Here are my lord of the rings skins so far.
This is my shot at a dwarf
Please use them.
Maybe you could allow people who come on the server to give you requests so they can get the skin they want. You're pretty good at it so I don't see why you wouldn't.
I mean reskinning the monsters. Like skeletons to be Uruks, zombies to be orcs, ghasts could be ghosts, if he ever puts in giants, we have cave trolls, etc.
Another thing I hope for is that someone will join up with the skills to do so and we can have the skins of the mobs changed to be more fitting to the world.
sounds like fun :smile.gif:
are we gonna role play on this server when it is made + i think the server looks small and should maybe get other servers for other parts of middle earth. might cost alot but i think it would be worth it
Hopefully if PvP gets implemented and it's not too problematic we may split into good an evil and fight over areas once the world is made. That's a long long way off though.
The "Main event" per say will begin once the servers come back up. We were working on Hobbiton and Bag End, where your journey will begin. :biggrin.gif:
I have no idea for a name I would call my ideas about religion, but it consists of God making the Big Bang, and not helping a bit more or a bit less.
You described Deism which is my religion, per say. The basic concept is that "God" is The Supreme Architect and is all knowing and all powerful, but created the universe and does not interfere in it what-so-ever.
Here is some screens from what we have done so far. This is the town of Bywater, so it's not the main event per-say of the shire. We're currently building the road to Hobbiton.
Keep in mind that all of this is player-built, we started with a completely flat map, and that it is also highly a work in progress, we still need to do a lot of work.
Wish I had a poll for this, but if I got one would you guys actually use it?
Maybe you could allow people who come on the server to give you requests so they can get the skin they want. You're pretty good at it so I don't see why you wouldn't.
Hopefully if PvP gets implemented and it's not too problematic we may split into good an evil and fight over areas once the world is made. That's a long long way off though.
Sent the rest of the details in the application.
It burnt. Sorry.
I will add the rest of you guys soon as I manage to log into the MC servers.
You described Deism which is my religion, per say. The basic concept is that "God" is The Supreme Architect and is all knowing and all powerful, but created the universe and does not interfere in it what-so-ever.
I've considered it but I'm still not sure.
Here is some screens from what we have done so far. This is the town of Bywater, so it's not the main event per-say of the shire. We're currently building the road to Hobbiton.
Keep in mind that all of this is player-built, we started with a completely flat map, and that it is also highly a work in progress, we still need to do a lot of work.