Quote from Sinistralis777
The id's were the issue. Good to know as well. How do you do placable items? I wanted to do some coral. Is there an example somewhere?
By place-able items, I assume you don't mean just blocks. The plants example page has an example of an item that places a block.
This mod works on SMP just fine.
This is on the todo list. No ETA yet.
Are you still having this issue?
I'm going to customize the EBXL a bit and remove some of the biomes that come with it and see if that doesn't help the issue.
Edit: Just tried it with an edited EBXL config. (Removed a good 10 or so biomes it added I didn't like)
Meridian works fine now. Occurs plenty often.
The structures are still really iffy. I have found 1 pyramid... so it IS working. The structure generator just needs to be a little more robust I think.
Anyway, I can't find structures or the Meridian from this mod anywhere.
Edit: As soon as I turned off ExtraBiomes, this mod generated the Meridian correctly. Still no sign of the generated structures though.
Can you possibly work on a way to be compatible with ExtraBiomes? The amount of content from this mod plus EBXL would be phenominal. (I would be willing to donate to make this happen as well