Having a few issues attempting to connect to my modded server for Moonquest 0.17.0. The following errors keep occurring:
ID 1255 is mismatched between world and game
ID 1254 is mismatched between world and game
ID 1253 is mismatched between world and game
ID 1256 is mismatched between world and game
I'm launching off the ATLauncher and using CreeperHost for the server, in case that's of any help. I've seen issues such as this pointing to Minefactory as the issue, but I checked my modlist, and that's not one of the mods in use ._. Any help would be appreciated, though I'll continue searching about and trying various other solutions.
I think the source of contention here is the addition of copyright laws into a discussion that really doesn't have much to do with it. What is actually here is a Contract Law discussion, as that's exactly what an EULA is, it's a contract that you agree to before you play the game. While yes, it's not right that it can be worded to suspend your natural rights, you agreed to it by continuing to play the game legally. So long as you continue to play the game legally, you are subject to the contract of the EULA. What does this mean legally speaking? It means that you have no grounds for dispute unless the EULA is found to be unlawful. Whereas with Copyright Law you can argue from dusk till dawn about who is right and why, and never really have definitive proof otherwise, Contract Law is rather black and white. You are either in agreement with the EULA and obey it, or you are not. If you are not obeying the EULA, then you are subject to legal action, and it's really that simple.
To be honest though, you really shouldn't be tacking on copyright notices at the bottom of your posts when you submit a mod, as there is really nothing you can do to challenge someone over it, as previously stated multiple times within this thread.
Personally, I have no issue with terrain generation in 1.7, I find it quite satisfying. I can, however, see where some people may not like it, but it's still not a "problem", a descriptor that has been tossed about quite a bit in the thread. If it was a "problem", then more than just the vocal minority would be having issue with it and giving credence to your argument OP. This is not the case from reading not only this thread, but others as well. In the end, it's simply a matter of personal taste and one person arguing their opinion over another's.
Those seeds don't provide you with the second best tools in the game and enchanting, you should stop being so rude to me I have done nothing to you (excuse me for having a different opinion than you). I'm not taking advantage of anything, I'm not that into the leaderboards to just start taking advantage of the tutorial world, whoever does that is just a jerk. EDIT: You may also be able to just dig down and find diamonds some times, but some times you're not so lucky, I just think someone should be rewarded for their work rather than being peed on by people using the tutorial world.
Really, you're the only one being rude here. As UU&A95 has stated multiple times, but you consistently skip over, the Tutorial World has a very specific purpose, and that is to encourage new players. That is the reason why leaderboards are enabled for the Tutorial World, and that is also why the world has certain advantages. Also, for someone "...not that into leaderboards..." you wouldn't care whether or not people boost with the Tutorial World, you would continue about your business, because you're "Not that into leaderboards". Tone down the hostility bro, most of us are mature adults and capable of holding an intelligent debate. Throwing around words and phrases that paints the actions of others into a purposefully negative light misconstrues your point and most people will only skip over your arguments for what they are.
As I said, most of the people using the tutorial world are just using it as a TUTORIAL... to learn how to play the game. Most of them are also thrilled to see that their first mob kill goes onto a leaderboard and it encourages them to continue to learn more about playing the game. Within a very short time, most people I've taught want to move onto a regular seed. Then, they quickly become involved in building their own dream worlds and never return to play in the tutorial again. There may be a very few expert people out there playing on the tutorial world, but trust me that most of those would make up for any "advantage" the stuff in the tutorial world might give them in a very short length of time on a normal seed anyway. It's simply NOT an effective way of boosting the leaderboard stats. For those who do boost, they use other more effective techniques on regular seeds.
I have played one tutorial world with a friend I was initially teaching to play the game. We've continued to play that world since TU9... BUT, before you accuse me of boosting anything and peeing on anyone... I NEVER played that world using a LIVE enabled gamertag... so, anything I may have used that 4J put into the world has not gone towards improving my leaderboard position in ANY way, shape or form.
People who use the tutorial world as a tutorial tool are NOT peeing on you... you're peeing on them.
Right on point, though I occasionally play the Tutorial World because I like adventuring around it. It's more fun for me to adventure through a world I haven't built.
This is my idea of a difficulty that gets progressively harder as you go on. The more ore you mine, the more mobs you kill, the harder it is going to get. Like first, it starts like easy. The mobs don't do much to you. Then after a while, it will progress to like normal. Then after a while, it turns into hard, where the mobs do more damage and they are smarter.
This part is cool, and I'm alright with it though I wouldn't use it. The idea has been played around with by several developers in other games, and I believe it's called "Adaptive Difficulty", where in most cases the game simply increases difficulty in accordance with time spent in game. There have been some cases where the game's AI actually "learns" from the player's action and tailors its own responses accordingly.
Then they start spawning with higher quality stuff. Then you get skeletons with swords and armor, and new zombies that can hulk smash you, a hit animation similar to the iron golem, but downwards smash, looking like a hulk smash. The hulk smash should break blocks. Endermen would now spawn with more arms, and now not only pick up more blocks, but now throw them as an attack pattern. Then dragons should spawn every once in a while that can breathe fire. Then the mobs should take less damage from fire. If you make it the whole way without without dying, there should be a 100 point achievement for doing it.
This is the part where my palm impacts my face with force. No. In fact, I would go so far as to say that this section pretty much ruins your whole suggestion. You would be better off just removing it.
Looking through seeds I've found a few good ones, but one I'm really looking for is an epic-mountains seed. A seed with 75-100% mountains across the map. Any help would be much appreciated.
sorry errybody but my interwebs i acting up and i keep gettin disconnected. so because of that, da server is closed, but if i happen to be online and joinable at some point, feel free to join
Damn, that's harsh, although we should still get some games in sometime.
For the first map, there are in fact three trees on it. The one in the bottom right corner, as well as two on an island to the top left of the map, towards the center. I'll drop the actual coordinates if you need them. I would in fact be interested in these libraries, although I'm playing this map as a strict surface-only map.
the issues were the lava and fires on the exterior of buildings so sorry default delta, i had to cut off your lava flows but i left all the source blocks intact for recovery
Hey, that's fine, I was actually thinking of relocating the keep and getting rid of the lava. I've been having trouble logging on to Live lately, but am still participating and will try to get on as soon as I can.
well the server is SO AWESOME that it broke my xbox. its basically limping but because of my wishful future on youtube, a new one is on the way. damn microsoft wins again. The server will be intermittently up in the next week for preparation of the hunger games for when my working xbox gets here. i am broke and sad now but the future of my server will still be as grandiose and amazing as I have planned so fear not, for TheRyManEffect will try his best to still keep the server operational in this trying time. Thanks for all the support and participation regardless!
New players - I will try to get you all introduced to the server as soon as possible
Active players - i blew up all of your houses
EDIT: I didn't blow up your houses.
And here I was going to move the castle again, well. At least this gives me some time to work on my own map.
I moved my house so that we could get some more communal building-type-space in front of the hub there, maybe some form of Inn with beds and such? I'll be on sometime in the afternoon on saturday, got errands to run first though.
ID 1255 is mismatched between world and game
ID 1254 is mismatched between world and game
ID 1253 is mismatched between world and game
ID 1256 is mismatched between world and game
I'm launching off the ATLauncher and using CreeperHost for the server, in case that's of any help. I've seen issues such as this pointing to Minefactory as the issue, but I checked my modlist, and that's not one of the mods in use ._. Any help would be appreciated, though I'll continue searching about and trying various other solutions.
To be honest though, you really shouldn't be tacking on copyright notices at the bottom of your posts when you submit a mod, as there is really nothing you can do to challenge someone over it, as previously stated multiple times within this thread.
From the thread, pretty much first thing you see.
Really, you're the only one being rude here. As UU&A95 has stated multiple times, but you consistently skip over, the Tutorial World has a very specific purpose, and that is to encourage new players. That is the reason why leaderboards are enabled for the Tutorial World, and that is also why the world has certain advantages. Also, for someone "...not that into leaderboards..." you wouldn't care whether or not people boost with the Tutorial World, you would continue about your business, because you're "Not that into leaderboards". Tone down the hostility bro, most of us are mature adults and capable of holding an intelligent debate. Throwing around words and phrases that paints the actions of others into a purposefully negative light misconstrues your point and most people will only skip over your arguments for what they are.
Right on point, though I occasionally play the Tutorial World because I like adventuring around it. It's more fun for me to adventure through a world I haven't built.
This part is cool, and I'm alright with it though I wouldn't use it. The idea has been played around with by several developers in other games, and I believe it's called "Adaptive Difficulty", where in most cases the game simply increases difficulty in accordance with time spent in game. There have been some cases where the game's AI actually "learns" from the player's action and tailors its own responses accordingly.
This is the part where my palm impacts my face with force. No. In fact, I would go so far as to say that this section pretty much ruins your whole suggestion. You would be better off just removing it.
Not sure how you feel about snow-biomes, but the seed "Ron Paul" has a rather large mountain center of the map with some rolling hills around it.
Damn, that's harsh, although we should still get some games in sometime.
Hey, that's fine, I was actually thinking of relocating the keep and getting rid of the lava. I've been having trouble logging on to Live lately, but am still participating and will try to get on as soon as I can.
And here I was going to move the castle again, well. At least this gives me some time to work on my own map.
Okay, I see how it is.