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    posted a message on Thaumcraft 6.1.BETA26 [no longer being developed]
    Quote from TheLordEternal»

    Nice to see you again @Azanor, good to hear you've got some free time.

    Don't you go and spend it all in one place now.

    Though there is something on my mind i'd be happy if you could consider:

    I thought about it for a moment here and i am left wondering:

    perhaps Entropy should instead be a subset of Order, and Entropy as it currently is being changed with Chaos.

    Now my reasoning for this is rather simple, Firstly because true entropy seems to me to be a state of near maximum Order, seeing as its a state of little to no change possible. And secondly, because Chaos would hearken back to the old ideas of Chaos. Specifically, the Formless Chaos; The formless matter supposed to have existed before the creation of the universe, and the origin of all things.


    The Formless Chaos is creation, but it is often a destructive creation.

    Many times creating something new at the cost of something else.

    Chaos serves to create anew, but also to break apart.

    And without Order, the things it creates are often too ephemeral to subsist for long.

    Order serves to keep things stable and unchanging.

    It always prefers a state where minimum amounts of change is occurring.

    While Entropy is the piece of butter spread across a slice of bread until it became too thin to be seen,

    with little to no distinction between the butter and bread being visible.

    Order seeks for there to be nothing that changes, a perfect Void.

    Chaos seeks for everything to constantly be changing, a Cosmic soup.

    And as Order covered Chaos it created Time, and when Chaos filled in Order it created Space.

    While one gave structure to a formless Everything, the other gave substance to a empty Nothing.

    So it all came to be.


    In chemistry separating order and entropy is pretty hard, since order in one place usually means entropy in another.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Thaumcraft 6.1.BETA26 [no longer being developed]

    The new updates seem so specific and arbitrary, it feels like they are forcing the installation of mods they like and leaving the devs to work around them.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Thaumcraft 6.1.BETA26 [no longer being developed]

    1.7.10 for Blightfall and Terrafirmacraft, 1.8.9 for Thaumcraft.

    Other MC versions are irrelevant.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Thaumcraft 6.1.BETA26 [no longer being developed]
    Quote from Azanor»

    I'm studying part time - I still have a full time job atm, though I get to work from home a few days a week which helps a lot.

    Seeing your post count, make sure to make your next three posts count. :)
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Thaumcraft 6.1.BETA26 [no longer being developed]
    Quote from seraphimrock1»

    Don't be rude, I was just giving information based on what you said. Did I at any point call you dumb or say you were wrong? No I only said where he is from as a point to clarify the info I was reading. Gods some people. And yes your need to type in bold "s o m e w h a t b r i t i s h" was a very rude and unneeded attack. Now before you go off on me know that I am keeping this clean and only pointing out how uncalled for your actions are.

    You should not interpret any remotely ambiguous post as a personal attack against you.

    Do you shoot people who don't assure you of them having no hostile intentions everytime they go anywhere near you?

    If you call that "very rude". Then you should get off the internet while you still can with your sensitivity. I perceived your comment as far more rude than what I said.
    And it's not hard to feel this way when there is nothing about my comment that I can identify as rude in any way whatsoever.

    Specifically you said "Gods some people." Hypocrisy much? And you take that sort of thing to PMs it has nothing to do with Thaumcraft and I am just defending myself out of pride.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Thaumcraft 6.1.BETA26 [no longer being developed]
    Quote from seraphimrock1»

    Azanor is from south africa

    s o m e w h a t b r i t i s h
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Thaumcraft 6.1.BETA26 [no longer being developed]
    Quote from Dayyer»

    Is that a European thing or something? I live in the U.S. and my exams aren't until December, and I think I remember reading on here that Azanor lives somewhere in Europe. Germany, maybe?

    Anyways, U.S. schools usually have exams right before Christmas. (As far as I know. All my U.S. friends seem to, also.)

    He sounded somewhat british on his videos.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Thaumcraft 6.1.BETA26 [no longer being developed]
    Quote from Thermawrench»

    Aren't you in university? Where do you get free time from? Cause i keep hearing that universities are super time consuming.

    The exam phase ends this month for most. Once you are out of exams, you can take a breather.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Thaumcraft 6.1.BETA26 [no longer being developed]
    Quote from Azanor»

    my testers

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Do I really have to install all that rubbish?

    I must say I am gonna make an exception for the Twitch client here now.

    Sure it is annoying that I need it and I don't see why the people with the rights to distribute the modpacks don't simply do that directly.

    With all the random launchers you COULD install the modpacks directly and I would honestly encourage people to do so, because third-party launchers are a huge security risks and so i thought was Twitch.

    But the exception with Twitch is

    1. I already have an account there automatically by cretaing an account here, so less of a hassle.

    2. The Twitch client Launches the regular Minecraft Launcher in a special configuration, Twitch doesn't try to make me send important data through their services, which was a really scummy thing to do and every single Launcher did it, so I assumed Twitch would do that too.

    I had a bad day and I was really tired of all the Launchers and their practises.

    Note I didn't mean to call Twitch itself rubbish, merely the general practise of all Launchers now excluding Twitch.

    And all my frustration with the necessity of an additional program was after hours of walking someone through the process of hosting a singleplayer world on a server.

    Posted in: Mod Packs
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    posted a message on Do I really have to install all that rubbish?

    A friend wanted to play a mod pack with me, specifically SkyFactory3.0.13 and no matter where I look, I don't seem to be getting a proper file for the pack.

    All the files I find have only three mods in them and don't function as a pack and are apparently suppose dto be used from some Twitch app.

    No, I absolutely have no desire or intention to install random stupid third-party software on my computer every time I want to play a mod pack, which is nothing but a bunch of mods and configs and, rarely, maps.

    There is NO REASON to not simply put up a complete pack file somewhere, I could use it, I could install the proper Minecrfat version, install Forge and the pack. I am not stupid.

    So are they really going to force me to install this rubbish just to be able to play a game that does not require that program in any way to function whatsoever?

    Posted in: Mod Packs
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    posted a message on Thaumcraft 6.1.BETA26 [no longer being developed]
    Quote from Hyxaru»

    FFS guard golems are useless. Unless you use them for skeletons, they are doomed to meet a mighty champion that survives their first hit and then one shots the golem. FFS I lost a rank 6 guard golem I was training on a spider spawner.

    How strong exactly are mighty mobs? I am hevaily amroured and can survive jumping off a mountain into a charged creeper, but I heard about mighty zombies killing armoured players straight through runic shielding.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Thaumcraft 6.1.BETA26 [no longer being developed]
    Quote from Lyca0n»

    I love how some people are complaining all over about the az man having a busy life outside modding/not updating to the annoying 1.10->infinity, from the amount of passion and effort gone into his projects it can be assumed that it is unlikely that he won't return to the gaming and possibly minecraft.....Preferably not minecraft given his talent and mojangs lack of modding support

    Heck even if it is I am absolutely grateful for the amount of work he has done as a creator and even donated 80 quid over the last few years out of sheer enjoyment for the experience provided from being a magicpunk asshole when it came to servers as not only does it require insane creativity but the amount of hours getting around minecrafts goddamn engine must have been infuriating....So if you ever read this (unlikely) god spede Azanor and if you ever want someone to remake thaumcraft based on the source I know a guy ;)

    Edit: Sorry I had close to 9 people (probably young teenagers) complaining about this on a server and it pissed me off

    I have been watching a lot of Total Biscuit lately and one video is a discussion of an attempted system of paid mods that did not work out.
    While a lot of the discussion is about the particular case and have no relevance here, some point do apply and I found it quite enlightening.

    You can Probably put the people who complain here on 3day accounts to those kids you meet in the server. Like their short lifespan implies, they are likely not really part of our community and have no understanding of what it means to make mods for free for people like us.

    I mean technically Thaumcraft is a paid mod, because people were paying Azanor to make making it easier for Azanor(just so he has more of an incentive to work on it, not that he demands money from us as some of these trolls claimed).

    I won't put any more lines supportive of Azanor here, because by now it's obvious that the real community here supports him to no end, but I will link the video here.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Thaumcraft 6.1.BETA26 [no longer being developed]

    Too many eyes!

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Thaumcraft 6.1.BETA26 [no longer being developed]
    Quote from Dayyer»

    How many of you still play 1.7.10, and how many of you in 1.7.10 use Forestry?

    ...asking for personal reasons...

    Playing Thaumcraft alone on 1.8.9. Playing Blightfall on 1.7.10.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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