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    posted a message on Space in Minecraft
    This has been suggested SOOOOOOOO many times. I really don't like the idea anyways, Steve doesn't strike me as a space traveling type of guy, and I've always liked the dimensions like the Nether and the End because they are new environments, and very creative, space is just another thing you can see in lots of games.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Implications of a political and economic simulation on minecraft
    Quote from Tom Tzu

    Jump: A cooldown period for jumping is introduced, which is increased by the number of inventory panes used (so you are slowed down more if you're carrying more). As jump experience rises, the cooldown period is reduced.

    Swimming: Spacebar automatically "releases" after a few seconds, faster if you're carrying a lot; higher swimming skill means you can hold it down longer before you have to release and press it again. Low skill also reduces lung capacity.

    First off, I don't really like the idea of a jumping cooldown because jumping is such a big part of movement in Minecraft, I could understand a movement speed thing or taking rests while walking, but the incapability of jumping I don't like because you need it to move up anything that is 1 block. In the end I feel like people would just make staircases EVERYWHERE and flatten everything ultimately making things less aesthetically pleasing and just power-gaming it to remove the need for jumping.

    Secondly, the swimming makes me think that we really shouldn't allow water cities, they truly would be too easy to defend and advantageous over other civilization locations. I definitely don't think underwater construction should really be allowed.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on ablitys (on creative) you can have depinding on your skin
    Quote from dragonogon

    how can grifers abuse these if you press the o key in survival (it would not do anything on survival mode) or on servers you would get kicked or in the server files the person who made the server just could turn powers on and off and also someone could just make a server add on that prevents the powers being used and no offence or anything but what do you mean when you said that some of them are op oh and by the way you would be able to turn it on and off just go into the options menu there will be a new button there that says elemetal powers click it and you be asked if you want to turn the powers on and off

    Griefers are capable of doing things that the server ultimately doesn't allow, like x-rays and flying hacks, they'd find ways to let themselves do these without permission from server owners.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on ablitys (on creative) you can have depinding on your skin
    Quote from dragonogon

    *nukeular press the o key to blow everything up in a 50 chunk radis exept bedrock

    Nuclear*, and no, 50 chunks is massive, and I saw your comment above too, 10 chunks is also massive...
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on The Dead can look Alive as well....
    Umm, I understood about half of this, but it sounded interesting... (I Think?)
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on mojang should join steam
    Quote from Black_Drath

    Allow me to direct you to this Tumblr post made by Notch almost a year ago:

    This, is what I was going to link you to.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on My 4 mods for Lego Minecraft
    You just bumped your own topic twice in a row, shameful... Regardless, eh, interesting? Kind of strange I guess...
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Implications of a political and economic simulation on minecraft
    Quote from Tom Tzu

    I believe it should be based simply on your most recent 1000 actions. The first few actions should not have everlasting consequences; it should be possible always to retrain to specialize in something else. If your last 1000 actions were all chopping wood with an axe, you will be maxed out at the very best axe skill possible, but you'll be a complete novice at everything else.

    The, after harvesting 1000 blocks of wood, you go to start crafting some of them into planks. (I'm assuming that crafting is a skill here). After you perform 50 crafting tasks, your axe skill has atrophied to 950 recent actions, but you've got 50 actions better at crafting. If you keep crafting, eventually you'll max out your crafting skill, and be a complete novice at axe.

    Something I noticed that also needs to be specified within your system. Just swinging a tool does not count as an action correct? You actually have to do something with the axe/shovel/sword? Also, if this is the case, will the tools also have to be used correctly? For instance, is slaughtering animals with an axe going to put up your axe skill or your fighting and ultimately make you better with a sword as well? Or likewise will chopping trees with a sword put up your sword/fighting or your axe skill?

    Also, actions such as firing a bow should probably be made to have more of an impact on your last 1000 actions, maybe accounting for 2 or 3, because it is much easier to hit something 1000 times with a sword than it is to take 1000 shots with a bow. This system definitely needs to be ironed out and set in stone so we can work with other things that deal with it.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on So I got bored.
    Wow, this is great! I've never really seen this sort of design before!
    Posted in: Screenshots
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    posted a message on Minecraft PhotoShopped
    Quote from Daytona

    These are painfully bad! But keep learning photoshop :)

    I agree with him, they look like with more practice in Photoshop they could be better.
    Posted in: Screenshots
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    posted a message on It Started With 2 Villager Houses And A Well...(WIP)
    Wow this is great, and in survival too!
    Posted in: Screenshots
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    posted a message on Zombie animals and cauldron uses
    Quote from Trecked

    Why the hell would you farm rotten flesh...

    Wolves can eat it.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on If MineCraft Did not run on Java Would It Run Faster?
    I think Minecraft runs well in singleplayer and perfectly fast, what they really need to work on is multiplayer...
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Why won't seeds work?
    Quote from Black_Drath

    If you are having trouble with seeds:
    • Make sure the seed was for the same version of Minecraft as what you have.
    • Make sure you have entered the seed correctly. Copied exactly into the "seed" field in the more world options menu on world generation.
    • Make sure you know where the land features are on the seed. The desired terrain may not necessarily be at spawn.

    I was pretty much going to post this exact thing but it looks like I got beat.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Nether Silverfish
    Quote from Tarlakk

    Come back with something that isn't a ripoff of pre-existing mobs.

    Come back when you have something constructive to say...

    But seriously, the Nethercrawler centipede things would be a great idea...
    Posted in: Suggestions
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