Vibrant Shaders v1.52:
- Added support for MC 1.21.
- Added and adjusted reflective copper blocks.
- Fixed support for MC 1.7.10, TAA is now auto disabled.
- Fixed raindrops setting, it can now be disabled correctly.
- Fixed celshading in nether and end.
- Fixed volumetric lighting if shadows are disabled.
Enhanced Default v1.17:
- Added support for MC 1.21.
Basic Shaders v2.3:
- Added support for MC 1.21.
Vibrant Shaders v1.51:
- Supports minecraft 1.20.1 (Also 1.20.2 once Iris/optifine are updated)
- Added support for pitcher crops, pitcher plants, cherry saplings, cherry leaves, pink petals, torchflower crops and torchflowers.
- Minor code adjustements. Enhanced Default v1.16:
- Supports minecraft 1.20.1 (Also 1.20.2 once Iris/optifine are updated)
- Added support for pitcher crops, pitcher plants, cherry saplings, cherry leaves, pink petals, torchflower crops and torchflowers.
- Fixed an issue with dead bushes for minecraft versions below 1.13.
- Minor code adjustements. Basic Shaders v2.2:
- Supports minecraft 1.20.1 (Also 1.20.2 once Iris/optifine are updated)
- Added support for pitcher crops, pitcher plants, cherry saplings, cherry leaves, pink petals, torchflower crops and torchflowers.
- Fixed an issue with dead bushes for minecraft versions below 1.13.
- Minor code adjustements.
Vibrant shaders 1.50
- Supports MC 1.19.3
- Added an ingame option to adjust the volumetric lighting strength/amount.
- Rewrote Bloom and TAA rendering pipeline, improving performance and fixing various issues.
- Fixed sharpness issues with bloom.
- Improved TAA, sharper image, less flickering and ghosting.
- Weather rendering is bit glitchy right now and requires a rendering pipeline rewrite, maybe in the next update.
Enhanced Default v1.15:
- Supports MC 1.19.3
- Improved TAA, greatly reduced flickering and reduced ghosting.
Basic Shaders v2.1:
- Supports MC 1.19.3
- Improved TAA, greatly reduced flickering and reduced ghosting.
- Code and buffer optimizations, improving performance!
Ok, so I need help. I cannot find in game settings for this shader and so I'm assuming I need to edit a file. There are screen effects during rain that I would like to disable. If anyone can provide assistance on what to look for that would be greatly appreciated. (I'm using Fabric & Iris)
Everything can be found inside the shaderpack zip file in shaders.settings, adding two slashes infront of a #define disables it. Like //#define Bloom.
Packed Ice and Blue Ice are not considered trransparent in the shadersmod so they are rendered in a different stage. Adding them to reflective blocks instead might work, but I'm not sure on it.
- Updated: Nether and End now support reflective metallic and polished blocks.
- Updated and fixed debug options, now supporting lightmap debug options.
- Improved transparency rendering in the nether.
- Reworked rendering system again fixing most bugs introduced in v1.28+
- Fixed lightning bolts, also working in nether now.
- Fixed block breaking animation colors
- Fixed damage flash on hit for mobs
- Fixed nametags
- Fixed various transparency issues
- Fixed various particle issues
- Fixed raytraced shadows option, leaving it enabled and disabling all shadows no longer causes an error.
Known issues:
- Stained glass reflections are not working in end dimension
Aaaaand here's the long overdue follow up. Enhanced Default v1.12 is out now, including end shaders!
Enhanced Default v1.12:
- Support for 1.16.5
- Added End shaders!
- Added support for smooth depth of field transitions and a toggle in the options menu.
- Added waving nether vines
- Added waving nether grass
- Added waving nether mushrooms
- Added waving deadbushes
- Added waving lanterns
- Added support for emissive soul blocks (soul lantern etc)
- Added support for lit furnaces
- Improved support for emissive blocks in general
- Fixed lightning bolt rendering
Known issues:
- Optifine bug with armor and shadows
Vibrant shaders v1.283:
- Fixed block entities (banners, heads etc)
- Fixed sign font
- Fixed several issues with mob entities and block entities not blending together correctly.
Vibrant shaders v1.282:
- Support for 1.16.5
- Reworked entities rendering (again)
- Fixed waterlogged boats
- Fixed lightning effect on charged creepers
- Fixed nametags
- Fixed blending and transparency issues with mods
- Fixed leaves rendering
- Fixed flickery sky while underwater
- Fixed transparency rendering on dropped blocks
- Fixed transparency issues in general
- Disabled polished reflections by default
Known issues:
- Block breaking animation is not displayed correctly.
- Rain is a bit glitchy on hand/handheld items.
Shader updates for vibrant shaders, enhanced default and basic shaders are now live!

Updates are out now!

Vibrant Shaders v1.51:
- Supports minecraft 1.20.1 (Also 1.20.2 once Iris/optifine are updated)
- Added support for pitcher crops, pitcher plants, cherry saplings, cherry leaves, pink petals, torchflower crops and torchflowers.
- Minor code adjustements.
Enhanced Default v1.16:
- Supports minecraft 1.20.1 (Also 1.20.2 once Iris/optifine are updated)
- Added support for pitcher crops, pitcher plants, cherry saplings, cherry leaves, pink petals, torchflower crops and torchflowers.
- Fixed an issue with dead bushes for minecraft versions below 1.13.
- Minor code adjustements.
Basic Shaders v2.2:
- Supports minecraft 1.20.1 (Also 1.20.2 once Iris/optifine are updated)
- Added support for pitcher crops, pitcher plants, cherry saplings, cherry leaves, pink petals, torchflower crops and torchflowers.
- Fixed an issue with dead bushes for minecraft versions below 1.13.
- Minor code adjustements.
Good to finally be back in my account of MCForum, updates are live now, there have been quite a few since the last time I posted on here.
Vibrant shaders and Enhanced Default are now available for everyone, happy new year!
Merry christmas everyone! Hope all of u have a good time.

Vibrant shaders and Enhanced Default are now available on Patreon for early access!
Everything can be found inside the shaderpack zip file in shaders.settings, adding two slashes infront of a #define disables it. Like //#define Bloom.
Enhanced Default v1.13 and Vibrant shaders v1.31 are out now for everyone! Vibrant shaders got a hotfix for world borders.
Enhanced Default v1.13 is now in early access!
Available for everyone on 1st December:
Packed Ice and Blue Ice are not considered trransparent in the shadersmod so they are rendered in a different stage. Adding them to reflective blocks instead might work, but I'm not sure on it.
v1.30 is out now for everyone!
Vibrant shaders v1.30 is out now on Patreon!
Everyone else gets it on november 15:
Also no more mediafire, new host is curseforge!
Should be fixed soon, it's in the verification process.
Vibrant shaders v1.29 out now!

Update your GPU drivers and use the optifine preview version for 1.12.2.
Aaaaand here's the long overdue follow up. Enhanced Default v1.12 is out now, including end shaders!
Vibrant shaders v1.282+v1.283 out now!
