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    posted a message on Tameable Spiders?
    Quote from XSMA

    I barely come on here, so I'm not sure if this has been brought up before, but hear me out here.

    What if we could have tameable spiders, but with the catch that you could only tame one as a baby, not an adult?

    This would require spiders to be able to breed of course(Why can't hostile mobs breed anyway, undead ones non withstanding), which is not in game, but figuratively speaking, adult spiders would not be able to be tamed. They're aleady neutral/aggressive, however, under the rare chance that two spiders breed, which would be VERY rare since I rarely ever see two non hostile spiders next to each other, they'd produce a baby spider.

    This is where I get my idea from. In Pikmin 2, you could encounter an enemy called a Bulbmin. They're a mixture of Bulborbs, the main enemy of the series, and a parasitic form of Pikmin, the main creature. Once you kill the adult Bulbmin, the babies scramble around until you tame them with your whistle.

    For Minecraft, this would mean killing the adults and then somehow taming the baby Spider; not sure how. Once tamed, it would act like a completely neutral spider, but you'd be able to make it follow you around and equip it with a saddle, which would give saddles a second use besides just using them on pigs. Saddled spiders would be able to climb walls with you on their back, but they wouldn't attack mobs.

    It's a weird idea I know, but just an idea.

    First off, hostile mobs can't breed because they are generally too busy making evil plans on how to kill you or actually putting these plans into action to have time to make babies.

    If you could tame spiders, they would just be that much less scary. They are monsters, they spawn at night, they are here to kill you.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Do you consider MCEdit "Cheating"?
    If you didn't do it IN Minecraft, and instead used item spawning mods or third party tools then yes it is cheating.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on is minecraft a good game
    Quote from GameFanChib

    so i take it you CAN disable slendermen?

    Slendermen don't exist. ENDERMEN and all other monsters can indeed be disabled by setting the difficulty to peaceful. And I don't understand why people are scared of endermen or slendermen anyways... They are both fake.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Question about Blast Resistivity
    I would assume, although I have no idea, that it's because when the first made TNT and blast resistance, they figured they could just use the same variable for things such as Obsidian and Bedrock instead of introducing a new variable telling it whether it blows up or not...
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Two Elven Style buildings and a Golden Monument
    It's cool, but I would suggest using more materials, it just feels like it's missing something...
    Posted in: Screenshots
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    posted a message on is minecraft a good game
    Minecraft is an amazing game, that's all you need to know...
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Minecraft Fan-game?
    Minecraft fan-games have already been made, and yes, they are indeed legal.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Victorian House
    You have a beautiful building style, I really like the house!
    Posted in: Screenshots
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    posted a message on Does this happen to you?
    This happens to me with just about every game in existence...
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Jeb will break all mods
    Are you kidding? The modding API will make installing mods a thousands times faster and easier, it will make creating mods without worrying about compatibility and stuff. Overall the modding API will help mods not break them.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Flashing chunks
    This happens on lots of servers... Multiplayer just has it's bugs.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on If Minecraft Had A Motto What Do You Think It Would Be?
    Quote from Inky_Musty

    Prepare for trouble!

    Make it double!

    To protect the world from devastation!

    To unite all peoples within our nation!

    To denounce the evils of truth and love!

    To extend our reach to the stars above!



    Mojang , blast off at the speed of light!

    Surrender now, or prepare to fight!

    That'sssss right!

    THIS!! YES!!! THIS A THOUSAND TIMES! I just had MAJOR nostalgia when I saw this...
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Are Slime Chunks Considered Biomes?
    No, slime chunks used to be the special chunks that slimes could spawn in, but now slimes can spawn on any chunk.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Any Ideas
    Everything is much more satisfying if you come up with the idea yourself... Be creative!
    Posted in: Screenshots
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    posted a message on My minecraft challenge to YOU!
    I'm pretty sure that's impossible...
    Posted in: Discussion
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