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    posted a message on Thaumcraft 6.1.BETA26 [no longer being developed]
    Quote from TPB»

    1) Really, i would say.
    2) It should O.o. Just one question: did you get it from growing the tree or by merging? If by merging, did you notice a spike in flux?

    I grew a node on an already existing ignis node.

    Not sure if it's cognition, because I grew a cognitio one and it just ate the ignis, or if it was a spiritus node and they merged.

    Nodes cretaing compounds by merging is also really rare isn't it? I didn't even know that was possible.
    If it generated any flux then less than 5, because only one of the surrounding chunks had one point of flux, which came from my smeltery mishap.

    But the node doesn't seem to be doing anything...
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    posted a message on Thaumcraft 6.1.BETA26 [no longer being developed]

    Holy crap guys!

    Pure cognitio

    1. How rare is THAT?

    2. does it recharge Aqua, Terra, Ignis and Perditio now?

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    posted a message on Thaumcraft 6.1.BETA26 [no longer being developed]
    Quote from mihosh»

    Is it just me, or "Mighty" mobs are too strong? Half of my deaths are sudden "You are killed by Mighty XXX", even from full HP, Resistance 2 and Belt of Shielding.

    Skeletons too? The only mighty mobs I encountered so far were melee pushovers.
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    posted a message on Thaumcraft 6.1.BETA26 [no longer being developed]
    Quote from majestyc2k1»

    What is this math you speak of?

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    posted a message on Thaumcraft 6.1.BETA26 [no longer being developed]
    Quote from Zsashas»

    From what I've seen lately, some people are clearly lacking an understanding of even this most basic math. If you already understand this sort of thing, then the video probably wasn't meant for you.

    But is Thaumcraft the right mod for someone who has this sort of problem?
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    posted a message on Thaumcraft 6.1.BETA26 [no longer being developed]
    Quote from Jacktherippa»

    So I made a thing:

    Don't watch if you don't want spoilers and such.

    Good if you want to help UNCREATIVE people, but explaining to us in detail that 2*3 is 6? PLEEEEASE
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Thaumcraft 6.1.BETA26 [no longer being developed]
    Quote from TPB»

    1) The crucible has a maximum capacity (around 100, i think). All the aspects that overflow from that maximum get directly dropped into the aura. You can spike the aura with flux this way.
    2) Have you got any sort of "proto" formula down on node interactions? Even something simple would be helpful for when i can get back into TC-ing
    3) Uhm, might be there's something wrong/we don't know about then. I would expect your levels to .... sort of equalize. Have you also tried with higher concentrations? Might be worth reopening / replying to the issue then.

    edit : Better put this in a spoiler :D

    1) Well if a thaumic apocalypse was what I wanted...
    2) Stronger one eats weaker one. With special nodes that might be more complicated, but not much.
    3) I guess the low concentrations might be the cause, but I still expect my totems to work, because they are pretty much completely useless if you can't even use them to grab that bit of leftover flux.
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    posted a message on Thaumcraft 6.1.BETA26 [no longer being developed]
    Quote from TPB»

    Regarding the flux situation:

    I suppose with "never got over 2 vitium" you mean that you slowly filled the crucible from the start and not dumped a lot of material all at once. If that's the case, good to know that a pure node can keep up :D

    Just for information,why were trying to reduce the size of the node? For science? Trying to get the rate of reduction?

    Regarding the Totem pole:
    Guess the situation is like this one: http://github.com/Azanor/thaumcraft-5/issues/234
    I suppose you are trying to se a "big range" totem like i did. Apparently the chunks that are affected by the totem are chosen at random. I've had pretty much 0 time to continue testing and now that i have time i've problems with my PC =(, but really i noticed that far off chunks are REALLY REALLY rarely affected at all.

    You could try reducing the range of the totem and moving it closer. Prehaps it helps, prehaps it will let you discover an issue.

    1. In TC5 it doesn't matter how much you throw in, but at what rate it decays. And if it decays naturally the node is faster. If you have more than 5 essentia in the pot and empty it with a wand, however, then you might launch some flux out of your chunk.
    2. I keep some strategically placed nodes around my home to both catch my flux(which failed because of me underestimating the smeltery) and provide vis. That node simply had the wrong type, so I damaged it to be able to manipulate it.
    3. In my testing world the flux went off in a radius of two chunks. I placed three outer poles just to be sure, then I though that this could lessen the effect of the totem and removed the three pillars again, so there was 8 targettable chunks left, 4 with 5 flux and 4 with 1-2flux, yet there was no effect at all.
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    posted a message on Thaumcraft 6.1.BETA26 [no longer being developed]
    Quote from Evil_Dylan»

    Of course, one needs to wait for Forge 1.9 to do anything. But my point was that 1.9 can't be too far away now.

    Ugh, when 1.9 comes out...some lags will be gone, but everything in this mod will have to be reworked AGAIN.
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    posted a message on Thaumcraft 6.1.BETA26 [no longer being developed]
    Quote from Robijnvogel»

    Don't you mean Cthulhu's sake?

    Azanor's sake?
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    posted a message on Thaumcraft 6.1.BETA26 [no longer being developed]
    Quote from Robijnvogel»

    If I were Azanor, I currently would not rewrite every appropriate Thaumonomicon entry after every update. Not long ago, he was asking what we might find about the idea of having just two types of vis, a positive one and taint, so I think we can assume that this aspect of Thaumcraft 5 is still under heavy development. I would wait with writing the specifics of some feature in the Thaumonomicon until after they' be "permanently" determined.

    Then again, I am not Azanor, now am I?

    Azanor doesn't seem to determine any specifics permanently.

    OKAY SO I did some experiments in creative and either the mod behaves differently in creative, because in creative a bubbling crucible CANNOT OUTSPEED a pure node(it was a rather small one, too. Only 15...whatever that number means)

    And there IS a treshold at which it starts spreading and while this treshold is very low a pure node still removes flux before it can reach the treshold.

    This means my situation in Singleplayer makes no sense, there shouldn't be any flux.

    Explanation for the flux therefore:

    I at one point did my alchemy in that chunk. A Thaumium essentia smeltery outspeeds a pure node when smelting big things. The flux did not come from the crucible, but from the smeltery.

    I also tested how to get rid of that flux in creative, but it turns out, the stupid totem of attraction doesn't do crap. It already burned through 6Tainted shards, but it seems to have stopped drawing anything in long ago, the flux I spread to test does not decrease in the slightest...

    Does the totem also have a treshold, which is so high, that it won't register the flux at all?

    In that case the Thaumaturge, me in that case, must have put this silly limitation there, so why can't I disable it? If it's for doing something about the flux for the Enderdragon's sake!
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    posted a message on Thaumcraft 6.1.BETA26 [no longer being developed]
    Quote from ewsmith»

    the aura acts like syrup. it flows faster when there is more. you created a mile high pillar of syrup. the node can eat flux quite fast, but it can't keep up with that flood.


    If there's at no point more than 2 vitium then that's one heck of a flood apparently...
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    posted a message on Thaumcraft 6.1.BETA26 [no longer being developed]

    The Thaumonomicon lied to me again!

    It claims that flux would gather in discrete areas before spreading into other chunks, but I tried to weaken a pure node by having a bubbling Crucible under it, now the chunk where the crucible never got beyond 2units of flux, but now there is flux in all neighboring chunks.


    Can't you rely on ANYTHING that this book says!?

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    posted a message on Thaumcraft 6.1.BETA26 [no longer being developed]
    Quote from Izidore»

    Shout out to anyone who knows.....

    Are all of the Golem tools/weapons no longer in the game or are they just not available in creative?

    Also, anybody good with command blocks? I love the portable hole effect and would like to figure out a way to use it for doors using a red stone signal (not a wand) I thought a command block may be able to do the trick but am clueless as to how to program it or even if it is possible.


    Golems are built in one piece now.

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    posted a message on Thaumcraft 6.1.BETA26 [no longer being developed]

    What are you all talking about?

    1. The foggy Eldritch pushovers spawn during the day as well.

    2. Wisps are incredibly abundant in the nether, on the overworld they are somewhat rare and seem to spawn from magic forests or auras with some flux.

    I am not sure if those from magic forests are not just flux-spawned as well.

    I have not seen tainted nodes lately, so not sure if they still spawn wisps. They did in the initial TC5 release, though.

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