revive <your ign>". They need to have a total play time on the server of at least 1 hour and must not be banned/die before you are revived. You will then be revived at 1800 GMT+1.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on [1.4.7][Forge] Shift Right Click Fix
    Quote from Lucke1234

    Yes, I know exactly what it is and does. You also explain it well :)


    I just found out that the fix breaks SouldShards (you can't right click a spawner with a soul shard) so I've made a second version that should break a lot less mods. Same installations as the first one. However in this version onBlockActivate is only overridden if you are punching the block at the same time as you are sneaking and right clicking on it. In short, hold shift, hold left mouse button, click with the right mouse button and it should activate the block.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [1.4.7][Forge] Shift Right Click Fix
    Quote from Marioh10

    [...] in some mods, it'd be helpful to just place like a floating pipe, tube, or chest next to a machine without supporting blocks [...]

    Most mods still have code that guards block's inventory when you sneak and right click on them. In addition this the fix tries to be a bit more intelligent in the passing of onBlockActivate, if you are holding an item in the hand that is a subclass of ItemBlock it does not call it. As far as I know this does not break any mods at all. Only makes some combinations of shift block placement activate the block clicked on. Such as buildcraft pipes on crafting tables.

    Quote from iadicicco

    On another note, I am not aware of any mods that this new Forge feature breaks other than RedPower2 pr6. If the goal is to fix the RedPower screwdriver bug, there are better ways to do that that don't break other mods in the process.

    The other fixes that I'm aware of break the terms of use for RedPower and can not be distributed here.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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