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    posted a message on akkamaddi's Additions, updated for 1.15.2

    I have or am porting and maintaining most of akkamaddi's Additions to 1.7.10 and above (I hope). akkamaddi's original post is here. akkamaddi's posts giving permission to anyone who wants to port his code are here and here.


    Core classes and API used by most of the ported Additions. Required for all of the Additions except "Ashenwheat" (independent mod). v 1.0.2 used with Simple Ores 2 v 1.4.3; v 2.0.X used with Simple Core 1.5.x. v 2.0.x REQUIRES Forge No longer used in 1.12.2; all functionality was moved to Simple Core for 1.12.2.

    Sterling and Black

    (Content, DEPENDENT {akkamaddiCore 2.0.0, SimpleCore 1.0.3+, SimpleOres-2 1.5.2+, Fusion 1.5.2+, Forge}) Adds the alloys Sterling Steel and Black Silver to Simple Ores 2 + any mod that provides silver ingots.

    Full description at Sterling and Black Wiki.

    Classical Alchemy

    (Content, DEPENDENT {akkamaddiCore 2.0.0, SimpleCore 1.0.3, SimpleOres-2 1.5.2+, Fusion 1.5.2+, Forge}}, Soft Dependency {ArsenicAndLace 1.5.0+} to unlock Tomb Bronze creation recipes} Refined alchemical forms of copper and tin, Cuprum and Stannum, which can be used to make Pyropus Bronze and Pulchrum Bronze, and Tomb Bronze (requires Simple Arsenic).

    Full description in >this post<.

    Simple Arsenic and Old Lace

    (Content, DEPENDENT {akkamaddiCore 2.0.0, SimpleCore 1.0.3, SimpleOres-2 1.5.2+, Fusion 1.5.2+, Forge Adds the materials arsenic, arsenide bronze, and arsenide gold, as well as old lace burial shrouds. Arsenic has no ore, and is derived entirely from the Fusion Furnace. Now with Tenebrium!

    Full description in >this post<.


    Now has its own thread HERE. All questions, support issues, etc for Ashenwheat should go there, not here.

    Hadite Coal

    (Content, DEPENDENT {SimpleOres, Fusion}) Utility ore in the Nether. Can also be put in the Fusion Furnace with Iron to make Hadite Steel, and Tin to make Gestankenzinn.

    Full description in >this post<.

    Golden Glitter

    (Content, DEPENDENT {{akkamaddiCore 2.0.0, SimpleCore 1.0.3, SimpleOres-2 1.5.2+, Fusion 1.5.2+, Forge}) Adds four gold alloys

    Full description in >this post<.

    Simple Cobalt

    (Content, DEPENDENT {akkamaddiCore 2.0.0, SimpleCore 1.0.3, SimpleOres-2 1.5.2+, Fusion 1.5.2+, Forge Adds the ore Cobalt, and the alloys Blue Drift Steel, Blue Celadon, and Green Celadon.

    Full description in >this post<.

    Simple Tungsten

    (Content, DEPENDENT {SimpleOres, Fusion}) Adds the overworld ore and metal Tungsten, and four alloys, Tungsten Carbide, Tungsten Steel, Prasinos, and Valfram. Older version for Simple Ores v 1.4.3 still available.

    Full description in >this post<.

    Simple Cthon

    (Content, DEPENDENT {{akkamaddiCore 2.0.0, SimpleCore 1.0.3, SimpleOres-2 1.5.2+, Fusion 1.5.2+, Forge}) Very rare but powerful Nether ore.

    Full description in >this post<.

    Steely Glint

    (Content, DEPENDENT {{akkamaddiCore 2.0.0, SimpleCore 1.0.3, SimpleOres-2 1.5.2+, Fusion 1.5.2+, Forge})

    Full (slightly out-of-date) description in >this post<.

    The rest of akkamaddi's Additions

    Have been ported by TheOldOne822, see his thread >here<.

    Where do I download all this stuff?


    For 1.12.2 and later, see individual listings above.

    For 1.7.10, see this:

    Credits and Appreciation:

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on akkamaddi's Ashenwheat

    New version of Ashenwheat for 1.12.2 uploaded. I fixed ashenwheat products not actually being useable as furnace fuel, contrary to specifications. Sorry about that; if someone had mentioned this problem existed, I would have fixed it a bit sooner.

    LarsG2005, the Ashenwheat mod is on CurseForge; by default, it is allowed in modpacks. In general, any mod on CurseForge is useable in modpacks; that's the condition Twitch/Curse requires of us to host our mods for free. On top of that, my mods are generally licensed under the LGPL; you are free to use them for whatever; the only thing you are not allowed to do is modify them and close-source the modified version. Other modders can mod my stuff so long as they keep it open-source under the LGPL or GPL license.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on AleXndrTheGr8st's Mods (SimpleCore API, SimpleOres, Fusion, Netherrocks)

    More good news: I have uploaded 'Release' versions of SimpleCore, SimpleOres2, and Netherrocks with a few language bugs fixed.

    I have uploaded to CurseForge a 'Beta' version of Fusion that now has all the advancements.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on AleXndrTheGr8st's Mods (SimpleCore API, SimpleOres, Fusion, Netherrocks)

    Well, that's slightly awkward... ;-) Here and I thought you were a skilled Java coder while I was a complete Java newbie. (I am, on the other hand, a very experienced maintenance/scientific programmer with C/C++, Fortran, Perl, and other unglamorous languages.) However, I did go ahead and pull out internals that became redundant with various Forge updates.

    I have just posted new releases of SimpleCore API, SimpleOres2, and Netherrocks to CurseForge. They are currently flagged as beta until someone(s) has a chance to test them a bit more thoroughly, but they should be solid. (I may need to fix a texture in the JEI integration for the nether furnace, but that's the only known bug). Advancements and JSON Recipes are fully implemented.

    I will be tackling Fusion next, and I have heartfelt requests from family members to revive certain of Akkamaddi's add-ons for Fusion that I still claim maintenance rights over (they're LGPL, though. so anyone can port them from 1.7.10 if they so choose)

    Forge is undergoing a massive re-write for 1.13, so modders have had a long grace period with 1.12.2, like they did with 1.7.10. We're seeing a lot of really cool mods because of it. No one (except maybe McJty) can keep up with the pace that Minecraft was going through with 1.8 -> 1.12.0 changes. Major mods were just barely ported during that period, and we didn't see the flowering of cool, innovative mods that we're seeing now, because newcomers couldn't keep up with the constant changes or get invested in modding when the basics were continually yanked out from under them. (If Lex Manos were my employee, I'd have a lot of less than complimentary things to say about how you don't CHANGE THE FRIGGIN' API EVERY FEW MONTHS!! APIs are supposed to the part of the code that is stable and doesn't change much; you can add to the interface, but you're not supposed to remove functions unless there is a major security issue with allowing them to be used. When is the last time a major part of the libC API was removed or drastically changed? I can still compile old K&R C code from 40 years ago under gcc, if I set the compiler flags to allow it.

    /rant off

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on AleXndrTheGr8st's Mods (SimpleCore API, SimpleOres, Fusion, Netherrocks)

    No promises, but I have finally beaten the netherrocks furnace into submission and expect to be able to finish porting Netherrocks to 1.12.2, as well as releasing a new SimpleCore API (which is where the bad infrastructure code was that I fixed) and a new Simple Ores2 if needed.

    Time away from "having to" work on this code restored the "fun" (or at least "interesting") aspect of working on Simple Ores stuff. (So did playing Direwolf20's newest pack,which got me interested in Minecraft again) Again, no promises, but we're not totally dead here.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on AleXndrTheGr8st's Mods (SimpleCore API, SimpleOres, Fusion, Netherrocks)

    I mean Simple Ores2 "advancements" (aka "achievements") have not been added back in yet.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on AleXndrTheGr8st's Mods (SimpleCore API, SimpleOres, Fusion, Netherrocks)

    This is the official discussion page--I don't pay all that much attention to the little forums on CurseForge. (Though I do take bug reports there if you don't have a GitHub account. Please use paste.bin for logs and post a link).

    FYI, as soon as CurseForge approves them, there are now ALPHA versions of Simple Core API and Simple Ores2 for 1.12.2. They have NO ADVANCEMENTS, but recipes work (or are supposed to). All the tools, armor, weapons, ore generation, etc are supposed to be working. Please let me know if they are not.

    A reminder: CurseForge does not show Alpha versions as available for modpacks or in the sidebar or download widgets (well, maybe in the sidebar). You have to go to the individual mod's "Files" page to find them.

    I will be porting the rest as time allows, of course, but I have the basic concepts down. 1.12 has major internal changes to the way things are done with mod code.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on AleXndrTheGr8st's Mods (SimpleCore API, SimpleOres, Fusion, Netherrocks)

    The only place I ever post the actual update file to is the appropriate CurseForge page. I will let people know here, of course. If you see these mods anyplace besides Curse.com or CurseForge.com, they are not legit.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on AleXndrTheGr8st's Mods (SimpleCore API, SimpleOres, Fusion, Netherrocks)
    Quote from DarienBlaquenext

    I want to change what layers copper and tin generate at.

    That should not be a problem, go into the config file (Alexndr/simpleores.cfg) and edit the appropriate "Ore" section. MinHeight and MaxHeight are the values you want to change for a given ore.
    Quote from MamylaPuce»


    Is there a problem on this site ? Links are broken and i can't download this mod ans plugins in the latest verion 1.12.2... Crash problem ?

    1.12.2 is still being ported; it is not available yet. I have some recipes and all the tools, armor, buckets, ingots, ore generation, etc, apparently working, so it's just a matter of spare time and filling in recipe JSONs. Then I get to port the rest of the plugins.

    This site is as fine as it ever is (not much), but Curse broke their link widgets. For now, you'll probably have to search for stuff on minecraft.curseforge.com

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on AleXndrTheGr8st's Mods (SimpleCore API, SimpleOres, Fusion, Netherrocks)
    Quote from DarienBlaque»

    Is there anyway to customize ore generation?

    What exactly do you mean by "customize ore generation"? The parameters can be changed in the config file, if that's what you're asking, or ore generation can be disabled entirely (for those of you with a modpack in which 12 tech mods generate copper ore.. ;-) )

    Quote from neros64»

    Hows the port coming and hows the nuggets going as well?

    It is coming along - I have working tools, but haven't ported the armor or recipes code yet. Nuggets are on hold for now while I get the 1.12 stuff working.
    Quote from fearheaven»

    There is, I haven't looked much into it but there are files here : AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\config\AleXndr
    You should be able to customize ore generation here.

    @Shinhika I just read that the advancements system in 1.12 replaces the achievements from previous versions, will you have things that needs translating ?

    I probably will. Right now, the achievements are all just commented out, because I'm tearing my hair out at the idea of turning all that code into JSON files. WHY did they have to make that change??
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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