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    posted a message on Ideas for Creaking and Pale Gardens
    • “Sap root”: A new type of plant or moss-like block that grows in thick, wide patches around the garden which slows your speed and saps your health whenever you’re touching it, simultaneously increasing the speed of the Creaking and healing it. It varies in height like sugar cane or snow, and the taller it is the stronger the slowing and sapping effects are. It could generate where the Creaking walks, like snow does for snow golems. It can’t be destroyed or collected until the Creaking is defeated.

    • “Loose dirt”: A new block that falls like gravel and sand when stepped on, but not when placed. Throughout the pale garden are randomly generated holes 4-8 blocks deep, covered with loose dirt that collapses under you when you walk on it and drops you into the hole. The holes could be filled with tall sap root, making them harder to get out of quickly while the Creaking closes in. The Creaking could also cause mining fatigue when it gets close enough, which makes escaping the holes even harder.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on An idea for the new pale garden!

    Yeah, that would be great!

    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Pale Gardens Expansion

    I really like the catacombs idea!

    Posted in: Suggestions
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