There might not be as much stuff in Terraria as you expect because it has only been out for about 6 days so far. :tongue.gif:, Well I put in my vote for terraria.
So I was playing around with this mod, trying to make stuff dramatic by fighting tons of mobs in the rain. And this happened.
I think it happened because I had the freeze command on when I spawned them. :tongue.gif: The body's are still there and they're following me D:
Lol. Funny picture. Try using /killall[/quote]
I just used killall, and it worked :biggrin.gif: So now im trying it again, This time with skeles and spiders.
So I was playing around with this mod, trying to make stuff dramatic by fighting tons of mobs in the rain. And this happened.
I think it happened because I had the freeze command on when I spawned them. :tongue.gif: The body's are still there and they're following me D:
OMG are those pigmen? o.o Or you just replaced the skin of zombie pigmen?
Anyways yea, after using the freeze command which apparently freezes you also, the mobs turn like this D:
Restart Minecraft to fix
No, Those arent pigmen, They're yetis. o_o From the painterly pack.
So I was playing around with this mod, trying to make stuff dramatic by fighting tons of mobs in the rain. And this happened.
I think it happened because I had the freeze command on when I spawned them. :tongue.gif: The body's are still there and they're following me D:
My laptop does have a F2 key, Just its the internet key. So when I press it it just disconnects me from the internet and it pauses minecraft. (Its true.) Also, I switched from my old painterly pack to the original minecraft one and it changed the white square to a sapling.
Look for a key that says "FN" probably in a different color, and hold that while you press F2. It's probably under your left shift key..
Kk, That worked. Now heres the picture :biggrin.gif:
Uploaded with
I just noticed theres a brown sheep in the background. o_o
My laptop does have a F2 key, Just its the internet key. So when I press it it just disconnects me from the internet and it pauses minecraft. (Its true.) Also, I switched from my old painterly pack to the original minecraft one and it changed the white square to a sapling.
Yeah, I was playing on minecraft right after the 1.5 update, And i noticed these plain white items on the ground, So I picked them up and it said they were a sapling... o_o I cant take screenshots cause im on a laptop, I thought it was a birch sapling or something. Im not sure if this has happened to anyone else yet.
Minecraft Username: Shermy
Gender (Male/Female):Male
Country of Residence:Seattle,WA
Your Character's Background (Roleplaying)(5 Sent. Min.):He worked as a miner, And the day when the zombie infection had started he was on his day-off. He was playing solitare, When there was a thump outside. He got up and walked towards the window, and when he got there he noticed that there was zombies on his lawn. (o_o) When he turned around to get his pickaxe to fight,He noticed that zombies were climbing through his window. So he quickly snatched up his pickaxe and ran towards a ladder that led to his small safe-house. He waited at the safehouse until the zombies decided to go somewhere else, Then he made a break for it. (At least i tried. :l)
An Image of your Character (as you imagine them): An light-brown skinned man with emerald green eyes,A plain olive shirt,dark brown hair, black pants, and leather brown shoes.
Why do you want to join OUR server? (3 Sent. Min.):It has so much epic game mechanics and its just...Awesome. :tongue.gif:
What can you bring to the community? (2 Sent. Min.):My fighting skills? I guess.
Do you have a microphone (Yes/No)No
Will you be active on our Ventrillo (Yes/No):Nope
Have you read all the rules? Lieing will result in perm. denied. (Yes/No):Yes.
Have you read and understood the lore? Lieing will result in perm. denied. (Yes/No):Yup.
Do you understand the Game Mechanics / Currency system? (Yes/No): Yep.
Have you downloaded and installed our custom texturepack? (Yes/No): Yesh.
Any other information you would like us to know about you:I usually dont talk alot when I first get on servers. And I wont grief. :biggrin.gif:
Do You Have a Referral, if so who? (Leave blank if none):
Minecraft Username: Shermy
Gender (Male/Female):Male
Country of Residence:Washington
Your Character's Background (Roleplaying)(5 Sent. Min.):Just the average civilian, Works as a woodcutter.
An Image of your Character (as you imagine them): An olive-skinned man with a brown shirt and blue pants, and black shoes.
Why do you want to join OUR server? (3 Sent. Min.):The fact that it has Skills, RPG, And because its an zombie survival.
What can you bring to the community? (2 Sent. Min.):Im an average fighter,But if im on low health and have no consumables i'll just run away. Also i'll help alot. (aka: Luring a zombie away (or trying to) from someone with low health.
Do you have a microphone (Yes/No):No
Will you be active on our Ventrillo (Yes/No):No
Have you read all the rules? Lieing will result in perm. denied. (Yes/No):Yes
Have you read and understood the lore? Lieing will result in perm. denied. (Yes/No):Yes
Do you understand the Game Mechanics / Currency system? (Yes/No): Yes
Have you downloaded and installed our custom texturepack? (Yes/No): No, I like my painterly one. But if you need me to, I will.
Any other information you would like us to know about you:Nope.
Do You Have a Referral, if so who? (Leave blank if none):No.
Yes, yes indeed. BTW whitelsit I would estimate will be done by 1:00 "US, EASTERN TIMES" and i think that the server is also hosted in the "EAST" of the United States. So some time soon. Be pactient.
Age and Location:15, WA
Do You Have a Referral? (Optional):No
Why Do You Want To Join? (2 Sent. Min.): So much epic game mechanics :tongue.gif:
Why should we accept you over everyone else?:Meh, Im an ok fighter but not that good, If I have low health and no healing items, i'll just run away. And I'll sacrifice. :tongue.gif:
Have you read all the rules? Lieing will result in perm. denied. (Y/N):Yes
Have you read and understood the lore? Lieing will result in perm. denied. (Y/N):Yes
Do you understand the Game Mechanics / Currency system? (Y/N):Yes
Have you Ever Been Banned? If so, why? (Be Honest, If We Find Out You Lied, You'll Be Banned Here Too.):Yes, But I was new to SMP.
I Just saw a claptrap humping Chuck Norris, while flying in a Minivan, But he couldn't see Spock spying on Notch, so he assumed that the Moon was made of creeper poop. Clearly, John did something retarded like urinate rainbows, so I ran away to Mars whilst riding your mother's corpse. Everyone laughed at how Miley Cyrus is high on salvia and reeds. Why bother smoking pedobear's awesome cigs? Because everyone loves Minecraft. So I died. Pokemon loves Notch. My awesome salamander loves to rub gasoline on bookshelves because he sees X-ray beams telling him that fire is good. Mr. Salamander lives in a giant lava dome lined with wool. Then Justin Bieber radically humped his toaster like a (G6), but everyone laughed at a giant car.
MOO said "Howeth... I am thou shagmeister. You taste of retard, Balls, Cock, Magic Mushrooms and your mum is hot. Chuck Norris molests Ross_H.Crap because the cake is a lie licking ice-cream O.o In double-rainbow land. Spy chicken POTATOES!! DIE!!!!!1! In SPARTA!!" While Leonidas watches Persians dance in blue explosives. Tecno viking loves head-banging boys, Morgan Freeman watches little children brush hear. I love creepers in my house because they blow up my TV and ****. Meanwhile, Mecha-Mr. T was licking my asshole and sucking carpets up his spaghetti throat. Objection! The power ranger's Batmobile needs cake to fly or it can't fly. I smoked sugar. The new Batmobile crashed due to poisoned cake parasites similar to flood toasters or purple headcrab-sheep with machine heads that GlaDOs sexy machine-ass noclips 24/7. Dogs getting ****ed by a creepy pedophile, the dog has worms, the dog is a boy dog and getting ****ed by a man, however, the man gets worms after ****ing the dog. WTF. Instinctively humping cows vigorously, the beast roared sensually and called "THIS HARD COWHIDE IS SOFT!". The buttsecks champion's Penis is big and soft and lumpy. Rapists love towels atop a MW2 pancake. I want milkshakes. We like cheez3burgers in syrup from space! Gimps and lactose-intolerant chickens ****ing a goat monster in pineapple McAnus-ville *NSYNC while Scottie the Pimp the hotdog king Universe imagined by dildo's magic Waffle-brand pancakes! Lord DavidAngel64 did not suck. Afro ate garbage with his ears then snorted antidisestablishmentarianism then went berserk and yelled "THIS... IS... SPARTA!!!". Pancakes monster killed a shaft the hobgoblin's ass. Then Sparta exploded into Yemen. Sponges mutilate Ninetales's enemies pancakes, then had an affair with Lapras who ate mustard atop pancake's ass. Overweight nutcracker's pancakes are fat pancake-stack. Blaze rules butt kickers. Not sucky, but awesome! In Soviet Russia, AYFTracks owns faggots eaterz pancake. Homosexual cats have pancakes that taste like Blazes gigantic pancakes! Then forgot Jewish pancakes! Pancakes should be increased. Flubbernuggets taste like waffles! Strange Batman wants alphabet cakes. Let's walk alone with dolphins which hate mudkipz. Therefore, pie waffle's pancakes waffle cupcake taste like Cheeto's junk. Rapists don't love piggy's. However,they have a lot of **** waffles that come around when Megan Fox shows PANCAKES to Justin Bieber's waffle. Bieber's waffles were exploding by nuclear PANCAKES. However, her missing balls had made the game a lot more sexy, while the dog readied his **** inside of the woman's ***** and shoved it in there, skeeting all over the place. The lady then drops the soap in the shower and she picked it up, and the dog licked the **** out of her ass. The lady called the cops and told them the dog was raping her, however, they arrested the lady because that is animal abuse. Miku jumped until she/he bathed in pancakes. Finally, ShamWows made The President kill Vegeta with lard. Turtles pooped sulfur and dioxide. Suddenly, PANCAKES! Thousands of butts penetrated by big bookshelves bereft with poison PANCAKES! Diarrhea tastes better than WAFFLES! surprisingly, fat black creepers sucked hippopotamonstrosesquipedaliophobic spiders' youknowwhat. Notch is cooler than pigman butts whenshitofcoursecomestoanendandbreaksthiswholestory. Dancing Pepsi is better than hot butts inside Chuck Norris because creepers penis of and a creeper raped your mom. Luckily, this was seen on the internet by X-treme fubar. Bonsly was hardening. Penis. I ate playstation porn flakes poo. Which is Lucky Charms Breakfast pouring profanity penis inside butts and a creeper raped pigs while i crafted Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis but Megan Fox is making love with a nerd. I was the happiest creeper that has the most pineapples and condoms. However, a black dog is sucking Justin Bieber's toes and tickling her tiny little armpit. Then, I started complaining about llamas. Herobrine is sucking justin's spy-cam,meanwhile justin bieber is spying on Chuck Norris's um, you know..but herobrine only know: his butthole was very smelly, man. Megan fox had cancer and crabs so she was equal to Notch. Squid hates a creeper licking and killing skeletons with creeper poop eating jellied Notches. Megan loves lamp more than justin bieber getting shot while giving cancer to a baby. Microwaves puke out Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis so something eroctic occurred up, this something was a banana painted the clout of a penis, just beiber got hold of it and tryed to shuv it places were the sun dont shine. My milkshake started freezing some methionylthreonylthreonylglutaminylarginyltyrosylglutamylserylleucylphenylalanylalanylglutaminylleucyllysylglutamylarginyllysylglutamylglycylalanylphenylalanylvalylprolylphenylalanylvalylthreonylleucylglycylaspartylprolylglycylisoleucylglutamylglutaminylserylleucyllysylisoleucylaspartylthreonylleucylisoleucylglutamylalanylglycylalanylaspartylalanylleucylglutamyl and it was SPARTA! shouted NOTCH PANCAKINGTON who slapped Megan. ONOESSSSESS! said "ka-chow!" Diamonds are shinier than my
Lol. Funny picture. Try using /killall[/quote]
I just used killall, and it worked :biggrin.gif: So now im trying it again, This time with skeles and spiders.
No, Those arent pigmen, They're yetis. o_o From the painterly pack.
I think it happened because I had the freeze command on when I spawned them. :tongue.gif: The body's are still there and they're following me D:
Kk, That worked. Now heres the picture :biggrin.gif:
Uploaded with
I just noticed theres a brown sheep in the background. o_o
cause i didnt get accepted last time...
Gender (Male/Female):Male
Country of Residence:Seattle,WA
Your Character's Background (Roleplaying)(5 Sent. Min.):He worked as a miner, And the day when the zombie infection had started he was on his day-off. He was playing solitare, When there was a thump outside. He got up and walked towards the window, and when he got there he noticed that there was zombies on his lawn. (o_o) When he turned around to get his pickaxe to fight,He noticed that zombies were climbing through his window. So he quickly snatched up his pickaxe and ran towards a ladder that led to his small safe-house. He waited at the safehouse until the zombies decided to go somewhere else, Then he made a break for it. (At least i tried. :l)
An Image of your Character (as you imagine them): An light-brown skinned man with emerald green eyes,A plain olive shirt,dark brown hair, black pants, and leather brown shoes.
Why do you want to join OUR server? (3 Sent. Min.):It has so much epic game mechanics and its just...Awesome. :tongue.gif:
What can you bring to the community? (2 Sent. Min.):My fighting skills? I guess.
Do you have a microphone (Yes/No)No
Will you be active on our Ventrillo (Yes/No):Nope
Have you read all the rules? Lieing will result in perm. denied. (Yes/No):Yes.
Have you read and understood the lore? Lieing will result in perm. denied. (Yes/No):Yup.
Do you understand the Game Mechanics / Currency system? (Yes/No): Yep.
Have you downloaded and installed our custom texturepack? (Yes/No): Yesh.
Any other information you would like us to know about you:I usually dont talk alot when I first get on servers. And I wont grief. :biggrin.gif:
Do You Have a Referral, if so who? (Leave blank if none):
Gender (Male/Female):Male
Country of Residence:Washington
Your Character's Background (Roleplaying)(5 Sent. Min.):Just the average civilian, Works as a woodcutter.
An Image of your Character (as you imagine them): An olive-skinned man with a brown shirt and blue pants, and black shoes.
Why do you want to join OUR server? (3 Sent. Min.):The fact that it has Skills, RPG, And because its an zombie survival.
What can you bring to the community? (2 Sent. Min.):Im an average fighter,But if im on low health and have no consumables i'll just run away. Also i'll help alot. (aka: Luring a zombie away (or trying to) from someone with low health.
Do you have a microphone (Yes/No):No
Will you be active on our Ventrillo (Yes/No):No
Have you read all the rules? Lieing will result in perm. denied. (Yes/No):Yes
Have you read and understood the lore? Lieing will result in perm. denied. (Yes/No):Yes
Do you understand the Game Mechanics / Currency system? (Yes/No): Yes
Have you downloaded and installed our custom texturepack? (Yes/No): No, I like my painterly one. But if you need me to, I will.
Any other information you would like us to know about you:Nope.
Do You Have a Referral, if so who? (Leave blank if none):No.
EDIT: Forgot it again.
Alright. :tongue.gif:
Age and Location:15, WA
Do You Have a Referral? (Optional):No
Why Do You Want To Join? (2 Sent. Min.): So much epic game mechanics :tongue.gif:
Why should we accept you over everyone else?:Meh, Im an ok fighter but not that good, If I have low health and no healing items, i'll just run away. And I'll sacrifice. :tongue.gif:
Have you read all the rules? Lieing will result in perm. denied. (Y/N):Yes
Have you read and understood the lore? Lieing will result in perm. denied. (Y/N):Yes
Do you understand the Game Mechanics / Currency system? (Y/N):Yes
Have you Ever Been Banned? If so, why? (Be Honest, If We Find Out You Lied, You'll Be Banned Here Too.):Yes, But I was new to SMP.
EDIT: Oops, <>< %%%
MOO said "Howeth... I am thou shagmeister. You taste of retard, Balls, Cock, Magic Mushrooms and your mum is hot. Chuck Norris molests Ross_H.Crap because the cake is a lie licking ice-cream O.o In double-rainbow land. Spy chicken POTATOES!! DIE!!!!!1! In SPARTA!!" While Leonidas watches Persians dance in blue explosives. Tecno viking loves head-banging boys, Morgan Freeman watches little children brush hear. I love creepers in my house because they blow up my TV and ****. Meanwhile, Mecha-Mr. T was licking my asshole and sucking carpets up his spaghetti throat. Objection! The power ranger's Batmobile needs cake to fly or it can't fly. I smoked sugar. The new Batmobile crashed due to poisoned cake parasites similar to flood toasters or purple headcrab-sheep with machine heads that GlaDOs sexy machine-ass noclips 24/7. Dogs getting ****ed by a creepy pedophile, the dog has worms, the dog is a boy dog and getting ****ed by a man, however, the man gets worms after ****ing the dog. WTF. Instinctively humping cows vigorously, the beast roared sensually and called "THIS HARD COWHIDE IS SOFT!". The buttsecks champion's Penis is big and soft and lumpy. Rapists love towels atop a MW2 pancake. I want milkshakes. We like cheez3burgers in syrup from space! Gimps and lactose-intolerant chickens ****ing a goat monster in pineapple McAnus-ville *NSYNC while Scottie the Pimp the hotdog king Universe imagined by dildo's magic Waffle-brand pancakes! Lord DavidAngel64 did not suck. Afro ate garbage with his ears then snorted antidisestablishmentarianism then went berserk and yelled "THIS... IS... SPARTA!!!". Pancakes monster killed a shaft the hobgoblin's ass. Then Sparta exploded into Yemen. Sponges mutilate Ninetales's enemies pancakes, then had an affair with Lapras who ate mustard atop pancake's ass. Overweight nutcracker's pancakes are fat pancake-stack. Blaze rules butt kickers. Not sucky, but awesome! In Soviet Russia, AYFTracks owns faggots eaterz pancake. Homosexual cats have pancakes that taste like Blazes gigantic pancakes! Then forgot Jewish pancakes! Pancakes should be increased. Flubbernuggets taste like waffles! Strange Batman wants alphabet cakes. Let's walk alone with dolphins which hate mudkipz. Therefore, pie waffle's pancakes waffle cupcake taste like Cheeto's junk. Rapists don't love piggy's. However,they have a lot of **** waffles that come around when Megan Fox shows PANCAKES to Justin Bieber's waffle. Bieber's waffles were exploding by nuclear PANCAKES. However, her missing balls had made the game a lot more sexy, while the dog readied his **** inside of the woman's ***** and shoved it in there, skeeting all over the place. The lady then drops the soap in the shower and she picked it up, and the dog licked the **** out of her ass. The lady called the cops and told them the dog was raping her, however, they arrested the lady because that is animal abuse. Miku jumped until she/he bathed in pancakes. Finally, ShamWows made The President kill Vegeta with lard. Turtles pooped sulfur and dioxide. Suddenly, PANCAKES! Thousands of butts penetrated by big bookshelves bereft with poison PANCAKES! Diarrhea tastes better than WAFFLES! surprisingly, fat black creepers sucked hippopotamonstrosesquipedaliophobic spiders' youknowwhat. Notch is cooler than pigman butts whenshitofcoursecomestoanendandbreaksthiswholestory. Dancing Pepsi is better than hot butts inside Chuck Norris because creepers penis of and a creeper raped your mom. Luckily, this was seen on the internet by X-treme fubar. Bonsly was hardening. Penis. I ate playstation porn flakes poo. Which is Lucky Charms Breakfast pouring profanity penis inside butts and a creeper raped pigs while i crafted Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis but Megan Fox is making love with a nerd. I was the happiest creeper that has the most pineapples and condoms. However, a black dog is sucking Justin Bieber's toes and tickling her tiny little armpit. Then, I started complaining about llamas. Herobrine is sucking justin's spy-cam,meanwhile justin bieber is spying on Chuck Norris's um, you know..but herobrine only know: his butthole was very smelly, man. Megan fox had cancer and crabs so she was equal to Notch. Squid hates a creeper licking and killing skeletons with creeper poop eating jellied Notches. Megan loves lamp more than justin bieber getting shot while giving cancer to a baby. Microwaves puke out Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis so something eroctic occurred up, this something was a banana painted the clout of a penis, just beiber got hold of it and tryed to shuv it places were the sun dont shine. My milkshake started freezing some methionylthreonylthreonylglutaminylarginyltyrosylglutamylserylleucylphenylalanylalanylglutaminylleucyllysylglutamylarginyllysylglutamylglycylalanylphenylalanylvalylprolylphenylalanylvalylthreonylleucylglycylaspartylprolylglycylisoleucylglutamylglutaminylserylleucyllysylisoleucylaspartylthreonylleucylisoleucylglutamylalanylglycylalanylaspartylalanylleucylglutamyl and it was SPARTA! shouted NOTCH PANCAKINGTON who slapped Megan. ONOESSSSESS! said "ka-chow!" Diamonds are shinier than my