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    posted a message on Thaumcraft 6.1.BETA26 [no longer being developed]

    It seem that in TC5 in order to really be able to do anything, you need to surround your home with pure nodes of all primals. The aura now has its parts where certain aspects are stronger, but it seems that the thaumaturges never cared, because all thaumaturgy equipment just drains all the vis it can find, normally causing trouble if there is no node of that aspect nearby...

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Thaumcraft 6.1.BETA26 [no longer being developed]

    I searched the area of an entire 4/4 map, went past the borders at one point and found two silverwood trees, which dropped one sapling, which dropped 2 saplings, which dropped 0 saplings.

    I hate RNG so much...

    Would you consider repeatedly using shears on the same block cheating?

    Also how long is the range of a pure node? Mine doesn't seem to do anything about the flux... does the effect grow when the node does?

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Anyone else really annoyed by the biome size ratio?
    Quote from TheMasterCaver»

    Oceans are big? Heh, that's why I use AMIDST to find good seeds:

    That's from an archived Wiki page describing the size of oceans back in 1.6.4 and earlier versions; luckily, continents are similarly big. Back then there were also many complaints about the size of jungles, and how you always spawned in one; however, jungles were no more common or bigger than any other biome (except ice plains and ocean), nor were you more likely to spawn in one (aside from the fact the game tries to avoid spawning you in deserts and oceans).

    Similarly, your observation of the size of Extreme Hills is biased; the only biomes which are sized differently are jungles, mesa, mega taiga, and ice plains, which are generated such that they fill entire climate zones; otherwise, any biome more than about 250 blocks across is two or more of the same biome (which is easy when there aren't many common biomes, as is the case for each climate zone). Also, plains biomes often have small forests in them, which are much smaller than full-sized forest biomes, which will be hundreds of blocks across on Large Biomes (these forests also make it impossible to get a plains-only world in Customized; however, such a world would have no trees, or only very rarely along rivers).

    The Microforests were propably the plains' fault then... So you're saying these giant Extreme Hills biomes were only unfortunate cases of several of them linked together? What about the many sub biomes of extreme hills?
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Thaumcraft 6.1.BETA26 [no longer being developed]
    Quote from TPB»

    I do not really think they should be anywhere near joinable in thaumcraft. Not because the Crimson Cult is not a fascinating addition or because it would not be interesting (i'd really love an hqm modpack revolving around them and their organization as seen from within - or even an add-on mod that just EXPANDS on them) , just i do not think that it's fitting in the THEME of thaumcraft for them to be more than an "opposing", secret cult that goes around doing things in their misterious way.

    I think they are just trying to skip the whole mindscape/prison part of the labirynth and reach directly the last room, bypassing everything else. By what i read on the thaumonomicon it seems like our character underestimates the cult power, most likely due to warp and, let's say, hubris generated from it. You know, reservoir's and "show them all" stuff. If you think about it, it just makes sense that thaumaturgy would lead to the INTENDED method of opening the passage, but the something that they are doing, EVEN if they have void seeds and fireball spitting wands, is not recognizable as "normal" thaumaturgy and would end up looking wrong or incomplete by someone not having experience of it.

    This is what i would like too. More info, side growth. Even if not direct access to research, more means to "understand them" as an organization and their way of doing miracles, as things DO NOT ADD UP by our character understanding.

    Our character might end up being unable to do things as they do (warp might be the thing that actually PREVENTS us to be like them) but at least some more scraps of informations would be awesome. just tiny bits like the crimson rites book. :D

    I like to note again, that you can get very close to them without being attacked. They only seem to attack when they are in fear for their obelisk, or when you REALLY harass them.

    About the "misunderstood" thing, maybe our efforts to "truly" understand the aura are shooting past their goal and they are actually much closer to it. We don't invent their ritual, we just kinda figure it out with their book(which looks pretty evil tho). Perhaps either our ignorance or our warp disgusts them into attacking us(I see them wear powerful void armour without farting purple clouds and I also never saw them fight an eldritch illusion or a bunch of imaginary spiders).

    They really are something special, but can somebody explain the Crimson mage that just randomly popped out of a portal before me in a desert and attacked me without warning? I was running away, but I think half the cult came out of that portal.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Anyone else really annoyed by the biome size ratio?
    Quote from DuhDerp»

    I typically find that my worlds are absolutely overrun by forests. Endor has nothing on the minecraft worlds I generate...I finally got curious enough to fly creative through one of my old, abandoned 1.8 worlds and it had close to 400k blocks of Forest biome around spawn.

    I've gotten to a point now where if I spawn in a forest I just delete the world and try again.

    Exact opposite for me.Forests, especially large ones are extremely rare.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Is it only me who hates the new boats??

    Boats are a lot more stable now, that's all that mattters for me. A new control scheme you can get used to, your boat breaking in the middle of the ocean because your boat passed a chunk border, not...

    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Is it only me who hates the new boats??

    I hate the mechanics of exiting boats in particular.

    You have to immediately turn to your boat and strike it with a sword, or it will be launched half a mile away with a guarantee to crash into something. That's just dumb.

    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Anyone else really annoyed by the biome size ratio?

    Forests and many other biomes are oftenly just tiny. So tiny, that even in Large Biomes mode you can see through the longest path of the biome if you just stand at one end of it.

    But Extreme Hills and Oceans are not only ludicrously large, so large that when one of them occurs somewhere they usually cover the entire space of a 4/4 Map, but they also have a dozen of pointless sub-biomes each that all look the same and there are almost never any interesting spots in the entire biome and thus the entire map, since they are so oversized.

    I used to like finding a particularly high up spot and building my house there, but unfortunately Extreme Hills don't look like hills anymore at all, but only like uniform spikes and tiny floating clusters. It's just ugly...

    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Thaumcraft 6.1.BETA26 [no longer being developed]
    Quote from fallatus»

    I kinda wish that if you (from a respectable distance) tossed them the eldritch eyes they required they would possibly become friendly, Opening a doorway (heh) for joining their faction and maybe even help you establishing a foothold in the first room of the dungeon.

    Anyways, i have an idea.
    What if you could literally weave an enchantment into a piece of magic cloth and then attach the resulting fabric to a tool?
    it could be something like a modular enchantment system: Three slots , But with only a certain amount of "capacity" total, Each enchantment consuming some of it, But you can also attach or remove the enchanted fabrics as you choose.
    A level one enchantment would take up a tiny bit of the cap and you would easily be able to place three enchantments of its type on a tool.
    A level three enchantment however would take up much more of the capacity, Meaning you might have to choose between that "special" enchantment and a ordinary sharpness 3 one.
    Certain special enchantments also take up more capacity, enchantments Such as silk touch and aqua affinity being a step higher or so than a regular one like sharpness or protection.

    So, what do ya think?

    Making us choose? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

    But really, I think every Thaumcraft player ever finds the cultists absolutely fascinating. Wonder how many would immediately get involved with their cult when given the choice?(Crimson shirts pls!)

    My idea would have been that if you show them any eldritch artifact or maybe full void armour or something along these lines they let you just close enough to interact with them in some way.

    Also you really gotta harass the Knights before they start attacking you anyway.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Thaumcraft 6.1.BETA26 [no longer being developed]
    Quote from Auric245524»

    Well it's not working in TC5.

    Good thing I guess.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Thaumcraft 6.1.BETA26 [no longer being developed]
    Quote from Auric245524»

    Actually, mundane tools can't even accept the enchantment. I just tried to put it on some shears but it wouldn't work.

    Worked in TC4.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 2

    posted a message on Thaumcraft 6.1.BETA26 [no longer being developed]

    I've been wondering what the Crimson Cult has been trying to do. They're channeling the node of an eldritch obelisk, yet nothing seems to happen other than the spawning of knights. Wonder what would happen if I put eldritch eyes into the base while they're channeling? In creative, mind you, so they don't attack me.

    We are totally misunderstanding Oculis Apertis. It's actually that opening the inner eye, lifting the veil in the mind is a synonymous for smoking vis.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Thaumcraft 6.1.BETA26 [no longer being developed]
    Quote from ewsmith»

    those are just taint explosions. they don't damage blocks. they just spawn flux goo.
    lower the vitium aura in the area to stop them.

    Are you serious?

    That's a load of crap.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Thaumcraft 6.1.BETA26 [no longer being developed]

    Also can anybody tell me if Thaumcraft messes with the frequency of Lightning duruing a thunderstorm?

    In a new world I am currently getting up to 3 per second. I don't think Thaumcraft did this, but on the wiki it says that normal would be one per minute...

    Can't see any major flux releases other than whatever the Crimson cultists there are trying to do(Propably not opening the eye, they suck at that) and from the cave I am stuck in I wouldn't see much anyway.

    I'm just wondering.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Thaumcraft 6.1.BETA26 [no longer being developed]
    Quote from Auric245524»

    Are you saying that it's currently impossible to get an enchanted book with repair or haste on it in survival? Because I've been able to get both of those on enchanted books.


    Strange. I knew that the books exist in theory, but them being obtainable in survival means that they can be applied to mundane tools.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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