What i was thinking is when we go to make thing like Minas-Tirith, we can kind of create the mountainrange using MCEdit and bring the rest of it down to 10 or so till bedrock and create plains then it would go back up again when you hit Mordor. I dunno how this all will actually work till it's put into practice though.
The basic idea that we're going to start with is that wherever the spawn is will be the Shire. We will proceed to create Hobbiton, the Brandywine river, and Bree-Town for starters. If we work in correspondence to the path of the fellowship, it should get us started really well, help us to keep our geography right, and also scale the constructions from less-to-more difficult.
It is possible that my other account has been hacked as well. I don't know why whoever is doing this is doing this, but hopefully it will be stopped soon.
I AM NOT abandoning this project and it will actually be started soon, so don't listen if someone posts saying I'm stopping, even if it is me.
I AM NOT abandoning this project and it will actually be started soon, so don't listen if someone posts saying I'm stopping, even if it is me.