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    posted a message on Thaumcraft 6.1.BETA26 [no longer being developed]
    Quote from Evil_Dylan»

    Clearly the Crimson Cult is a communist society, as evidenced by the red robes, and thus would have no king.

    They have elevated members, however, whose titles were once used for the generals of the emperor.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Thaumcraft 6.1.BETA26 [no longer being developed]
    Quote from majestyc2k1»

    Now if your talking about brass, you'll need another mod that adds copper and zinc.

    Excuse me? Alchemical brass?
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Unbelievable lag for other players on private servers, in spite of superb internet.
    Quote from Robijnvogel»

    The only thing I can come up with right now is that your firewall or anti virus is slowing down network traffic significantly.

    AV is win10 standard. And shouldn't firewall affect me joining on servers, too?
    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
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    posted a message on Thaumcraft 6.1.BETA26 [no longer being developed]
    Quote from codebracker0»

    I dont think you want to know what's happening inside of you, it's icky.

    Last time this happened in TC5 I got eyes everywhere. I would even spit some out occasionally. That was awkward at Thaumaturge parties, lemme tellya. They wouldn't even try to help but just give snarky comments about warp. Gits.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Unbelievable lag for other players on private servers, in spite of superb internet.
    Quote from Robijnvogel»

    I do not know if those 20Mbps upload would be enough to service the uploaded packets for multiple player connections to a modded server.
    Since you are able to connect to a server fine by yourself, I am going to assume that the 100Mbps download would be at least enough for 5 players to connect. (100/20 = 5)

    Have you tried monitoring your network traffic with some tool like Killer Network Manager yet?

    Could you tell what network traffic, up and down, your Minecraft client causes whenever you are connected to a remote server with the same modpack you are trying to use now?

    People with 2mbps download and <1mbps upload can connect to servers just fine and I have never attempted to host for more than three people, three(including me) would already be an exception.

    I have not tried monitoring, because I wouldn't know what to look for, I can only tell for sure that the capacities of my PC and network are not going to be particularly overloaded. Also it is difficult for me to test with someone trying to connect.

    I assume a speedtest would be representative of both your computer's and your connection's highets possible transfer rates?
    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
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    posted a message on Unbelievable lag for other players on private servers, in spite of superb internet.

    Whenever I host it seems that other players experience unbelievable lag as if I was hosting on a potato connected to the internet with straws, but my PC can handle MC and the server just fiune, the server never complains about not keeping up and my internet connection has up to 100Mbps download and up to 20Mbps upload speed and it is NOT slowed down by some volume mechanic in the contract and they cnan connect to any other server just fine, so what's the problem? I can also play just fine on other servers.

    I am on Windows 10 and using Hamachi. This is a lightly modded 1.8.9 server(5mods, out of which three are obligatory and one is dependency)

    Other games seem to be affected.

    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
  • 4

    posted a message on Thaumcraft 6.1.BETA26 [no longer being developed]
    Quote from TankHunter678»

    Question concerning research in Thaumcraft 6/II. Will it be like Thaumcraft 4 or Thaumcraft 5?

    I personally found the Thaumcraft 5 research to be aggravating, a lot of wasted research because I would get insufficient research points where it would be impossible even with a research helper. Also many of the changed combinations made little sense and seemed to be changed just because of the limited research points.

    No offense, but I cannot understand people like that. I tend to have at least a third of my points left after any research if I thought about it at all and didn't just spam two aspects.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Thaumcraft 6.1.BETA26 [no longer being developed]
    Quote from AnrDaemon»

    Not everybody trusting foreign launchers. Not to mention using specific ones.

    You can just download it, though.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Thaumcraft 6.1.BETA26 [no longer being developed]
    Quote from Robijnvogel»

    Actually, he just sent his Patrons an e-mail today.
    I'm not going to spoil what it said, though. :P

    Melon and Pumpkin seeds?

    I never played vanilla TC4 thoroughly I think, I only played Blightfall and I think melons and pumpkins were not easily available there. And I mena you can centrifuge that stuff from Arbor(Herba), too and Arbor is everywhere. It still wasn't as super-easy to get as it is now.

    Btw. did you know arbor is actually a female word? Like when romans were talking about a tree they would effectively have called it "she".
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Thaumcraft 6.1.BETA26 [no longer being developed]
    Quote from mangoose»

    Depended on what other mods you had installed. Many natural plants had victuals.

    Should always assume vanilla TC.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Thaumcraft 6.1.BETA26 [no longer being developed]

    The Lamp of Fertility? It's amazing for a breeding machine to speed it up. Plus Victus essentia is super easy to make, as you only need a pigman and melon farm, with an auto-crafter making glistering melons that go to an auto brewer to make instant health potions, which then get melted down in a Thaumcraft cauldron to make the needed Victus essentia to pump to the lamp of fertility.

    When you have regular farms 8 animals doesn't cut it, though. And victus was extraordinally hard to get in TC4.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Thaumcraft 6.1.BETA26 [no longer being developed]
    Quote from Evil_Dylan»

    Playing without TC for a while reminds me of how amazing the arcane lamp is. Makes pretty much every other light source obsolete and looks cool while doing it.

    I guess I should use it more. I wasn't convinced of the effect, but I never actually tried it. I only find the pink lamp to be a disappointment.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 2

    posted a message on Thaumcraft 6.1.BETA26 [no longer being developed]
    Quote from Thermawrench»

    Right, you wanted thread activity? Then thou shalt receive.

    The Holy Moonlight Sword.

    Rad looking right? Indeed, it is a very special sword from the game Bloodborne, pretty much Lovecraft the game. What does the Thaumcraft eldritch remind me of? Lovecraft. Eldritch horrors beyond human comprehension.

    Lemme copy paste some lore for background on the wielder of this blade and the blade itself.

    Ludwig was the first of many Healing Church hunters to come, many of whom were clerics. As it was, clerics transformed into the most hideous beasts."[1]

    Ludwig was a hunter affiliated with the Healing Church. Under Ludwig's leadership, the Healing Church gained its own core of hunters, led by Ludwig himself under the patronage of the Healing Church. Ludwig trained his hunters to be "honorable spartans", and even trained ordinary Yharnamites as hunters.

    Ludwig wielded a mystical greatsword that he himself discovered that allowed him to channel the "abyssal cosmos". Ludwig looked to the sword, and the tiny beings of light that surrounded it, for guidance, allowing Ludwig to empty his fears, even in the middle of a hunt.

    Despite seemingly being respected, Ludwig had his detractors, who appear to have disagreed with his methods and not appreciated his hunters. These detractors dismissed Ludwig as a "beast-possessed degenerate", and Ludwig suffered much denigration at their hands.

    At some point, Ludwig succumbed to the bloodlust and mutated into a horrifying beast, a terrible cross between horse, wolf and man. He was trapped in the Hunter's Nightmare, and completely lost himself to the blood.

    An arcane sword discovered long ago by Ludwig.

    When blue moonlight dances around the sword, and it channels the abyssal cosmos, its great blade will hurl a shadowy lightwave.

    The Holy Moonlight Sword is synonymous with Ludwig, the Holy Blade, but few have ever set eyes on the great blade, and whatever guidance it has to offer, it seems to be of a very private, elusive sort.

    Obviously, just copying the sword itself into Thaumcraft would be rather unfitting, however, if someone took inspiration of it (Like addon?) and implemented it. Does not have to be a moonlight blade, but rather a blade made out of the comprehensible void, eldritch, or whatever you fancy. In my opinion a dull longsword found in some eldritch dungeon with no apparent use (Before scanning it and sciencing the **** outta the Thaumonomicon). After doing mentioned above you will be able to turn the blade on and off with a keybind, like a lightsaber, except with a long metal blade in it's unsheathed form.

    Heck, if i could model, texture beyond 16x16 and 32x32 and write java i would do this myself. But alas, they don't teach out java in my line of education.

    So, what do you all think? Worthy of being an Thaumcraft 6 addon? Hit or miss?

    One of the most amazing wet noodles in gaming history!

    Minute six, somehow embedding with offset doesn't work.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Thaumcraft 6.1.BETA26 [no longer being developed]
    Quote from GreenZombie76»

    There are only 8 drop pods... and each one is tied to a difficulty level from what I can see.

    Way too small for the server I play on.

    Well not for a mainstream server and the pods are for parties rather than individuals I think.

    The effect on difficulty is marginal unless you pick Omega I think.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Thaumcraft 6.1.BETA26 [no longer being developed]
    Quote from GreenZombie76»

    I am trying it. It looks awesome. Ive lived in taint biomes before just for fun. Now its serious!

    I played it extensively before, but you very quickly feel very small, since I think this is designed for use on servers.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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