Then how far down should I demote staff? Builder? That's where it gets muddy.
That question there, is were learning to be the guy in charge is one of many things you have to decide yourself. I personally recommend you just demote them to regular players. Could even make em regular players with a "Retired Staff" title.
But really you should learn to do those kinds of choices yourself. It's why your the admin
Hey Bluedart would there be a way to make dartcraft recipe's shown in NEI NOT be first to be displayed? have to move a recipe type page every single time i search for something... =/
Exaple: Piston recipe, has its own dedicated page for Dartcraft recipe. So i gotta move a page type to get to regular recipes.
# Changing this key will allow regen to re-run for chunks that have already been regenerated. (Not recommended)
S:"Regen Key"=1-1 A
# If enabled Power Ore will attempt to regenerate in chunks the current Regen Key was not saved to. (Warning: will work for new chunks as well.
B:"Regen Ore"=true
I:"Veins Per Chunk (2-16)"=8
Can the Regen key be changed to anything? like Ex. 2-2 C or 1-1 B
I havent used dartcraft since like around when it came out. has its ore gen been reduce Drastically? only find like 1 ore in a huuuge radius.
That's not Azanors issue. It's iChuns.
Here's the image gallery I was/am gonna use - (has recipe pics n other stuff!)
Question: Dye Tree's generation is = 1 but would prefer half. Does it support 0.5 and such in decimal form?
That question there, is were learning to be the guy in charge is one of many things you have to decide yourself. I personally recommend you just demote them to regular players. Could even make em regular players with a "Retired Staff" title.
But really you should learn to do those kinds of choices yourself. It's why your the admin
Exaple: Piston recipe, has its own dedicated page for Dartcraft recipe. So i gotta move a page type to get to regular recipes.
Can the Regen key be changed to anything? like Ex. 2-2 C or 1-1 B
I havent used dartcraft since like around when it came out. has its ore gen been reduce Drastically? only find like 1 ore in a huuuge radius.
*I regened the ores in a already generated world*