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    posted a message on Custom NPCs
    Quote from rextheblob

    By any chance is there a server version to this mod???

    This mod works on SMP just fine.

    Quote from eceyo

    Here is an odd question, but would you be able to add an audio feature? So for example, you can add a voice to an NPC when they say something. It would be really cool to get some friends together, record some dialogue and then add it to the game. Then you can make an adventure map, where you can can full on voiced conversations with people.

    This is on the todo list. No ETA yet.

    Quote from Prodigy03

    Last week, I could make quests with rewards and you could start and complete them. Now for some reason I can make a quest set it to a dialog and set the dialog to a NPC and you can't start the quest. I'm going to download a fresh copy of the mod and re-install it and see if that works :(

    EDIT: Nope that didn't work not real sure whats going on, but this is really frustrating

    Are you still having this issue?
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [1.6.4] Witches and More V164DEV12 by Chancebozey (A DEVELOPMENT BUILD - Updated 12/22/2013)
    This is a fantastic mod, and you said you would look into ExtraBiomesXL integration. Donated as promised. Phenomenal work sir. Have a good holiday.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [1.6.4] Witches and More V164DEV12 by Chancebozey (A DEVELOPMENT BUILD - Updated 12/22/2013)
    It isn't a biome ID conflict. I checked that already.

    I'm going to customize the EBXL a bit and remove some of the biomes that come with it and see if that doesn't help the issue.

    Edit: Just tried it with an edited EBXL config. (Removed a good 10 or so biomes it added I didn't like)

    Meridian works fine now. Occurs plenty often.

    The structures are still really iffy. I have found 1 pyramid... so it IS working. The structure generator just needs to be a little more robust I think.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [1.6.4] Witches and More V164DEV12 by Chancebozey (A DEVELOPMENT BUILD - Updated 12/22/2013)
    There seems to be a structure generation area when this mod is combined with FTB (Feed The Beast). I'm trying to find the culprit as we speak. (I believe it is ExtraBiomes, I just disabled it to test my theory). It may also be Millenaire.

    Anyway, I can't find structures or the Meridian from this mod anywhere.

    Edit: As soon as I turned off ExtraBiomes, this mod generated the Meridian correctly. Still no sign of the generated structures though.

    Can you possibly work on a way to be compatible with ExtraBiomes? The amount of content from this mod plus EBXL would be phenominal. (I would be willing to donate to make this happen as well :D )
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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