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    posted a message on What is with these damn witches?
    I know how to deal with them and I also don't necessarily want to make a farm yet, I just want to understand these huts, but they don't ever spawn any witches, it is night, yes, in the hut every imaginable mob spawns, just no witches.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on What is with these damn witches?
    They are supposed to spawn in witchhuts. Well they don't. There was one when the world was generated, but there has never been one since, it's an experimental creative world. Flatworld "2;126;6;biome_1(distance=12)" I found a hut, obliterated everything in a radius of 20 blocks and tried different Y-levels at the X and Z where the inside of the hut would be. I tried below the hut, above the hut, several elevatons in the hut, at the place where the hut would have been if it was a normal world, but not a single damn witch ever spawned. There cannot be any other mobs as I already mentioned(the ground is wooden slabs) at the place that would be inside the hut every imaginable mob spawned, but no witch. Shouldn't other mobs even be restricted from spawning inside withhuts?

    In case it is just because it is a flat world I am doing the same with a normal world, but it takes a while to destroy everything there.
    Posted in: Discussion
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