I have a minor mod incompatibility issue. Apparently Candleberry seeds are seedCandleberry but the candleberries themselves are cropCandle which means Agricraft doesn't pick it up and thinks that candleberries actually have no fruit at all. Can this please be fixed in your next bughunt update?
I would like to inform you that I am using this mod in a private pack that is not to be released publicly.
Also, as a feature request, could you set up a way to have the book stationary, such as a bookstand or something, and it gives you the option to warp to whichever of the pages is in that book? Yes, the idea is similar to Mystcraft, however additional dimensions makes the server cry. All I want is a way for my group to get back and forth from the nether/end without having to use the portals and maybe set up a warp nexus.
So, are there any modifiers that actually work on projectiles? Sharpness no longer works, or at least it no longer provides any benefit whatsoever, neither does Smite, or any other damage-affecting modifier (flaming works, if you are into that sort of thing, I suppose).
I understand that 70+ damage a shot was... excessive. Exceedingly excessive, in fact. However, you can build a bow in vanilla MC + enchantments that can one-shot kill mobs. Should be able to at least match that with TiCo. Testing is done with a Crossbow with Blue Sime limb, fiery bowstring, and the bolts were steel shaft and head. A full 72 nether quartz changed the damage output less than one single point, according to Damage Indicators. Many heads instead of steel did not affect damage.
Is there any way to shut off (or at least dramatically reduce) all the dozens of different types of grasses from spawning? I'm trying to build a private pack with Pam's Harvestcraft and botania and the grasses are crowding out the worldgen from these two mods.
Standard answer: One week after the last person asks for an update
Seriously, he's pretty much re-writing the whole mod from scratch. Be grateful someone is resurrecting it, since it was one of the better gun mods out there (and my personally preferred one). Want it to update faster? Head to the github and help.
There seems to be a conflict with Tinkers Construct and Forge Multipart. In effect, both mods use two smooth-stone to make 4 stone rods. However, the stone rods being produced when done in game are the Tinkers Construct ones, which cannot be used to make the saw.
There's a bit of a conflict between your mod and Multipart. Apparently both of you are using 2 stone to make 4 stone rods, however yours seems to be the one winning the fight, and it is making the saw from Multipart unable to be crafted.
Could you include an option to disable or change the stone (but not cobblestone) recipe?
Is build 124 of PowerCrystals Core supposed to be for 1.5.2 or 1.6.2? In the changelog, it said changing to 1.6, but when I try to run it, I get:
Client> 2013-08-08 15:48:19 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] The coremod powercrystals.core.CoreLoader is requesting minecraft version 1.5.2 and minecraft is 1.6.2. It will be ignored.
I will definitely be keeping an eye out here. Once you get some more of your wishlist implemented, I'll probably be wanting to include it in my mod pack.
Once you get methods of deciding which side of a frame grabs or doesn't grab (I know the carriage mod is using a right-click to disable grabbing on a side method), it will be a very invaluable mod!
Is it possible to store items in knapsacks I have tried everything I can think of and nothing works. Am I using the right one? Because it is called unamed and I have a lot of unnamed items (in NEI) so is this the ID 14367
You should note the second tab in your Inventory screen, the one that looks like a diamond chestplate. You'll find out how to use the knapsack there.
Interesting mod. I think there's a delay on the Ocean Generator where it looks around for water, so if your Ocean Generator doesn't appear to be working, wait a bit.
The PRC is an insanely powerful and awesome device, however it has WAY more functionality than is needed for many small tasks. For example, sometimes, you just want a timer sending pulses every so often. Having to build an entire PRC for this function is expensive, you're blowing diamonds on a simple timer!
What I propose is to have 'logic gates', similar in concept to the Memory Card, except it can only store a single 'page'. You have to program the Logic Circuit at the PRC (so you still have to have one somewhere) with that page, which can then not be edited further, you have to wipe it (combine itself in a crafting square to make a blank version) and re-program it in the PRC to alter it. Then you combine the logic Circuit with the Housing to create the Logic Gate that can then be placed anywhere. Right-Clicking on a Logic Gate spits out the circuit and returns the Housing. Alternately, crafting the logic gate by itself returns the blank Logic Circuit and destroys the housing.
Reasoning: Look at RP2's Logic Gates, they're fairly inexpensive, mostly redstone, stone, and some sticks. Sometimes, you don't want to control eight different subsystems, you just want a simple timer on your blockbreaker or an AND gate on your nuclear reactor for failsafe kill-switches. And I think requiring diamonds for that functionality is probably a bit much.
I have a minor mod incompatibility issue. Apparently Candleberry seeds are seedCandleberry but the candleberries themselves are cropCandle which means Agricraft doesn't pick it up and thinks that candleberries actually have no fruit at all. Can this please be fixed in your next bughunt update?
I would like to inform you that I am using this mod in a private pack that is not to be released publicly.
Also, as a feature request, could you set up a way to have the book stationary, such as a bookstand or something, and it gives you the option to warp to whichever of the pages is in that book? Yes, the idea is similar to Mystcraft, however additional dimensions makes the server cry. All I want is a way for my group to get back and forth from the nether/end without having to use the portals and maybe set up a warp nexus.
So, are there any modifiers that actually work on projectiles? Sharpness no longer works, or at least it no longer provides any benefit whatsoever, neither does Smite, or any other damage-affecting modifier (flaming works, if you are into that sort of thing, I suppose).
I understand that 70+ damage a shot was... excessive. Exceedingly excessive, in fact. However, you can build a bow in vanilla MC + enchantments that can one-shot kill mobs. Should be able to at least match that with TiCo. Testing is done with a Crossbow with Blue Sime limb, fiery bowstring, and the bolts were steel shaft and head. A full 72 nether quartz changed the damage output less than one single point, according to Damage Indicators. Many heads instead of steel did not affect damage.
You installed Optifine. That's your problem.
Seriously, he's pretty much re-writing the whole mod from scratch. Be grateful someone is resurrecting it, since it was one of the better gun mods out there (and my personally preferred one). Want it to update faster? Head to the github and help.
When searching for 'ender' or 'therm', I get this message:
[2013-09-09 21:44:52] [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] @ Post render
[2013-09-09 21:44:52] [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] 1283: Stack overflow
[2013-09-09 21:44:52] [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] ########## GL ERROR
This also blanks out the NEI interface on your inventory screen.
NEI apparently doesn't like the Ender-Thermic Pump for some reason.
Confirmed that this is a conflict between NEI and ExtraUtil by removing ExtraUtil only and solving the problem.
Could you include an option to disable or change the stone (but not cobblestone) recipe?
Client> 2013-08-08 15:48:19 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] The coremod powercrystals.core.CoreLoader is requesting minecraft version 1.5.2 and minecraft is 1.6.2. It will be ignored.
This is with version 1.1.8B1-124
Once you get methods of deciding which side of a frame grabs or doesn't grab (I know the carriage mod is using a right-click to disable grabbing on a side method), it will be a very invaluable mod!
The PRC is an insanely powerful and awesome device, however it has WAY more functionality than is needed for many small tasks. For example, sometimes, you just want a timer sending pulses every so often. Having to build an entire PRC for this function is expensive, you're blowing diamonds on a simple timer!
What I propose is to have 'logic gates', similar in concept to the Memory Card, except it can only store a single 'page'. You have to program the Logic Circuit at the PRC (so you still have to have one somewhere) with that page, which can then not be edited further, you have to wipe it (combine itself in a crafting square to make a blank version) and re-program it in the PRC to alter it. Then you combine the logic Circuit with the Housing to create the Logic Gate that can then be placed anywhere. Right-Clicking on a Logic Gate spits out the circuit and returns the Housing. Alternately, crafting the logic gate by itself returns the blank Logic Circuit and destroys the housing.
Reasoning: Look at RP2's Logic Gates, they're fairly inexpensive, mostly redstone, stone, and some sticks. Sometimes, you don't want to control eight different subsystems, you just want a simple timer on your blockbreaker or an AND gate on your nuclear reactor for failsafe kill-switches. And I think requiring diamonds for that functionality is probably a bit much.