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    posted a message on is there a mod to stop only villages from spawning?
    I just want the horrible villages and rediculous squidwards to not spawn, not the mineshafts, dungeons, nether dungeons, and strongholds .

    I keep looking but I may have missed a mod if it exists.
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on Millénaire - NPC village - 16/09/18 : Millénaire 7 open beta
    Ahh I see it now, but you are wrong .
    The function is stop default villages
    so you need to change it to true to stop them
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Millénaire - NPC village - 16/09/18 : Millénaire 7 open beta
    Where is the option to turn off the awful vanilla villages?
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Technologically Impaired. I need Mod installation help.
    My bro had this problem shortly too. For him it was 7zip acting weird.
    It wouldn't let him set .jar files to be opened correctly when clicked.
    He has to unzip mods to a folder , right click minecraft.jar and click open archive.
    then drag the unzipped mods in. Which is weird because I use 7zip as well , same version as him I believe, both on 64bit win7.
    And all I have to do is click the jar files click the mod.rar and drag things in.

    Not guaranteeing that is your problem though, but I hope it helps.

    open archive , unzip mods then drag into minecraft.jar
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on Modding for Profit? (Just fuming)
    I know the time and effort that goes into modding. I've been doing my own mods here and there.
    That doesn't mean I have anything worth releasing as of yet.

    When the game is released anyone who wants to mod will need to sign up for free for the modding kit.

    You can't make money from anything though unless you have a license deal.

    I always hit the Adfly link for downloads if there is an option between it and a direct link. I don't mind the 5 second wait at all or that someone will get a few cents. I agree to see an ad so AdFly pays up. That is a donation of my time. What I think is slightly shady though are the ones that only have a Adfly link . That removes my choice to see the ad or not . That is forced revenue. Again , I don't really care and watch the ad anyways. But its still using someone else's product for unlicensed profit. That the money doesn't come from me , doesn't matter.
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on Modding for Profit? (Just fuming)
    Quote from Zionn

    Why is it such a problem? If someone put's a lot of effort in to making a nice mod to enhance the player's gameplay, then why not help them earn a small profit for what they had done for you. It's really not that bad to wait 5 seconds for the download.

    When a modder release's there mod and sometimes add two links that is one for Adfly and the other is a direct link, I click the AdFly one because I appreciate their hard work.

    But if someone were to just copy a block file and change the code up a bit then modify the texture up just a bit, I would not support them by clicking AdFly link, nor would I download the mod at all.

    As long as Mojang gets a portion of the profits , there isn't a problem.
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on Modding for Profit? (Just fuming)
    Agreed. AdFly is pushing it too, I don't think any of these people have a licence deal worked out with Mojang.
    Mojang should be getting a percentage of that revenue for their hard work.
    (or are they hardly working?! muwahahaaaa)

    Also . Code from two different modders for something similar will be nearly identical . There aren't many options in the syntax .
    Even some of the art could be similar. Ores for example. Most just take a .png from coal ,iron and such and modify a few colors.

    I'm not suggesting that modders don't deserve recognition for their hard work. Some of them are amazing coders FAR better than me. Keep up the good work .
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on Crafting Recipe Help
    Quote from heheshiggles

    Hello when I recompile my mod it doesnt report any errors but when I test it in game my game crashes on startup because of a null pointer exception, Im guessing its coming from the lines below as it works perfectly fine without them, but they are needed for the crafting recipes.

    ModLoader.AddRecipe(new ItemStack(ammyPick, 1), new Object[] {
    "***", " ^ ", " ^ ", Character.valueOf('*'), mod_AmethystIngot.ammyIngot, Character.valueOf('^'), Item.stick.shiftedIndex
    ModLoader.AddRecipe(new ItemStack(ammyAxe, 1), new Object[] {
    "**", "*^ ", " ^ ", Character.valueOf('*'), mod_AmethystIngot.ammyIngot, Character.valueOf('^'), Item.stick.shiftedIndex
    ModLoader.AddRecipe(new ItemStack(ammySpade, 1), new Object[] {
    " * ", " ^ ", " ^ ", Character.valueOf('*'), mod_AmethystIngot.ammyIngot, Character.valueOf('^'), Item.stick.shiftedIndex
    ModLoader.AddRecipe(new ItemStack(ammyHoe, 1), new Object[] {
    "** ", " ^ ", " ^ ", Character.valueOf('*'), mod_AmethystIngot.ammyIngot, Character.valueOf('^'), Item.stick.shiftedIndex
    ModLoader.AddRecipe(new ItemStack(ammySword, 1), new Object[] {
    " * ", " * ", " ^ ", Character.valueOf('*'), mod_AmethystIngot.ammyIngot, Character.valueOf('^'), Item.stick.shiftedIndex

    Yeah you don't need .shifted index for Item.stick
    Also, is ammyIngot defined in this mod file? If so you don't need to put the mod name in for that either.

    like so

    Character.valueOf('*'), ammyIngot,
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on ModLoader - Add Smelting Error
    Quote from MinecraftArt

    Basically, I get an error under BlockObsidian.blockID
    public void addSmelts()
    		ModLoader.AddSmelting(BlockObsidian.blockID, new ItemStack(ObsidianIngot, 1));

    I want to be able to make an Obsidian Ingot.. But it won't allow me to smelt An Obsidian Block..
    Do I need to edit core files or can I stick with ModLoader?

    Heres what you need as long as ObsidianIngot is defined in the same file

    ModLoader.AddSmelting(Block.obsidian.blockID, new ItemStack(ObsidianIngot, 1));
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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