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    posted a message on [A Multifarious Nation] || New server now open!
    i have finally gotten around to finishing my shop, so i figured i would post about it and let everyone know there’s a saloon in town. it offers different drinks (potions) for you and horse supplies up stairs for your trusty steed. cmon down and wet your whistle
    Posted in: Clans
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    posted a message on [A Multifarious Nation] || New server now open!
    Valentines Day Fireworks Display

    Well now that i know i schedules for next week, i will be having the fireworks around 11 est. on friday night (youll have to look up your time zones and log on accordingly) hope to see everyone there, and hope everyone enjoys it
    Posted in: Clans
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    posted a message on [A Multifarious Nation] || New server now open!
    well after being told i couldnt keep my fireworks launcher on the roof, i was given a spot to have it set up.. and guess what.. its done. the next big display will be on Vday (ugh i know i hate that holiday too, but not everyone does) but jsut to make sure everything is set up correctly i am goin to hold a small display this friday. unsure on the time so i guess you will all have to be on that night now wont you. its north east of the city, all the way out in the boonies ha ha. hope to see you all there. happy mining
    Posted in: Clans
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    posted a message on [A Multifarious Nation] || New server now open!
    well i guess i should post something so here it goes. i am hoping by the end of the week i will have the fireworks area up and running just in time for the valentines day display, show time still not known, but i hope to see everyone there, be prepared for lot of red, pinks , magenta(still have no idea why its not called darker pink) and any other colors i feel like throwing in there. once i am finished with construction i will post pictures and directions to the area. oh youre not sure on which way is which, thats ok cuz in the city i built N,W,S,E markers in the sky to better help with orientation , specially for the new people and the old people that are easily confused *cough* cough* *figgy* *cough* just go to the city center and look up, if you cant see them you are blind ha ha. and also once i am finished with the display area i will add on to the horse testing area on the track, im going to add a jump tester there. it should be interesting to figure that one out (hint its gonna use redstone like the speed tester... i think) ok well thats all for now. see everyone on the server and happy mining.
    Posted in: Clans
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